# 2022-07 CentOS board meeting https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/BJ4zr2EE9 Zoom link : https://zoom.us/j/99567225678 Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place. # 2022-07 CentOS board meeting - Agenda # Attendees ## Board members * Pat Riehecky * Amy * Thomas * bex * Davide * Josh * Celeste * Shaun McCance (Community Architect, attendee ex-officio) ## Directors Absent * Johnny * Tru * Mike ## Guests * Rich Bowen * Jefro * Peter Georg * Lance Albertson * Troy Dawson * Jack Aboutboul * bstinson * Neal # Agenda * 22h05 * Previous minutes * https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/HkANjFF8q ### On going discussion * Virtual Dojo - June 17th * Shaun: good attendance and engaged people in the Hallway track. * Davide: Proposal to schedule a new one around October-November (Avoid kubecon week). * Amy: make a plan for next Dojos (Online/In Person) by next meeting * In-Person Dojo - August 17th * In-Person Board Meeting, Dinner on the 19th. * CFP opened until 22nd ; please submit proposals ; shorter slots available. * https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/DevConfUS2022 * Conference Hotel link : https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1642719883011&key=GRP&app=resvlink * CentOS Logo * Now Closed - https://git.centos.org/centos/Artwork/issue/5 * New SIG proposal * [CentOS-devel] Alternate Images - Proposed SIG * Josh: What is the focus ? * Troy: iso like the kde SIG, recover solution through live images, installation media and live. * Josh: How do we set limits in what can be do with those images ? * Troy: Maybe limit size around soemthing reasonable * Josh : Can the Storage on the infra side be a problem ? * Thomas: How do you see the integration of different tools such as HC Packer vs RH tools ? * bex: please build the SIG template * ACTION: forward the link * bex: Relationship between this SIGs and other SIGs ? * Troy: Image builder * Pat: think about mirror network and image size / retention policy * Troy: Aware of the problem and if process correct if shoulnd't be a problem * Davide: Support to have a SIG to centralize the building process, and try to leverage the Community infrastructure such as cbs. Troy: agreed * CentOS and China PR meetings * bex: Today part of the Interview with Thomas to answer to LUG and media questions. CSDN chat scheduled for next week. * Work on contribution process and help to onboard new members ### Issues https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues **Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)** * None **New issues** * None **Ongoing issues** * #67 Trusting the SIGs by default, from a CentOS Project perspective (Secureboot) * Delivery to DC before next meeting * #79 Recording historical SIG membership * No update, follow up the GDPR concern raised by smooge * #78 Clarify CentOS errata policy * No update, more info before next meeting * #71 Using the new brand word mark typeface with the old logo as a transitional measure * Close this ticket, and fill some tickets in specific area. **Issues on hold** * #03 Getting official CentOS images into Azure * Jack : Community Gallery is open for community images (like AMI for AWS). * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/azure-compute-gallery#community * Neal raised that the process is a bit frustrating * #04 Definitive answer requested regarding logo design * Close this issue * #27 Providing Official AMIs in Amazon CN regions. * #80 CentOS Stream9 in WSL ### Community Architect updates * Space confirmed for board face-to-face meeting on August 20. * Filling the board seat: * It has been more than 30 days since the nomination email, so board can vote. * Waiting on confirmation from nominees. * Barring objection, I will send board members a form to rank candidates and select using instant runoff. * Vote before next Board meeting - Vote before the End of July to allow enough time. Nomination to be confirmed by next Wednesday (2002-07-20). Statement to be asked to nominees. ### SIG Reports * TBC ### AOB * TBC * 23h15 ### Next meeting Next meeting Agenda : https://hackmd.io/@centosboard/HJ58Qvnj5 Feedback is welcomed ! *Planned on the 20th of August 2022* ###### tags: `agenda`