# ETHOnline hackathon proposal ### Goal: Work on a single idea that could be built with the Privacy & Scaling explorations project and involve hackathon participants interested in building it. The goal is to create a broader awareness of the projects and hopefully have a useful application or a PoC for potential application built. In the case of not finding any interested participants, we should build the application PoCs ourselves. This is a similar approach to the Rayonism which took place for the ETH Global’s Scaling hackathon (https://rayonism.io/). The goal would be to realise the specified idea and not to focus on winning prizes or integrating as many as sponsors as possible just for the sake of it. ### Approach: Because of the limited amount of time and limited resources (assuming the hackathon is not our main priority), ideally we would focus on a single idea on which we should form a consensus first. After that we should share the idea, the details and a short specification in the ETHOnline hackathon channels if anyone wants to join (I’ve already started sharing the RLN post to a few friends who are enthusiastic and might participate in the hackathon). We could then organise work and focus on building. ### Ideas (Blagoj): #### RLN: - Instant messaging chat library or application PoC (this could potentially help 0xSocial project in the future too https://www.auti.sm/) (https://sugared-hospital-6a3.notion.site/Private-anonymous-spam-resistant-chat-application-using-RLN-and-InterRep-single-merkle-tree-fd58ee5170e44a6aac12780b3ec588b5) - Spam resistant cloudflare PoC (https://sugared-hospital-6a3.notion.site/Website-Spam-Protection-Via-Request-Rate-Limiting-Using-RLN-And-Rich-User-Identities-b3d067e18b4f434b9d2243aeb9eb21ba) - Gossipsub-rln - spam resistant p2p library (https://sugared-hospital-6a3.notion.site/RLN-libp2p-protocol-and-usecases-6c82036957df41c38897bfe38e0cff02) #### Semaphore or RLN: - NFT minting protocol for minting NFTs in private and fair-distribution manner - integrated with InterRep (to be specified better) #### Decentralized journalism (Miha) A platform where people could collaboratively work on the stories. The collaborators would need to use decentralized identity, but could remain anonymous if desired. A reputation system for collaborators would be in place to rank the stories and to give collaborators different permissions (editor, publisher ...). Such a platform would enable: - publishing and editing anonymously but yet with some acknowledged identity - collaboration of people of different profiles and level of experience - enable citizens (only with acknowledged identity to prevent uncivilized comments) to comment the published stories The use case could be some people from Syria telling the story about the conditions in their country and collaborating with some developers to provide data visualizations and some designers to provide the art.