# Title (75 characters) Build your Contributor Pipeline # Abstract (500-1,000 characters) Would you like to attract new contributors to your project and grow your contributor base? CNCF SIG Contributor Strategy has developed best practices to improve your contributor pipeline and can help you adapt them to your project's needs. * Attract new contributors to your project with good first issues. * Create onboarding materials, such as a contributing guide and onboarding tutorial, to guide their first contribution towards success. * Improve the contributor experience, encouraging people to join your community and stick around after their first pull request. * Publish a contribution ladder so they see a path from new contributor to maintainer and other project roles. * Find a balance between your time commitments as a maintainer and helping new contributors. Whether you are a new sandbox project or an established graduated projects like Kubernetes, you will come away with a realistic actionable way to sustainably grow your community. # Comments In case the formatting doesn't survive, here is the link to our proposal: https://github.com/carolynvs/cfp/blob/main/cfp/2021-kubecon-contributor-pipeline.md The most common question SIG Contributor Strategy receives from project maintainers is "How do I get more contributors?" Over the past year we have developed templates and advisory guides to help address this need. * Contributing Guide Template - https://github.com/cncf/project-template/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md * Issue Labels for New Contributors - https://github.com/cncf/sig-contributor-strategy/blob/master/contributor-growth/docs/issue-labels.md * Contributor Ladder (in-progress) - https://hackmd.io/KBwWdIP3QEOhW68YKcP0NA?view * Onboarding Tutorial (example) - https://porter.sh/contribute/tutorial/ We will: * Share key points from the documents. * Encourage projects to tailor them to their project, for example every project has different roles on their contributor ladder. * Share our experience with how these processes and docs worked on various projects. * Discuss how to take on these extra activities without it feeling like too much on top of everything maintainers do.