# 2024-07 CentOS board meeting Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place. # 2024-07 CentOS board meeting - Agenda # Attendees ## Board members * Thomas * Amy * Pat * Davide * Jefro * Troy * Josh * Mike * bex ## Directors Absent * Shaun (Community Manager) * Johnny ## Guests * Neal Gompa * # Agenda * Previous minutes * https://hackmd.io/q_QbTGzLRFWagCpfBbrHwA * On going communication improvement efforts * Office hours ? Little attendance * Davide: work session vs office hours * Setting people expectation for contributions / Guideline for a better experience * Josh: hard(ish) to contribute on Stream, challenge to set expectations * *summarize the long discussion around Stream contribution model and proposals around it* * Josh: ask what the community want to hear from the board * A look at Metrics - ## On going discussion * ## Issues https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issues **Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)** https://git.centos.org/centos/centos.org/pull-requests **New issues** **Issues on hold** * ## Community Architect updates * Shaun out of office this week ## SIG Reports ## AOB * ## Executive Session ###### tags: `agenda`