--- title: 20 October 2022 - Agenda and Meeting Minutes tags: Agenda, Meeting --- 20 October 2022 - Agenda and Meeting Minutes === :::info - **Location:** [Catalyst United Server Hub Chat](https://discord.com/channels/946921942143885342/946921942525571133) - **Date:** Thursday, 20 October 2022 @ 1900 UTC - **Agenda** [slides](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DXIWji5LV4Jjw2Co1drnj7aOlyculULl/view?usp=sharing) 1. Infrastructure & process for guidelines improvement work > [name=Jeffrey Mashaw] 2. Intro to Catalyst United Discord and Dework > [name=Simon S][name=DanMercurius] 3. Regular meeting and decision-making system > [name=JeremyB] 4. Rewarding: Catalyst WG / vPA treasury > [name=JeremyB] 5. Discuss appointment of ex-officio trustee for vPA Process Working Group (time permitting) > [name=JeremyB] 6. Next steps > [name=Simon S] - **Participants:** - ??? - ??? - ??? - ??? - **Contact:** Salen#5312 on discord - **Facilitator:** [**Open**] - **Reference:** - [Last meeting minutes](https://hackmd.io/qIIEwGGGQrCwC7fuW4rGXQ) ::: ### :gear: Item 1 Infrastructure & process for guidelines improvement work - The system is perfectly designed to achieve the results we are seeing. To improve our system, we need to implement a model that allows for our organizational experience to be cataloged and easily shared with new members. Standardizing where the documents are kept and how they are changed should be a top priority. - First hackmd doc identifying problems with the Core Documents: https://hackmd.io/VFYwBvs7RVKkGiyahElwZA - Second hackmd doc suggesting improvements to the process of changing and maintaining the Core Documents: https://hackmd.io/d-Ekxy3ATMmNfz2G8a0kqQ ### :gear: Intro to Catalyst United Discord and Dework - Catalyst United was created to provide the community with a location to discuss and improve the processes of Cardano Project Catalyst. The server came into being within the first two weeks of Catalyst Circle v3. From the beginning the focus has been on making improvments processes easier, localized and open to all. We integrated Dework as the task tracking platform with GitHub being used as the archival platform. Dework offers unique integrations into Discord; it can create threads in Discord channels allowing the community to discuss suggested improvments as well as the option to reach consensus through the use of simple emojis. - The server was created to provide as minimal content as possible but still keep the community abreast of current discussions they may be interested in. To do this there are many channels that are hidden unless the member selects a `reaction role`. Members can do this [here](https://discord.com/channels/946921942143885342/949733050932154398) - Within the server you will find many tutorials and other helpful options. Please review the community guide [here](https://discord.com/channels/946921942143885342/949422420907933816) - You can find the Catalyst United Dework account [here](https://app.dework.xyz/catalyst-circle-ca-r) - You can find the Catalyst United GitHub account [here](https://github.com/circle-ca-rep) - Thank you for joining the server. We encourage feedback and suggestions that improves your experience and that of others. You provide this input by typing `/feedback` followed by your comments in any text field. ### :gear: Regular meeting and decision-making system - Regular meetings are being held on Tuesdays in the Catalyst United Discord Server. We will be posting a when2meet to help zero in on the best start time on Tuesdays and we are open to setting the meeting at other times or holding unsync meetings if necessary. - Previous meetings: - [1st Meeting](https://hackmd.io/qIIEwGGGQrCwC7fuW4rGXQ) - [2nd Meeting](https://hackmd.io/Dp8DDnAwR2O2DnQDQGPP_Q) - [3rd Meeting](https://hackmd.io/dilbtm6kTUGAQpQryhdZng) - ### :gear: Rewarding: Catalyst WG / vPA treasury - rewards are available for work submitted and approved by peers in the vPA Working Group area of the CU Dework board linked above. - There is an experimental process in place to submit and validate those funding requests, and we are working on getting that information into a public portal. Input from participants is key, as we hope to discover, rather than prescribe, best practices and criteria for fair and widely distributed funding. - There is a temporary welcome page on Gitbook for anyone joining the working group, where some questions may be answered: https://pa-vpa-operations-treasury.gitbook.io/vpa-process-working-group/on-boarding-welcome However we are migrating this documentation to a HackMD portal for easier member management of resources. ### :gear: Discuss appointment of ex-officio trustee for vPA Process Working Group (time permitting) - [Link to Qualities of Distributed Leadership](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oaSgZdZnQR_EKUgtFszTnyLlvq45HFEvAVdcv8bRLkQ/edit#heading=h.t5cwz4qgvxap) ### :gear: Next steps - Please include any notes/links for your presentation :wrench: Tasks Assigned/Accomplished -- ### Group 1: - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? ### Group 2: - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? ### Group 3: - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? ### Group 4: - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? - [ ] ??? ## Notes <!-- Other important details discussed during the meeting can be entered here. --> ## Meeting Minutes <!-- --> *note that the following section was transcribed due to importance of the specific topic.* **48:16** **Simon** - Is there anyway we could get a sense of what changes are coming so that we don't immediately see efforts to improve processes deprecated? **Danny (IOG)** - This is actully a priority of mine right now, making sure that we are co-creating, or that the community is at least running alongside the next steps to be taken... ...Even though some decisionmaking may not be available to the community, I want to make sure that there is clarity and transparency to avoid a situation where everyone thinks we are on the left, when we are actually on the right. It is currently a big point of debate of how to do that effectively. For Fund 10 we can introduce some major structural adjustments but also be considering what Fund 11 will look like. Fund 10 will be pivotal in transitioning to a future state for Fund 11. **54:31** **Danny (IOG)** - And just a heads up, we had a research team meeting [In IOG] and I think the research team is finally ready to compile together the documentation for some of the work they have been paying attention to, especially how to build the reputation model within the PA/vPA structure and how to be more predictive in terms of the workload, and be more transparent in terms of how it operates. So one of the key outcomes of the meeting was they are going to produce the documentation and also run a video recording alongside explaining some of it, then we will be able to share. Then we ar going to give some community time to do some deliberations, to sort of examine the proposa, and then have a follow on meeting to see if that is one of the solutions we can pursue for vPAs or PA/vPA structure, and if that is something we want to collectively do. That is something that is expectd within a week or two, that sharing of the documentation. **Simon** - Is that more on the incentives prat, like the moentary incentives? **Danny** - Yes, in essence, but also you are bidding on the work ahead depending on your reputation, so you are assigned the maximum amount of tickets, but how much you will actually be able to earn is something you will have to decide whether you want to do the work or not. It is meant to be more predictable for whether you will be rewarded, to avoid the situation we have seen in previous funds where you did the work but did not know if you were going to be rewarded, where remuneration was very uneven and caused issues. So end to end it speaks to a different approach to it, but depending on how you do your job (Exc/G/FO) it accrues your reputation over time, which then determines how much work you can do in the next funding round. **Simon** - so it isn't the removal of Excellent assessments? **Danny** - Maybe not in this model, but the idea is to lift the veil and show what the team is working on, the research, look at it, examine it, and then meet in the room and ask, "Hey, what did you think of it? What are the potential blindspots?" And then decide whether it is something sensible to pursue. **Simon** - So we have a number of sensed issues that we are looking at, such as iterating guidelines to clarify what is good, what is excellent, or the idea of whether a vPA needs to attend a training of PoL. It doesn't sound like the research team has much overlap on these issues? **Danny** - They have a wide mandate, but this is specifically about the issue of reputation models. And that may be depndent on what kind of tooling we may need to enable that, because currently my understanding is that we don't have the tools available to implement it. So again, seeking some clarity, and how long will the break be, will be to deliberate what are the minimum, must-have items that we feel we need to go into Fund 10, to know if Fund 10 can be launched ## Recording https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DXIWji5LV4Jjw2Co1drnj7aOlyculULl/view?usp=sharing