# The Dos and Don'ts of Website Design: Common Mistakes to Avoid ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Byd6BUNRn.jpg) Let’s be honest with each other: everyone makes mistakes. Even the most experienced and seasoned of professionals make errors in a wide array of tasks and fields. **[Website design](https://wpglob.com/5-best-shopify-store-design-apps-in-2022/)** and development is one of them and it is nothing to be ashamed of. **[Web design and development](https://themediumblog.com/the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-web-design-and-development/)** professionals often make mistakes. Though there are some that can be overlooked and are fixed later on, there are some mistakes that are costly and have serious implications too. Let us now delve deeper into the depth of the mistakes web designers make, and in what ways they can be prevented. Here are some mistakes and tips to fix them. These tips can be implemented easily. Let us now read more on it. # The most common mistakes made in web design - what are they? Websites today play a key role in helping businesses, brands, and organizations alike succeed. Even in the age of mobile devices, websites are important. Many of them are vying for customers' attention in the online world. It is key to ensuring the website stands out from the crowd. It is key to ensuring the website stands out from the crowd. As a brand, you can showcase your branded or authentic customer-generated content, social media content, or **[hashtag campaign](https://socialwalls.com/blog/hashtag-campaign-examples/)** content to keep your website genuine and build strong connections. But a lot of web designers (experienced ones included) make a lot of common mistakes that not only can hurt a website but also undermine the effectiveness of their work. If professionals are aware of these mistakes and can take a proactive approach towards tackling them, a website that captivates people and achieves **[business plan](https://www.visme.co/business-plan/)** objectives is one that is successful for sure. A website that is well-designed is good at the following: **● Creating a worthwhile first impression. ● Boost brand identity. ● Add value and enrichment to the mobile responsiveness factor. ● Amplify ranks in search engines via search engine optimization (SEO). ● Attract more visitors and prospective customers.** But a website that is poorly designed will not achieve anything out of the above. It can damage the brand’s reputation, hurt the website, and overturn all business objectives. Let us now explore the most common mistakes in web design: # Failing to set clear objectives This is indeed one of the biggest mistakes **[web designers](https://www.techimply.com/blog/how-to-change-your-career-from-web-design-to-ux-design)** make. They often fail to set clear objectives for their websites. When there are no clear objectives, nothing gets done and the design process becomes pointless. Before companies start making a website, they should take some time to define the website’s purpose and objective, its audience, and what actions they want the visitors to take. When clear objectives are established, not only does it help companies make the necessary decisions but also helps them create a website aligning with their objectives. # Neglecting user experience is like shooting oneself in the foot ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJa9KLV0n.jpg) A lot of designers have made stunning websites. However, they have also forgotten to take user experience (UX) into careful consideration. User Experience (UX) is one of the main reasons a website helps convert a visitor into a customer. It defines the way they interact with a website. It should be ensured that the website is navigable, and has clear and intuitive menus with everything labeled clearly. All content should be organized properly. Moreover, important visual cues and responsive design should be implemented. This helps guide visitors properly on their online journey. # Not having clear and consistent navigation is a problem A website having confusing or inconsistent navigation drives away visitors. Professionals from an agency of **[web design Houston](https://branex.com/web-design-services-in-houston/)** agree with the aforementioned fact because visitors have a short patience span. This is why pages need to be clear with consistent content across them. A simple menu structure with everything labeled clearly with a visible navigation bar is a winner. Everything should be properly categorized in a proper hierarchy for all websites having more than ten pages. This helps users navigate various sections easily. Additionally, intuitive redirects need to be implemented to prevent users from having inconvenience in searching for pages. # No need to make a cluttered design ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByC75LNAn.jpg) Web designers end up making a cluttered website by trying to showcase everything all at once. They fall into the trap of making cluttered designs. There are many elements on a page that cannot just overwhelm visitors but also make it difficult for them to find what they need to find. This is where minimalism and its principles come in quite handy. Whitespace needs to be used effectively. Content needs to be broken down into understandable parts. This helps increase loading times for the websites. A design that is clean and without clutter is visually appealing. It is also user-friendly. # Readability is another major player Readability plays a key part in helping engage a website’s visitors. If the content is not easy to read then visitors will not stay on the website. The font size should be large enough and should also be readable. A minimalist color scheme providing good contrast between the background and the text is a must. There is no need to go fancy. Web designers need to stick to standard font sizes. They also must avoid using a variety of fonts or distracting color combinations. A website that is aesthetically pleasing and easily readable will help keep visitors engaged and will encourage them to explore things further. # Mobile responsiveness is necessary ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryaa984R3.jpg) 80% of internet traffic today comes from mobile devices. Yes, mobile devices are becoming quite popular. Neglecting mobile responsiveness is like running your own business to the ground. Websites should adapt seamlessly to various screen resolutions and sizes across various mobile devices. Embracing responsive design methods in web design help ensure the website looks and works without flaws on all mobile devices. Testing the websites across various devices using the needed tools helps verify their responsiveness. It even helps make the needed adjustments for the best user experience. # Slow web page loading speeds are a turn-off Today’s world is fast-paced. Users expect websites to load as quickly as possible. If the website is taking quite long to load, then visitors will go to another website. They will never visit the slow-loading site again. This is the very reason the website’s performance needs to be optimized by way of the following: **● Compressing large images. ● Reducing the amount of coding used. ● Making good use of caching techniques.** This is why websites need a reliable hosting partner. They can provide them with quick server response times. Giving speed priority helps create a streamlined browsing experience. This keeps visitors engaged and encourages them to stay on the website longer. # Forgetting to optimize the website for SEO is another big problem ![](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HkqjjLEA3.jpg) No matter how beautiful the website looks, it must work well and rank well on most search engines. Ignoring search engine optimization (SEO) can hinder the website’s visibility as well as its organic traffic. Keyword research should be conducted. Relevant keywords also need to be incorporated into the website’s content, its meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta tags. AI generators should be avoided as the content they create is problematic and requires manual fixing. Images need to be optimized with descriptive alt text. Meta descriptions should be unique and creating top-quality backlinks helps improve the website’s SEO performance. A well-optimized website will attract more organic traffic and be more successful. This is why using modern web development technologies is helpful. # Conclusion Careful attention to detail, and a good focus on user experience; are the key points in designing a noteworthy website. Avoiding the aforementioned web design errors can prevent companies from falling for potential pitfalls. It even helps them create a website that is appealing and provides a streamlined user experience.