# Privacy ### My identity #### Government name results ![](https://i.imgur.com/3XNoeQy.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/pKogDna.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/z7NxNQq.png) Only one result, which was the first result, actually was connected to me. The result is my LinkedIn, which is useful to my career if I was focused on that right now. None of my social media accounts are shown in the results. #### Social Media Username results ![](https://i.imgur.com/YhI1Xm5.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/uYxpbgg.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/3FU52YI.jpg) ![](https://i.imgur.com/tOnCdtU.png) Since I did not find many results connecting to me, I searched for my username. I use the username **Cazmingu** for most social media-related things. When I searched it up I found links to my Twitter, Twitch, TikTok, and even hackmd. What I found most interesting was that I found someone had taken a video I posted on Instagram and posted it on Twitter. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“Yeah, I stroke my own dick, and I nut in my own face, and I eat my own dick sometimes...”<br>Joji freestyling last night in Boston N2! (via cazmingu <a href="https://t.co/m8dRduOa9C">pic.twitter.com/m8dRduOa9C</a></p>&mdash; Joji on Tour (@jojiontour) <a href="https://twitter.com/jojiontour/status/1581239482791010304?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 15, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> The user was just a Joji fan posting updates on his tour. The user used my video and just credited me by stating *via cazmingu* I also found it interesting that my Depop came up even though I changed the username for it. #### Spokeo ![](https://i.imgur.com/E8DAKqp.png) ### Browser When scrolling on [What every Browser knows about you](https://webkay.robinlinus.com/) here is what they were able to approximate: - Could not guess my location as their "Google Geolocation API Quota exceeded" - my operating system, browser, and plugins - It knew my CPU but for my GPU it had different names - It also had the battery and whether or not it was charging. Which is funny since it is plugged in all the time. - It knows my public IP - It also knows that I am logged into Spotify, Google, and Flickr. ### Google Google surprisingly does not have any information on me that I would be scared of. All my search activity is there which is useful to me but I'm aware it is useful for them as well. Seeing how my searches give them 6 Ad topics. 1. Pets & Animals - As I am always on the search for a Shiba puppy even though I cannot own one right now. 2. Health Care Services - As I was looking into therapy client questionnaires 3. Cooking - As I was researching recipes for a Friendsgiving party I was having 4. Hair Care - As I was looking into hair dyes to find my next hair color. 5. Gifts - As I am planning a secret Santa 6. Fun & Trivia - I don't know why this would be one. My settings for My Google Activity - Web & App Activity is on - Location History is off - Youtube History is on For my timeline on google maps, there is no history which I found odd. There have been times I have used google maps to navigate around places. I wonder if because my location history is off, I would not be able to see my timeline. ### Social Networks Both Twitter and Instagram have options to prevent some sharing of your posts with others but when it comes to ads both platforms only allow me to turn off personalized ads. With Twitter there was a long list of things that I have been connected to based on the tweets I had liked; Some of the things on the list I had never heard of before. ## Reading Response No need to worry about companies listening to you, worry about them watching you write something that you end up deleting and never actually sending. Rich Haridy explains how Facebook and companies in general always had this conspiracy theory floating over their heads. Their consumers believed that they were being listened to by them. Although they've consistently denied these accusations, there was no explanation that the general public could come up with that explains the ads they're receiving. From Wandera's experiment, there is no evidence the microphone on your phone is being used when you're not the person triggering. Even if this was happening, it would be way more obvious as it takes a lot of power to be tuning in all the time. Screenshots as well as your close circle are the reason why you get creepily accurate ads. A lot of apps have permission to take screenshots of themselves while you're using your phone. These screenshots get sent to third-party sources. This is just another way to track what you're data which companies can use to personalize your ads. Facebook isn't listening to you, it's using your friend's data to infer your data based on how close you are.