# 2023-06 CentOS board meeting
Zoom link : https://zoom.us/j/99567225678
Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place.
# 2023-06 CentOS board meeting - Agenda
# Attendees
## Board members
* Amy
* bex
* Jeff
* Josh
* Pat (chair)
* Davide
* Shaun
* Thomas
* Mike
## Directors Absent
* Celeste
* Johnny
## Guests
* Lance Albertson
* Brian Stinson
# Agenda
* Previous minutes
* [Previous Minutes](https://hackmd.io/t8CKQceAQzOzVqvGVE3t1w)
### On going discussion
* [What is Success for Stream](https://hackmd.io/_lDmx7uRQbeJ306HVR0Rhg)
* Secure boot for SIGs (aka #67)
* To be discussed more in details in July
* In contact with more people for help, Brian will come back to discuss it in July
* Is it better to track the progress in an infra ticket ?
* bugzilla or ticket to be added.
* Discourse vs mailman
* Hosting a mailing not as trivial.
* Bex : Combine infrastructure makes sense. Ask feedback from Fedora council for feedback ?
* Davide : Combine with Fedora even if we keep mailing lists
* Bex : Shaun could check with Justin
* Shaun : Discourse is hosted and the plan could likely accomodate CentOS
* Bex: check with other communities too.
* koji tags for CBS and RHEL targets
* https://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-devel/2023-June/142974.html
* Specific package to enable extra repos on RHEL
* Davide: individual sig to choose a repo with -release
* Brian: no plan to centralize all the -release
* Brian to reply and to help clarifying.
### Issues
**Issues to be discussed**
* #89 https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/89
* t_functionnal will go on.
* https://github.com/CentOS/sig-core-t_functional
* recent update : https://testing.stream.centos.org/
* Davide : contributing test would be great as a new contribution
* Review the wiki doc and see if improvement are necessary
* Shaun : mention it in the contributor's guide
* #80 https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/80
* No update (legal)
* #90 https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/90
* quay.io namespace
* Josh to follow-up with Shaun and Brian S.
* Link to the SIG docs moving away from wiki
**Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)**
* None
**New issues**
* None
**Issues on hold**
* None
### Community Architect updates
* Flock and CentOS Connect CFP is open until June 20. Please spread the word.
### SIG Reports
### AOB
* Loss of Alan Bartlett from EL Repo
* https://wiki.centos.org/AlanBartlett
* Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with Alan's family and loved ones. We stand united in offering our condolences and support during this challenging time.
* Send a card from the project.
### Executive session (~15min to be reserved)
###### tags: `agenda`