--- title: Cardano Project Catalyst Roles tags: wiki description: Table of Cardano Project Catalyst roles. --- # Cardano Project Catalyst Roles There are several roles within the Cardano ecosystem with more specific roles for Project Catalyst. Below we show the restrictions for some of the roles, specifically what you are *not permitted* to do when you are fulfilling one or more roles. As a member you may obtain any of the roles below. Although not required it is suggested that the community become familiar with all guides as this will help you accel in your activities and possibly increase any future rewards. ### Restrictions - Proposal Assessor (PA) 1. assessing your own proposal or any proposal in which you act as an advisor, mentor, or team member. 2. assessing proposals in the same Challenge Setting as your proposal. - Veteran Proposal Assessor (vPA) 1. assessing your own assessment(s). 2. assessing assessments in the same challenge setting as your proposal. 3. assessing assessments of your proposal ### Role Table | Role | Requirements | Guide | Rewards | Privacy | | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- | :---:| | Proposer | None | TBA | Depends on requested funds and community vote | Pseudonomous | | Proposal Assessor | 1. Register in [Ideascale](http://cardano./ideascale.com) <br> **AND** </br> Provide a wallet address | [Proposal Assessor Guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g-iZhDlKhUBZkui1uv8NVNfJC4oVD3JtR-P6Fue7XPU/edit) | Depends on: <br> 1. total assessments 2. assessment's vPA rating 3. proposal budget 4. funding round size | Anonymous | | Veteran Proposal Assessor | [See here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14qHSZ2uSHq2CZyeqju6KLBcGVfagesCLvavZMAgcbWo/edit) | [vPA General Guidelines](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xPSHtXHWocab7eCUbNQuH7gg2gPOnzBVTGXzSg9bcGU/edit#heading=h.9ch3vgvwl4mz) | Varies, [see here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/14qHSZ2uSHq2CZyeqju6KLBcGVfagesCLvavZMAgcbWo/edit) | None | | Challenge Team | Unknown | [See here]() | Varies | Pseudonomous | | Voter | Must have staked 500 ADA <br> **AND** </br> Must vote on at least one proposal | TBA | Determined by wallet size | Anonymous | | dRep | Must [register](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPSb_cDlIxN6cnnbOrJN_oxDBmxB3kENbsE__pmMAw8yJk0w/viewform) | TBA <br> [Info](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jg6XyoRW8akg1HGR-KaxEcSMHZE1-tu4DT-YTQUH5zs/edit?usp=sharing)<br>[Reading](https://www.ijcai.org/proceedings/2019/0017.pdf)</br> | Max of 3060 ADA | None |