# Hack For Freedom Submission ![](https://github.com/Layer2ETH/AragonOnMatic/raw/master/assets/images/maticandaragon1.jpg) ## AragoMatic: AragonOnMatic ## Project Description Today, Ethereum gas prices make it very difficult and expensive to interact with Aragon DAOs. It can cost as much as $4 to vote on a proposal and $10 to create a proposal in Aragon DAOs. AragonOnMatic migrates an existing organization to the Matic sidechain and allows users to migrate their Aragon state to the Mainnet at much cheaper costs. ## Project Team* @mikedeshazer <br> ## A prototype (code or no-code)* https://github.com/Layer2ETH/AragonOnMatic <br> ## Beta-product page + lead capture url https://www.aragomatic.com ## Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcSTd6GRqtM ## Pitch Deck https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1W6rVSuEcPGh-rTOAKxAEXFPJnuXAcWnR1koD8s39RE8/edit?usp=sharing