*Editor of this document: Jason Liu* # Employee Benefits and Expenses Employee benefits are designed as an extension of our compensation (sustainable living) and ethos (building a company that will last 100 years). You are an owner in Bitmark Inc. You have the ability to make decisions that are best for the company. Share questions or proposals for new benefits with your manager. ## Expenses Spend the company’s money as if it were your money, paying for things that can help you improve your work such as equipment and education. Provide Nhung (Vietnam) or Agnes (non-Vietnam), with your manager cc'ed, with the amount to be reimbursed towards the end of the month. ## Personal Leave You can take time off, for any reason, as needed. Some tips for taking time off: * Plan ahead (even on the local national holiday) * Contact your manager and other team members you’re working with and discuss your plan with them, so that everyone can minimize the impact. * Mark the dates on the [unavailability calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=Yml0bWFyay5jb21fYTI2bWR1bTh0dGthZWs0OWZmOXRrbGU2bTRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ) as a reminder for everyone. ## Child Care and Health Check subsidies (Taiwan, Vietnam) Bitmark provides child care and health check subsidies. ## Salary in BTC You may receive a portion of your salary in BTC. ## Birthday gifts You may choose any artwork sold on Feral File under $200 as a birthday gift. (exhibitions less than one day old do not qualify) Purchases must be made within 1 week of the birthday. Share with everyone in [#announcements](https://bitmark.slack.com/archives/C2ZPZ8VNJ) about which one you got and why you chose it. Let's learn from each other how different people evaluate NFTs. ## NFT Subsidy We encourage employees to learn about and invest into digital assets; these form the core of our business activity. Ex. Michael buys multiple "cool surfer" NFT on Artblocks: * totaling $50. Bitmark will refund $25. * totaling $100. Bitmark will refund $50. * totaling $105. Bitmark will refund $50. Share interesting NFTs or marketplaces in [#announcements](https://bitmark.slack.com/archives/C2ZPZ8VNJ)