# What Makes A Good Property Photographer? Blueprint Studios is a specialised field that requires both technical skill and an eye for composition. **[Property photographer](https://www.blueprintstudios.co.nz/)** need to be able to capture the best features of a property while also making it look appealing to potential buyers. This can be a challenge, as properties often have areas that are less than perfect. A good property photography will know how to use light and angle to accentuate the positive features of the property and downplay any negative aspects. They will also have a keen eye for detail, allowing them to capture even the smallest details that make a property unique. In addition, a good **[Property Photography Auckland](https://www.sixfigureclassifieds.com/services/other-services/the-best-property-photographer-at-blueprint-studios_i1453960)** will be able to work quickly and efficiently, as time is often limited when photographing a property. As a result, they will be able to produce high-quality photographs that accurately represent the Property. ![](https://i.imgur.com/UpUQvAj.jpg)