# Development Grants to ADAO ## Development Capacity ADAO will publish information about the particular skills and expertise it can offer for open-source tool development within the Cardano ecosystem. ADAO can publish an hourly rate per service or per ADAO developer that can be used to help inform grant/bounty planning. ## Roadmap ADAO will have a published roadmap with capacity, priority, stakeholders, open-source release plan, and funding constraints or contingencies. This will allow grant partners to understand where their individual tooling / roadmap needs diverge from the published roadmap. This enables prospective partners to: - plan grants - determine relative priority of needs vs. existing roadmap - estimate costs - estimate timelines ## Grant Bounties Framing isn't as client<!->service, but instead as grantor<->grantee through bounties. Grants to support the release of the open-source tools required to deliver on grant objectves, with the intention of open-sourcing whatever is developed in connection with the grant bounties. The structuring is intended to be optimal for ADAO's mission and constraints. - Each ADAO developer to work on Disco tooling will have an ADAO hourly cost rate. - Each task in the roadmap is assigned one or more developer(s). - Each task is given an estimated number of hours (in negotiation with both parties) per developer for completion. - The bounty amount in ADA per task is the estimated number of hours per developer by the pre-approved hourly reimbursement rate for each. - ADAO will have the primary right to claim the bounty, but exclusivity expires at a particular date set for each task. - For grant approval, the devs assigned must accept the bounty challenge details task by task: - Timeline - Their own assignment - Confirmation of hourly rate - Confirmation of estimated hours for task - If a task is grant dependent, marked for development cost reimbursement, and grant funds are depleted, then a new grant bounty can be requested. However, once work starts on an existing bounty, the bounty amount cannot be modified. ADAO and the prospective partner will provide a developer and a partnership manager to facilitate the process. ## Approval and Memorandum of Understanding At this point, - the partnership roadmap has a list of tasks - each task has a - set of assigned developers - a estimated number of hours - an estimated dev cost - an exclusivity expiration date - Once ADAO approves the partnership roadmap for integration into the ADAO main roadmap, the grant bounties will be made open by the partner. Once the grant bounties are opened, ADAO will sign an MOU of its intention to seek the grant bounties as described in the partnership roadmap. ADAO will integrate the partnership roadmap into the ADAO roadmap and claim the grant bounties as the tasks are completed.