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# Creative Coding Tertulia
The Creative Code Tertulia is an open conversación between artists, makers, designers, coders, performers, learners and anyone interested in the use of computing skills for artistic expression. The event is free and open to all, regardless of age, raíz, sexo or experience. Beginners and first-timers should feel especially welcome! You don't have to be a coder yourself!
There is a time por gente to present something if they want to, followed by informal discussions. Every topic is feria juego, from net art to computational design and interactive installations all the way to wearable electronics and generative literature... It's a whole evening packed with fun, inspiración and human connection.
Anybody can contribute with their comment and maybe show a project they’re working on. We're looking forward to meet you all!
Nota that this event is NOT just for coders! If you like art and/or technology, you will certainly enjoy yourself, and perhaps even learn something!
MEETUP: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Creative-Coding-Barcelona
social media: `#creativeCodingBCN`
**:star2:LINK TO THIS DOCUMENT:star2:
**WIFI: HANGAR_convidats**
**PASSWORD: convidatsHANGAR**
**Candidates para temas**
- **Blockchain art** 0
- **Obsolete/Alternative approaches to software** (from the past) 4
- Project Xanadu
- Temple OS
- Alternative internet
- Fediverse (mastodon, ...) federated social networks
- **Alternative human-computer interaction** 10
- ~~**Generative design**~~ Tertulia 14
- **narratives/storytelling with digital art** 2
- data visualization and art 11
## Tertulia #21, 16. November topic: data visualization and art
- [Dear Data](http://www.dear-data.com/theproject)
- [PhotoViz](http://feltron.com/PhotoViz.html)
- [PhotoViz tumblr blog](https://photoviz.tumblr.com/)
- [PhotoViz presentation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRg1PxDRL5o)
- [Tufte's The Visual Display of Quantitative Information](https://www.edwardtufte.com/tufte/books_vdqi)
- [Book preview](http://www.econ.upf.edu/~michael/visualdata/tufte-aesthetics_and_technique.pdf)
- [Chemical Brothers -- Star Guitar by Michel Gondry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S43IwBF0uM)
- [Making of](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF0-wGbRqEs)
- [Oscilloscope Music by Jerobeam Fenderson](https://oscilloscopemusic.com/)
- [Shrooms video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19jv0HM92kw)
**Show and tell**
## TERTULIA: 14. Septiembre 2022, Tertulia #20: naturaleza y diseño generativo
- The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman
- https://natureofcode.com/
- https://ciphrd.com/
- https://twitter.com/arsiliath
- https://spacefiller.space/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kx4Y9TVMGg&t=5s
- https://www.instagram.com/eparizi/
- https://www.instagram.com/manoloide/?hl=es
- https://www.instagram.com/juanrg92/
- https://youtu.be/w0tNEp4m5PY
- https://hunar4321.github.io/particle-life/particle_life.html#58877587422077
- pixi.js a library which turns javascript into shader code
- http://www.generative-gestaltung.de/2/
**Show and tell**
- https://www.are.na/brianna-saba/poetic-ai
- https://github.com/CompVis/stable-diffusion
- Rivella photo festival in Villasar de Dalt
- Modular Day Barcelona https://modulardaybarcelona.org/
## Miercoles 13.07 2022, Tertulia #19 música y AI
- Modular Day Barcelona https://modulardaybarcelona.org/
**AI music** links here:
- t-SNE y sampling
- https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ai/drum-machine/view/
- dividir la música por sus componentes
- https://www.lalal.ai/
- https://heardsounds.com/
- componer música
- https://topten.ai/music-generators-review/
- ai music generators
- https://soundraw.io/
- https://openai.com/blog/jukebox/
- https://djen.co/
- https://github.com/csteinmetz1/ai-audio-startups
- text to music
- https://kickthejetengine.com/langorhythm/
- https://melobytes.com/en/app/melobytes
- https://notmy.ai/
- http://ram-lab.glitch.me/
- https://commonvoice.mozilla.org/en
## Miercoles 18.05 2022, Tertulia #18 AI art
**WIFI: HANGAR_convidats**
**PASSWORD: convidatsHANGAR**
- Live coding event @HANGAR 8-9-10 July
- Live coding from scratch Jam @HANGAR Jueves 19 Mayo (ultimo Jueves de cada mes)
- Sala Beckett Maquina persona
- [Symposium de arte electronico ISEA ](http://www.isea-web.org/)
Add **AI art** links here:
- [DeepArt generator](https://deepart.io/)
- [Dale: text to image generator](https://twitter.com/hashtag/Dalle?src=hashtag_click)
- [Text2Pixel online](https://pixray.gob.io/text2pixel/)
- [Art-AI festival](https://twitter.com/ArtAIFestival)
- [Magenta](https://magenta.tensorflow.org/)
- [ArtBreeder](https://www.artbreeder.com/)
- [Experimentos de I.A. de google](https://experiments.withgoogle.com/collection/ai)
- [Servicio de style transfer](https://www.instapainting.com)
- [Google Autodraw](https://www.autodraw.com/)
- [Google NSynth Super](https://nsynthsuper.withgoogle.com/)
- Google Collab: python notebooks de google para probar cosas
- [AI music festival BCN](https://aimusicfestival.eu/)
- [Holly+ by Holly Herndon](https://holly.plus/)
- [FreddieMeter](https://freddiemeter.withyoutube.com/)
- [Wekinator](http://www.wekinator.org/)
- [Elecronic Chaos Oracle](https://diskordier.net/ECO/index.html)
- [My heritage](https://www.myheritage.com/deep-nostalgia)
- [Imagen](https://imagen.research.google/)
- Blockchain
- AI music
- Obsolete/Alternative approaches to software (from the past)
- Project Xanadu
- Temple OS
- Alternative internet
- Fediverse (mastodon, ...) federated social networks
- Generative design
- History (pioneering artists)
- Different algorithms
- Current artists in the space
- Platforms
We will vote somehow
- Telegram poll
- Doodle
- Whatever...
## Tuesday 11.02 2020, Tertulia #17 WEB AUDIO
- [LLum - light festival](https://www.barcelona.cat/llumbcn/ca/)
- [Live coding festival](https://toplapbarcelona.hangar.org/)
- [Poetic AI Exhibition](https://idealbarcelona.com/es/agenda/)
Add **WEB AUDIO** links here:
#### Web Audio API projects
- [Patatap](https://patatap.com/)
- [Source https://github.com/jonobr1/Neuronal-Synchrony]
- [MIDI Drums](http://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/MIDIDrums/index.html)
- [Source https://github.com/cwilso/MIDIDrums]
- [Web theremin](https://stuartmemo.com/electro-theremin/)
- [Pitch detect](http://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/pitchdetect/)
- [Source https://github.com/cwilso/PitchDetect]
- [Voice-change-O-matic](https://mdn.github.io/voice-change-o-matic/)
- [Source https://github.com/mdn/voice-change-o-matic]
- [Webcam sequencer](https://jeonghopark.github.io/scanseqjs/)
- [Source https://github.com/jeonghopark/scanseqjs]
- [Interactive articulatory speech synthesis](https://dood.al/pinktrombone/)
works best on multitouch displays
- [Audio visuals live codding editor](https://gibber.cc/)
- [Source https://github.com/gibber-cc/gibber]
#### Try it yourself!
1. Open your browser console (Right click > Inspect element)
2. Create audio context
`audioCtx = new AudioContext;`
3. Create oscillator
`oscillator = audioCtx.createOscillator();`
4. Start oscillator
5. Connect oscillator to audio destination
#### Web Audio API resources
- [JavaScript is the new Punk-rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN8Eg1K9xjE)
- [FREE Web Audio API book](https://webaudioapi.com/book/)
- https://github.com/borismus/webaudioapi.com
- http://webaudioapi.com/samples/
- [Web Audio Playground](http://webaudioplayground.appspot.com/)
- [Source https://github.com/cwilso/WebAudio]
- [Lots of examples to re-use](https://www.keithmcmillen.com/blog/making-music-in-the-browser-web-audio-api-part-1/)
- [Additive synthesis](http://teropa.info/blog/2016/09/20/additive-synthesis.html)
- [Managing time events](https://mdn.github.io/webaudio-examples/audio-param/)
- [Mozilla MDN Web Audio API docs](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API)
- [Source https://github.com/mdn/webaudio-examples]
- [Ableton site to learn about synth, based Web Audio API](https://learningsynths.ableton.com/)
- [Web Audio API stuff on Github](https://github.com/topics/webaudio-api)
- [Web Audio API stuff on Codepen](https://codepen.io/collection/DYyPWJ/)
- [Web Audio weekly](https://www.webaudioweekly.com/)
#### Presentations:
- https://lcrespom.github.io/live-coding/
Visual modular syntesizer and live coding environment
- [Source https://github.com/lcrespom/Modulator]
2013 in Processing
[youtube demo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPDy2rmWhmk)
[rebuild in p5.js](https://diskordier.net/flocksounds/)
potential themes for next meetup:
- 1. AI art (10)
- 2. three.js (1)
- 3. procedural generation to the max (1)
- 4. unique generation of variables (hashing) (2)
- 5. shaders (1)
## Tuesday 22.October 2019, Tertulia #16
tsunami democratic app
**sob tec**
3d graphics, game engine development - likes to do things from scratch
[webGLStudio.js](https://webglstudio.org/) - its like Unity, for the web!
- light gradient proprocessing
- animations
- graphs and scripts
- face meshes
- components
- Paper: [**Real-time face retargeting and a face rig on the web**](https://webglstudio.org/papers/ICGI2019/) [](https://webglstudio.org/papers/ICGI2019/)
Another editor: https://playcanvas.com/
Graph based editor: https://github.com/jagenjo/litegraph.js
CCCB, this weekend, free $€$€$!!
Every 2 weeks:
**next weekend:**
## Thursday 26.September 2019, Tertulia #14
**Angelos streklas**
This week http://younggalleryweekend.com/es/
This weekend: http://www.festivalvisualbrasil.com/
Next week: http://www.teorema.nl/
Monica makes a round table
**Barcelona Hardware Hacklab meetup**: New Hot meetup (not as hot as this one, but still)!!
**European Researchers Night**
science slam 2019 https://www.crg.eu/en/event/nit-europea-de-la-recerca-european-researchers-night Friday 27th
# Wednesday 22.May 2019, Tertulia #13
# Monday 8.April 2019, Tertulia #12
visualizer of sid js emulators
UI in html canvas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immediate_Mode_GUI
d3 visualizations of
generative graphics for android, with c++ and shaders
graffiti type patterns inspired by patterns he sees somewhere. with processing (sometimes shaders)
applies effects to make it more realistic. shadows, noise, …
This saturday: gamejam, 10am, imagincafé
A photoseries in Madrid in 2012, during the financial crisis.
Conceptual piece in Chacago, 4 channel video and photographs printed on textile
Smoke Membran, installation
## Masterclass
**Abe Pazos**
Shows a processing program, that he wrote to design a album cover.
Uses midi controller and wrote a web frontend to simulate his midi controller (uses https://github.com/sebpiq/rhizome)
He talks about his programming process: reusing classes in Processing, shaders and so on.
A 2nd program that he used for the performance on Saturday - A audio reactive application.
He often uses images to create colour palettes.
Live patching of processing sketches
**Ping** **Xiao**
Paper: Vismantic: Meaning making with Images (Ping Xiao, Simo Linkola)
This paper presents Vismantic, a semi-automatic system generating proposals of visual composition (visual ideas) in order to express specific meanings.
Ping reviews her paper and explain how’s the process of making meaning through images.
**Anna Carreras** http://www.annacarreras.com/eng/
She talks about project called My City My Playground
Create and play with My City My Playground transforming your city into a playground. You can turn any element of the urban landscape into the pieces of a game: the outline of a building, cars and traffic, passers-by, lampposts and other street furniture.
**Javi Agenjo**
Presents a random book generator http://tamats.com/apps/bookname/
**Hazal Yilmaz**
She’s presenting about robots. Student from IAAC Masters in Advanced Construction.
She talks about Robot Operating System http://www.ros.org/
# Tuesday 12.February 2019, Tertulia #11
**UNITY 3D**
## Unity webpage:
## Games Done with Unity:
## VR and AR Projects done with Unity
## Visuals with Unity:
Keijiro Takahasi
VJ Fader:
## Useful Links:
Asset Store: [https://assetstore.unity.com/](https://assetstore.unity.com/)
Tutorials: https://unity3d.com/es/learn/tutorials
Turorials for artists: https://unity3d.com/es/learn/tutorials/s/unity-artists
# Tuesday 15.January 2019, Tertulia #10
## Presentation
Remember to look at at Message Board of the meetup since some informations will be posted there (opencalls, events, collaborations…)
## Masterclass
Neural Style Transfer, an image processing technique based on recent Machine Learning breakthroughs, that was originally thought as a way to apply the style of a painter to any image, but that has more interesting uses for creative image synthesis and remix. It has been dubbed by some as "digital frottage", akin to a technique used by the early Surrealist movement.
## Technique
Arthur is so nice that he just put all the info and links to his Masterclass just down here 🙂
The original style transfer paper
Style transfer for video
Neural doodle
Good choice to play around to create your own images 🙂
you use color masks to make them different objects
## Conceptual
- Digital frottage [https://philippschmitt.com/notes/surrealist-networks](https://philippschmitt.com/notes/surrealist-networks)
## Tools
## Works
related project
Ramin shows example about doing generative parts from given images
## Open Mic:
**Audio in the browser****, (Theremin controlled by gyroscopes)**
**Online web based “Max” like software**
**Made bcn**
Jam sessions wednesday digeridoo with sensors to create neural sound
**VR storytelling**
**Vinay Khare**
**Processing Community Day**
# Tuesday 18.December 2018, Tertulia #9
Monica gives a intro to [Wekinator](http://www.wekinator.org/), a open source tool to integrate machine learning into your project.
Demonstration: How to make sound with a face-detection a sound output and wekinator in between.
[Coder Factora F5](http://www.factoriaf5.org/)
get in touch if you want to teach
tensorflow.js webbased machine learning library
a robotics project arduino
snap: a webbased block programming language
**Artificio** A interactive documentary about machine learning art.
1. Chapter about machine generated literature
email: gusano@guasano.org
Not public yet.
another tool for easy machine learning:
Runaway: another tool for machine learning (not public yet)
[The Dating Brokers](https://datadating.tacticaltech.org)
# Wednesday 18. July 2018, Tertulia #8
@ [Ironhack](https://www.ironhack.com/en/locations/barcelona)
Speech Recognition is Hard
They wanted to build speech recognition for catalan
They used tv3 to gather speech and transcripts. A general model: CMU Sphinx Models
Around 30% error rate.
reference: Mozilla created https://voice.mozilla.org/en a open repository for data for speech recognition.
Likes to make things with the canvas
A music game, where you have to hit the keys in el ritmo of the
A generative animation
# Tuesday 26. June 2018, Tertulia #7
at *[protopixel](https://protopixel.net/7*
- Josh and Mitch (Mindbuffer)
- presented their framework called nannou, a creative coding framework developed in/for rust.
- goal easy to use like processing but fast and robust.
- Batteries (a lot of packages) included. Open Source
Released yesterday!
WebGL shaders
frequencies to MIDI
audioreactive WebGL graphics
makes animations in after effects
created a video, where he has a UI that changes the 3D modelo.
used a physics engine to animate coins dropping
lottie after-effect for animations for mobiles
**¿qué es una silla?**
association for media artists in barcelona
Summer fun lab in
25 - 27 July Workshops, Concerts, Max/Msp, video projects, algoraves
## Thursday 24. May 2018, Tertulia #6
At PuntMultimedia http://puntmultimedia.org/
Makes a presentation about the space.
It’s a public fablab, it’s open to anyone to work and experiment.
## => **There’s a 3D Printing party 7th July!! at Punt Multimedia**
Uri explains us a bit more about robotics and the target of teaching people how to make things.
There’s a groups of parents and kids that make workshops here.
They also work with ONCE association, a group that works with people with sensorial disabilities such as blindness. Courses about coding and blind people.
Open-source programmable robots: ESCORNABOT => the people from ONCE are working with this technology.
They also work with schools workshops.
Open to hear about workshops and different activities.
Open Knowledge Foundation => okfn.org
Smart Citizen => Pollution and city data (IAAC)
sentilo.io => open source internet of things, software for internet fo things related to pollution
There’s a discussion about how to attract people to activities and falabs.
**Personal presentations**
Lucia Segurajauregui presentation
Project: Luna
Inflatable interactive interface. Costumbre made. Balloon.
Electronic instrumento.
XI Mostra Sonora Visual - 5-nueve June (Convent de Sant Agustí)
Hack and Art Day - 26th May (Estruch, Sabadell)
Posenet - Kyle McDonald - TensorFlow.js
Willi- presentation
Machine Learning in Dance- Smart technologies for interaction
performative dance
# **Thursday 19.** **April** **2018, Tertulia #5**
**At Espai Erre**
talks about his works and his studio
Lifefloor: a game of life simulation projected on the floor and controlled by visiting participants
A collaboration with fura dels baus.
[Rotor](http://www.rotor-studio.net/) is a open studio, where Román works on his projects. They also give workshops on various topics
and everybody is invited to do something.
It is also a coworking space with tools for hardware hacking/ rapif prototyping or usually also called physical computing.
Prepares models for an exhibition. A project about open source in the context of creative coding.
**Albet y Toni**
Albet y toni de booleans presentan ESCAPE.CAT
con el objetivo de difundir el codigo crativo
comunidad y talleres
(creative caging)
escape(the festiva)
festival en una masia en un campo divugando la creatividad digital y el codigo.
entienden la tencnologia como algo que hay que hacer unos mismos.
quedada en la plana (a una hora de barcelona) el 4, 5 y 6 de mayo.
compartiendo experiencias a partir de la creacion digital.
se generan dinamicas entre artistas programadores y asistentes muy guays.
about the program...
Noche 4
instalacion en la ermita
Algor_esc(live coding nd visuals)
Dia 5
Gimcana en el bosque
PresentacionCharlas (referendum)
Cinestesia (cinestecia.io)
Dia 6
Videojuegos y genero - Luca carruba
Exciting stuff from the world of deep learning: Researcher trained a network on labeled Flintstones scenes and it began to make up its own scenes from given input-sentences.
# **Miércoles 21th April 2018, Tertulia #4**
**At Depotlab**
Gave an intro and overview of the state of the art of Augmented Reality for mobile devices. Also showed some live demos.
References y fresco projects:
[Project Tango](https://youtu.be/Qe10ExwzCqk)
[Visual inertial odometry (SLAM)](https://youtu.be/F3OFzsaPtvI)
[ARKit Face Tracking](https://youtu.be/MpoV1YhrPug)
[Mapbox AR](https://youtu.be/N6YwOHNej1Q)
[ARKit 1.5](https://blogs.unity3d.com/es/2018/02/16/developing-for-arkit-1-5-update-using-unity-arkit-plugin/)
[Artie Vierkant - image object](https://archpaper.com/2018/03/artie-vierkant-augmented-reality-art-hands/)
[Zach Lieberman - weird type](https://youtu.be/UzNCGqE9MhE)
[Zach Lieberman - sound in space](https://twitter.com/zachlieberman/status/930434261882195969)
Processing sketch for VJ Sessions with MIDI Controller
Also showed a project con un bailarín and live músico
Is developing a webversion of an older piece called [Flocksounds](https://diskordier.net/main/flocksounds/index.html). An interactive, generative audio-visual thingy.
# **Tuesday 13th 2018, Tertulia #3**
**At Hangar.org**
[Node-RED](https://flows.nodered.org/): Flujo-based programming for the Internet of Things (and normal devices). Prototype server with no or a poco bit of Javascript (node.js)
[ngrok](https://ngrok.com/): giving a fuck about router firewalls since xxxx. Create a public web-address and connect it to a local network port (tunneling).
**Agencias for Creative Coders in Barcelona**
**Dani presents project he worked on with Carla Molins**
http://carlamolins.com/co-individuality /( ← This link show better the project)
[](http://carlamolins.com/co-individuality)Using slitscans to enquire about shared identity
Working on curriculum for creative coding rumbo in degree for design and digital creation starting next September.
[Tumult Hype](http://tumult.com/hype/) : Desktop HTML5 Flash-like tool for animations. Can be used to merge animations with code.
Live data environments for data science by Mike Bostock (under development)
How come young coders never stumbled upon these blogs?
Coding projects : for example, a GoPro metadata extraction tool made with Processing to make a video in AfterEffects for PortAventura rollercoaster that displays GoPro sensor data (GoPro cámaras have sensors!)
# **Tuesday 9th 2018, Tertulia #2**
**At Though****t****Works**
Gave an introduction to Word Embeddings.
The [Jupyter notebook](https://jupyter.org/) that also includes instructions on how to download and install everything can be found here:
The most important takeaway: ****Germany - funny + Spain ≈ Charming
Developed something called: Modulator
Sonic Pi for the Browser in JavaScript
Change melodies, step-sequences in real time.
Uses WebAudio
Can play multiple synths and samples
Main Live Coding page: https://lcrespom.github.io/live-coding/#live-coding
Tutorial / examples / reference: https://lcrespom.github.io/live-coding/help/lc-help.html#about
Modular synthesiser, instrument designer: https://lcrespom.github.io/live-coding/#synth
The project is open source and available in GitHub (repo link in app)
My project’s page: https://lcrespom.github.io/
Contact: lcrespom@gmail.com
Introduced Raylib a C library for videogames programming. It’s is high-performance, very easy to use and only has OpenGL as dependency.
Runs on almost any platform. Also in the browser with [Asm.js](http://asmjs.org/) and [webassembly](http://webassembly.org/).
# **November 28th 2017, Tertulia #1**
**At MOB&PAU**
Presents [P5js](https://p5js.org), walks people through his example code & shows how to create basic shapes and animations using random values and functions. Shows interaction with HTML and how to use RGB and HUE values. A lot of the people in la habitación participate and we can all see the graphics created by their code on all screens at the same time thanks to [Joukkue](https://github.com/hamoid/Joukkue).
Started as a creative coder 20 años ago creating animations for CD HABITACIONES.
Shows different projects in his portafolio [http://sebastianseifert.net](http://sebastianseifert.net/main.htm), including 0-800 RANDOM, an interactive CD HABITACIÓN with short films that the user can remix to create a random story and INODOROS where baños with interactive touch screens where used to create graffiti y poesías. His main projects at the moment are audiovisual music concerts using [Ableton Live](https://www.ableton.com/en/live/) and [Synesthesia](https://synesthesia.live).
[](https://synesthesia .live)
**Toni and Albert**
They are part of http://booleans.cat which has the objective to share technological knowledge and empower people outside the urban space. Booleans organise an anual festival http://escape.cat with workshops, video game competitions, installations and more. Here is a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1yT5GRGexI) with a summary of the first two editions.
http://away-aliciaway.tumblr.com Has created a prototype of interactive underwear that lights up when the wearer is aroused. The conceptualisation of the prototype is linked with the ideas of collecting physical data, the quantified self and enhancing the body of the future.
**Lucia and Monika**
Monika shows her last project, the [Light Jumper](http://monicarikic.com/portfolio/light-jumper/) an experimental video game designed to interact while jumping on a trampoline. Lucia and Monika have worked in several projects together like [Cup Coder](http://monicarikic.com/portfolio/cup-coder/), [Interactive Hand Puppets](http://monicarikic.com/portfolio/interactive-hand-puppets/) and [The Rain Umbrella](http://monicarikic.com/portfolio/the-rain-umbrella-2014/).
******Lucia and Toni**
They have created several projects together. One of them, [Datastrofe](http://luciaseguramente.com/datastrofe/) is a game where Madrid is represented and players have to fight against the the city’s noise and pollution generated by real time data.