# 2024-02 CentOS board meeting
Passcode will be sent to participants and guests the day the meeting takes place.
# 2024-02 CentOS board meeting - Agenda
# Attendees
## Board members
* Amy
* bex
* Davide
* Jefro
* Johnny
* Josh
* Pat
* Shaun
* Thomas
## Directors Absent
* Mike (sick)
## Guests
* Benny V
* Brian S
* Jack A
* Lance A
* Neal G
# Agenda
* Previous minutes
* Docs Day Update
* Minutes : https://hackmd.io/a7FK6OUyQpygNXpWR5JNtw
* Amy: Very productive day
* Outreachy intern for CentOS
* https://gitlab.com/CentOS/docs
* CentOS Project and Infra SiG
* Fedora is working on a policy to set priorities for their Infra team
* https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/3157
* Sort out internal and external tickets
* Not sure if needed, follow-up with the SIG Council and SIG Infra (Fabian)
* Bex: Understand how much time they need, but not assigning tasks
* Amy: interested in visibility and better communication
* Johnny: Infra team pretty reactive
* Neal: true for Core but may need some work for the SIG requests
* [#124](https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/124): Re-distribution of RHEL kernel sources
* Thank you bstinson and arrfab for working with Kmods SiG to get this resolved
* Kudos !
* Blog post could be interesting ? Shaun will follow up with the team
### On going discussion
* Nothing to report.
### Issues
**Issues to be closed (ACTION close all of them if no objection)**
* None
**New issues**
* [#125](https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/125): Board Activity clarity in governance
* Formalize it in the governance
* https://www.centos.org/about/governance/board/
* Work in progress
* [#126](https://git.centos.org/centos/board/issue/126): Charter the SIG Council
* Brian: Coordinating SIG and activities throug the SIG Council
* Simpler proposal - key member + SIGs + RH engineering to get together on a regular basis
* Report to the board on regular basis
* Governance will be set by the SIG with the Board of Directors input
* Synergy with EPEL ? EPEL could join when needed - Optional Group on the invite ? To be addressed in the ticket after discussion
* Amy propose to have an async voting on the Pull Request for the website
* Brian: It should sorted out by next meeting - accepted
**Issues on hold**
* None
### Community Architect updates
* Connect videos up: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuRtbOXpVDjA30Q8EQzJBjfl0gCFo8vpK
* Let's say something about Outreachy if Amy didn't already - see above
* Also something about docs working day if Amy didn't already - see above
* SCaLE upcoming with workshop and booth
* Red Hat Summit planning, will be featured in Community Day
* Do we want to talk about a board face-to-face?
* Flock : no date/location yet (prefered option by Bex & Thomas)
* Devconf : https://www.devconf.info/us/
* Discuss vote process for new board member
* List of nominees sent to the Board
* Proposal from Davide : https://www.rcv123.org/
* Accepted ! Open the vote for 10 days
### SIG Reports
### AOB
* Davide: Inactive SIG process, Shaun will follow up for cfg mgt, altarch, etc...
* Fabian will be chairing the Infra SIG
###### tags: `agenda`