# Best Practices for Cloud Native Application Development ![pic1.jpg](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/H16saetm6.jpg) It is no longer an option for organizations to move their operations online. Businesses are adopting cloud-native apps to get the scale, velocity, and adaptability required to compete in industries that are changing quickly. Delivering commercial value is facilitated by cloud-native application’s ability to incorporate user feedback for continuous improvements. A study shows that the cloud application market is foreseen to reach **[$168.6 billion by 2025](https://www.statista.com/statistics/475670/cloud-applications-market-size-worldwide/)**. With today's demanding customers and ever-changing markets, cloud-native technology helps businesses quickly realize their ideas. # What do you understand by cloud native application? The idea behind a cloud-native application is to develop applications that leverage distributed computing to benefit from the elasticity, scalability, flexibility, and resilience that cloud delivery models provide. These programs are hosted and operated on cloud infrastructure. It helps enterprises by offering self-contained packaging, movable containers, and autonomous services. It is primarily for cloud computing. Cloud-based apps can leverage cloud features thanks to the dynamic cloud infrastructure. The greatest features, such as declarative APIs, microservices, containers, immutable architecture, and service meshes, are available with the cloud-native approach. It makes frequent changes easier for developers to handle with a lot less work. # Advantages of adopting cloud native application Before we discuss the best practices, let's discuss the advantages first to get a better glimpse of them. **1. Cost-effective development** Businesses that used monolithic architecture in the past had fixed resources and excessive maintenance and backup costs despite not being involved in the software development process. Businesses can save money on development, maintenance, backup, and resource usage by implementing cloud-native apps. Since switching to a pay-per-use approach, open-source systems and solutions like serverless systems have achieved significant cost savings. **2. Smooth partnership** Success with cloud-native applications depends on enhanced cross-team cooperation and improved siloed collaboration. For cloud-native architecture models, adopting a DevOps approach helps businesses with delivery, collaboration, adaption, and containerization. Cloud-native apps help dispel myths about project management by facilitating increased cooperation between development and operations teams. **3. Reliable customer service** The modern generation of apps does not need the old elements that were necessary to provide better user experiences in the past, such as lengthy software updates and specialized teams for assigned tasks. Businesses can employ a mobile-first strategy for application development, concentrate on feedback and the deployment cycle, and give the customer experience top priority to provide greater features by using cloud-native apps. # What are the best practices in cloud native applications? ![pic2.jpg](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJRUAgtQ6.jpg) Cloud-native applications can offer several advantages. They provide effective resource usage, mobility, and fine-grained scalability. Even so, they can be challenging to safeguard and administer. Developers of cloud-native apps must reduce the drawbacks and optimize the advantages. **1. Adopt serverless for competitive advantage** Deploying cloud-native applications with serverless computing has several advantages. You can spend less on the cloud overall with serverless. Applications may scale up and down quickly, thanks to it. It lessens the work that engineers must do to manage and deploy apps. To host the application, they don't need to provision a whole server. However, serverless has definite disadvantages. Less portability exists. Moving an application from one cloud-based serverless computing engine to another is often challenging. Only applications written, at least natively, in specific languages or frameworks are supported by serverless computing systems. Sometimes, developers will utilize wrappers to run serverless tasks that aren't supported natively on a certain platform. **2. Selecting the correct design pattern** A cloud-native application's design offers a plethora of alternatives for developers. Microsoft's list, for example, contains no less than 39 different patterns. Among the most widely used cloud design patterns are: **Sidecar:** One set of services operates by the primary application. It attends as sidecars by auxiliary functionality, such as that for monitoring tools. **Event-based:** A design pattern in which the program runs only in reaction to certain circumstances, as opposed to running constantly. **AQCRS:** Application write and application read operations are separated by command and query responsibility segregation. **Doorkeeper:** Requests for other, privately hosted instances are routed through a single public-facing application instance. **3. Focusing on security** Developing cloud-native applications requires careful consideration of security issues. Organizations need policies to guarantee safe development. These may contain instructions on how to organize and carry out secure application authentication, permissions in developing applications, and strategies to stop developers from developing any business functionality first and adding authentication afterward. Additionally, developers ought to make plans to optimize application data security. It covers both data held externally, like in an object storage service, and data saved within the application. Enable access control and data encryption in every storage location. # Some use cases of cloud native application **[Cloud native development](https://www.azilen.com/blog/cloud-native-development/)** offers end users the best chance to access information more quickly, maintain dependability and resilience, and bring new ideas to market more quickly. In today's tech-driven environment, the production process in every firm has grown since the cloud took over. It has enhanced the productivity of numerous development teams by assisting them in avoiding distractions. Cloud-native applications have facilitated the standardization of enterprise initiatives and improved environment creation. Using the CI/CD methodology, DevOps teams may transform an original idea into functionality for an app. With this additional product or functionality, an organization can gain a competitive edge and win over customers. The CI/CD pipeline relies heavily on automation for tasks like code compilation, build assembly and testing, improving continuous delivery, and delivering optimal updates for cloud-native applications. The application is safeguarded against numerous vulnerabilities thanks to the use of automated cloud-native technologies. Here are some examples of where companies have adopted cloud-native application development. **Pinterest:** With the help of Pinterest, users can discover billions of images to pin on monthly online bulletin boards. Their company decreased build times and streamlined workload deployment and management by converting to cloud-native apps, which increased productivity. **Spotify:** Given its popularity as a music streaming site, it requires no introduction. An excellent illustration of a cloud-native application is Spotify. It uses cloud services and container orchestration to handle a massive music library. Additionally, it enables the software to support millions of devices at once. The Spotify app uses cloud-native technologies to scale on demand. **Netflix:** As this video streaming infrastructure is designed with microservices, and employs Docker for containerization, and Kubernetes for orchestration, it is the ideal example of cloud-native development. They can swiftly distribute product updates and scale their infrastructure with ease using cloud-native deployment. # Conclusion Adopting best practices for **[software product development](https://www.azilen.com/product-engineering/software-product-development/)** is crucial for contemporary businesses hoping to maximize the benefits of this strategy. You may fully utilize the cloud by using containerization, automation, microservices architecture, and other relevant concepts. Consider collaborating with outsourcing professionals who specialize in cloud-native SaaS solutions to put these strategies into practice.