--- title: Catalyst United Server Administration Wiki tags: admin, discord, server --- # Catalyst United Server Admin Wiki ## Table of Contents 1. [Mod and Admin Expectations](/YdC6YexwRjygbf7C4c73Ig) 2. [Terms and Definitions](/VJlFlLMoSA-zBATqR-RUtA) 3. [Features and Capabilities](/WAjKkpVaR2miaJ1jB4RD0w) 4. [Webhooks & Integrations](/O4wwFI_fROabmYAFEMZOqA) 5. [Bots and Onboarding](/KZIeh7khQCSY1KTNSB_vZw) 6. [Current Integrations](/t40tqUqjSqeJRGJ6-tiWhA) 7. [Permissions Overview](/pG4XOGHAT06eHyDqZD8uqg) ## Notes #### Date Updated 04 Oct 2022 #### Disclaimer This wiki is not meant to be 100% thorough and will only touch on the following key areas: #### Purpose The purpose of this wiki is to provide current and future Discord administrators a form of reference and areas of importance. #### Layout This wiki will have a main page providing specific notes and a Table of Contents. Each ToC link will have a separate page. Within these individual pages will be screenshots, text and links as needed.