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OGC Standard Working Group - GeoZarr
This page collects the meeting minutes for the OGC GeoZarr SWG (
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Learn More →Meetings Info
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Learn More →March 5th, 2025
Proposed topics
Receive meeting alerts: Google Group: GeoZarr or simply share email with Christophe
Max Jones: GeoZarr for Zarr core specification version 3
Brianna: Propose test bed with Max's demos and coordinate with GeoDataCube
Emmanuel: Some updates on ESA Zarr EOPF (if time allows)
main website: https://zarr.eopf.copernicus.eu/
github repos: https://github.com/EOPF-Sample-Service
newsletter registration: https://9yrqwoke.sibpages.com/
LPS will have a zarr tutorial with EOPF
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Learn More →Roadmap Suggestion
To achieve concrete objectives quickly, it is essential to proceed step by step and focus on the essentials to produce a first version of the specifications. A suggested approach is as follows for a first milestone:
In further milestones: 3D+ arrays, GeoTransform optimisations, etc.
For information, this comparison table is available on the Copernicus page: EOPF Copernicus

February 5th, 2025
December 4th, 2024
Round of intros for attendees and sharing of slack channel, hackmd notes, github links and Roadmap/Contribution doc. Chris notes we should add workflows/pipelines to the examples/case studies section.
November 6th, 2024
Workplan / Roadmap
GeoTransform Conclusions
OGC Tools (GoToMeetings)
Resampling method
Geo Transform
Objective: To link pixel coordinates to geographic coordinates in a condensed way
August 28th, 2024
Saving of geo transform
Brianna showed a saved geozarr with geotransform
Chunk position information
What do you want to show to the user
User should not think about chunking
July 24th, 2024
Follow up on: https://discourse.pangeo.io/t/example-which-highlights-the-limitations-of-netcdf-style-coordinates-for-large-geospatial-rasters/4140/33
July 10th, 2024
Cancelled, no attendees.
June 26th, 2024
Moved all notes from 2023 to: https://hackmd.io/@briannapagan/geozarr-swg-2023 as we exceeded hackmd note length
Go over Brianna's response to: https://discourse.pangeo.io/t/example-which-highlights-the-limitations-of-netcdf-style-coordinates-for-large-geospatial-rasters/4140/32
raster space assumes the data are between indices, whilePixelIsPoint
raster space means the data correspond exactly to the data.gdalinfo
on an example (cloud optimized) GeoTiff showsAREA_OR_POINT=Area
) for this.{"crs": {"epsg": 4326}}
{"crs": {"wkt": "<long multi-line WKT string...>"}}
)GDC SWG meetings will be started again in combination with the Testbed 20 GDC group. They'll start June 27th, 16:00 CEST and take place every week. Meeting links are on the OGC portal now.
How to handle multiple resolutions / overviews?
- [Alexey]: GeoTiff metadata includes
Overviews: 1830x1830, 915x915, 458x458, 229x229
- Felix: suggesting etting up TMS server on top of zarr
June 12th, 2024
CNL: not available
Felix Cremer: Try to join, but will be 15 minutes late
The webinar will take place online, at the #Main Stage of the OGC Events Discord server. For logis
Action Item
May 29th, 2024
Christophe: created PR to discuss the table of contents and some core principles of the OGC spec: PR-47. Each topic discussed during meetings should have a PR within a section (+ zarr example)
Christophe: A coverage (2D or more) generally has a corresponding affine transformation (projection) for the latitude/longitude dimensions. The projection can be described in the grid_mapping variable. The coordinates for each pixel might be encoded/described as labelled arrays (NetCDF), origin offset (GDAL), vectors.
in the coordiante variable of the GeoZarr model to indicate which type of encoding is used.Brianna: For spec want to propose the ability to check whether data has
. Original thought was some type of flag to distinguish between the two (Max Jones and I met last week and had the same independent idea), but if range index ability is supported in xarray, this can be the same field with different metadata associated with itMay 15th, 2024
Changing how to call meetings
First iterations of validator (Brianna): https://github.com/briannapagan/geozarr-validator/
Make up the standard that we need to make this happen
GDAL already has a spec to make this possible
Can we open that on the python side and do something with it
That happens in rioxarray
This conversion is not reversible and we would need to see which information is needed to make it reversible
Explicit versus affine transformation
Make the software do what it needs to do and get the spec out of that
Do we want to be the meeting ground to find this out.
Should this be more an implementation meeting?
There is other conventions that build on CF that - specify which parts of CF are required
We need to decide what we want to do
Whether we want to include geotiff like data in the first iteration
Delivering something is important
specs are not updated very often
Maybe we should rather take our time to confront the root issue
If a library says it supports geozarr does it need to support both different data models?
Enumerate the different tools
There is python and gdal which cover 90% of usage
Does GDAL understand both?
If GDAL is doing both so the only thing we would get is on the python side
You can't really write that spec starting with data from xarray
Interoperabiltiy means round triping the data without losing information
Is it obvious how GDAL does it and how to translate that to zarr?
Is there any reason to not take this and implement it in python?
Attrs are not removed in V3 only how it is saved on disk is changed
April 17th, 2024
Brianna Pagan (NASA GES DISC)
Felix Cremer (MPI BGC Julia programmer)
Christine Smit (NASA GES DISC)
Martin Durant (Anaconda)
Kevin Sampson ()
Doug Newman (NASA ESDIS)
Ryan Abernathey
Colby Fisher
April 3rd, 2024
March 20th, 2024
Action Items
March 6th, 2024
Max Jones
Michelle Roby
Ethan Davis
Brianna Pagán
Christophe Noël
Tadd Bindas
Ryan Aberanthey
Felix Cremer
Lars Barring
Sean Harkins
Presentation to OGC netCDF SWG last week (Ethan)
Specifying the Organizational Structure of GeoZarr (title edited) #34 (Christophe)
Tile Matrix https://github.com/zarr-developers/geozarr-spec/pull/44
Compressor lit review
Do we have to explicitly add zarr version specs to GeoZarr specs?
Tuesday March 12 Coworking Hour! EST Time: 11:00 AM (UTC-5)
Interoperabability issues with opening th example zarr stores in Julia
What would we want to see from zarr sparse array support https://github.com/zarr-developers/zarr-specs/issues/245
Action Items
Feb 21st, 2024
Co-chairs for OGC sub group: Christophe and Brianna
Repo updated with OGC formatting
Zarr Sprint summaries (https://github.com/zarr-developers/geozarr-spec/issues/33)
HTTP extension, traverzarr mock-up. File browsing. Kevin Booth, same time tomorrow if folks want to join that conversation via Radiant Earth/Source
Rust object store to be able to query data, replacing fsspec.
Chunk manifest/virtual concat
GeoZarr Interoperablitly https://github.com/zarr-developers/geozarr-spec/blob/main/geozarr-interop-table.md
GeoTiff -> GeoZarr PR! https://github.com/zarr-developers/geozarr-spec/pull/42
Tile Matrix PR: https://github.com/zarr-developers/geozarr-spec/pull/44
Move away from consolidated metadata in the spec itself, so no zattrs
Working session? Monday March 4, 10am-noon EST
Action Items
Jan 24th, 2024
Charter approved November 2023, now an official SWG
Upcoming Zarr sprint with GeoZarr focus: https://lu.ma/Zarr-NYC
Understanding concerns with CF encoding of CRS https://github.com/zarr-developers/geozarr-spec/issues/20
How to encode typical origin / offset coordinate variables in ZARR? https://github.com/zarr-developers/geozarr-spec/issues/17
Ryan: Concrete outcome: be able to write raster day to python read it back in gdal and write it from gdal read back in python. Round trip for CRS. Not possible today because gdal and xarray/python world have chosen a different way to represent CRS info.
Matt: what about case in zarr where you don't have a valid crs, can still read it in gdal, we have gcp for every pixel, interesting exercise how to read zarr data that doesn't have crs assigned and reproject data.
Ethan: Huge software ecosystem based around netcdf/cf making sure it works with netcdf implementation of zarr support would be a big win. Ethan is chair of OGC netcdf group organizing a meeting end of Feb, one agenda item is looking at geozarr. Dave Blodgett and Brianna will join for this discussion, can be a follow-up to zarr sprint.
Christophe: GDAL 3.9 per OSGeo/gdal#9108 will be able to infer CRS in a Zarr dataset using a CF-1 grid_mapping variable (basically raw conversion of netCDF CF-1 to Zarr)
Wietze: Played around with zarr in QGIS which works with latest gdal, quite slow because data is large, doesn't load the data efficienctly, no pyramid concept in zarr like geotiffs
Max: Happy to get together virtually for half day to work on pyramiding component, core decision is everything in the geozarr stac or seperate ZEP. Meeting with Sanket next week
Ryan: We don't want to be spec-first.Focus on making demos - something that didn't work day one that now works on day two. There is a convention, biologists also use it heavily.
Christophe: Yes focus on POC, but to balance not reinvent the wheel with COG, usual webmap viewer, open layers typically provide BMPs for those formats, if people experienced in this can share their knowledge here
Some good start for standard "conventiosn" for pyramid well supported by Map viewer:
Ryan: need to be realistic, we won't accomplish as much as we want only a few hours to actually code and we should be very targeted. How shareable are some of these projects. Wanting to make pyramiding work in QGIS? Can more than one person work on that at a time? Get a candidate list of projects, what level of difficulty, what skills, rank and select 3-4.
Ryan: do we need to pay someone with gdal expertise? Contact Evan? My inclination is to leave gdal out just based on who has RSVPed so far.
Sean: writing CF compliant metadata, later verify it works with gdal
Sprint focus groups:
Integration of Zarr with STAC Catalogs https://github.com/zarr-developers/geozarr-spec/iss4ues/32
zarr-python is in flux, not put into zarr-v3. Might be released by the sprint or working off v3 feature branch where new things are living.
Action Items