# 2022-04 CentOS board meeting
Zoom link : https://us06web.zoom.us/s/83653054878
Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place.
# 2022-04 CentOS board meeting - Agenda
# Attendees
## Board members
* Pat Riehecky
* Celeste
* Amy
* Thomas
* Shaun
* Brian
* Mike
* Josh Boyer
* Davide
* Bex
## Directors Absent
* Tru
* Johnny
## Guests
* Neal Gompa
* Lance Albertson
* Brian Stinson
* Rich Bowen
* Aoife Moloney
# Agenda
* Previous minutes
* https://hackmd.io/u0FO2fwsRqyswpyxIRMoow
### New Business
* Code of Conduct Committee
* Put together a group of people / Breaches can be shared with Fedora and taking action accordingly / Very few actions in the past from the Fedora side.
* Reports will remain private to each team
* Create a ticket to the board for a new report. Improve the process in the next weeks. Neal : Fedora has separate CoC repo for privacy / ticket could be created from emails. Opensuse recently split repos for the same reason. TBC.
* Chair/Co-Chair/Secretary Terms
* Once a year check if Chair/Co-Chair/Secretary want to continue.
* https://www.centos.org/about/governance/board/
* Secretary corner
* Build NEXT agenda / feedback
* Improve our visibility
### Issues
**Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)**
**New issues**
* #81 Clarify CentOS position on Russia/Ukraine sanctions
* Support of Ukraine, not the legal aspect.
* No technical stance
* Celeste (no comment due to her position)
* No stance at this time / Hold to the code of conduct for individuals
**Ongoing issues**
* #67 Trusting the SIGs by default, from a CentOS Project perspective (Secureboot)
* Any update on the hardware front ? Getting best practices from Red Hat, but still waiting on feedback.
* #79 Recording historical SIG membership
* https://pagure.io/centos-infra/issue/653
* 3 proposals : classified by how much work is needed.
* 1/ for the short term. ACTION: update the ticket with board decision.
* Josh: Wikis as a solution ? wiki is not perfect and is quite static.
* #78 Clarify CentOS errata policy
* https://hackmd.io/gpDt2S4aRrS9MsyXIBTY9g
* ACTION Davide will update it for the next meeting
**Open issues**
* #71 Using the new brand word mark typeface with the old logo as a transitional measure
* https://gitlab.com/areguera/centos-brand/-/tree/v1-Montserrat still on-going. Waiting on the PoC with new typeface before reviewing. Ask Alain, for an update at the next meeting. ACTION: Shaun will contact Alain.
* #45 CentOS variant artifacts (ISOs, disk images, etc.) branding
* Davide pinged Infra for the merge.
* No change to the wording since last time
**Issues on hold**
* #03 Getting official CentOS images into Azure
* #04 Definitive answer requested regarding logo design
* #27 Providing Official AMIs in Amazon CN regions.
* #80 CentOS Stream9 in WSL
### Community Architect updates
* Preview of RHEL docs upstreaming work: https://redhat.gitlab.io/centos-stream/docs/enterprise-docs/
* Let's schedule board office hours.
* Should we remove people from hackmd team?
* Yes,
* Potential Dojo and F2F around DevConf US.
* August 18th-20th, Dojo around that time
### SIG Reports
* None this month
### AOB
* Email about gdpr requests to remove personnal data.
* last occurences seem to be spam. no action planned.
* Brian : Follow up on how we handle GDPR requests in a future meeting.
### Next meeting
Next meeting Agenda : https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/BJ4zr2EE9
Feedback from the community and board members is welcomed !
*Planned on the 11th of May 2022*
###### tags: `agenda`