*Editor of this document: Michael Nguyen* Culture is what you do and not what you say. Each employee has shared what they strive to do on an everyday basis at Bitmark. Newest contributions go on top. # **This is Bitmark!** **Anais Barthe** I don’t make the assumption that everyone should know everything. And I appreciate that across fields people are ready to adapt their vocabulary so knowledge can be shared. I feel that the main motivation towards projects are not money-driven but because they are projects trying to solve questions that matter. **Christoper Hall** a. being able to communicate with anyone b. if things needs doing (or a problem spotted) - if can do it also inform others that you can take esponsibility - or ask for help, this also requires knowing who know about what area Seen the above happen many times, employees just stepping up to help even if late and getting problems sorted efficiently. Personally I think it comes down to it is really easy to talk to People in Bitmark and having a good idea who has the knowledge. Just talking with them and being able to discuss any problems I am having. **Nhung Nguyen** I always give people a feeling of closed, friendly and comfortable when talking about both issues in my professional work as well as other personal issues in their life whenever someone needs to share. **Hao Cheng Lee** Personally, I aim to find the balance point between rationality and creativity for each day's work. It's always a dynamic process and I often make some adjustments trough communication with team members. It's like co-create an artwork together! **Sean Moss-Pultz** I always aim to take the set of actions that are most likely to get us closer to achieving our mission. I reevaluate the actions periodically to make sure it’s true. When we execute, I watch for gaps and errors. There’s going to be errors in whatever we set up. The correction of those errors is more important than getting it right in the first place. Much more important. **Jim Yeh** What i will do is to make complicated problems simple and find solutions in an elegant way. It starts with coming up with a diagram or a flow in draft. I then share it with others. Everyone can comments and gives feedbacks. When everyone agrees with it, we then break down it into small pieces in details and try to make it work. **Casey Alt** The desire to make products that are a joy to use. **Rita Wu** Bitmark is a fair place where everyone can express their opinions, challenge others. I aim to encourage others to raise questions so that the team can help out and provide suggestions during the discussions. I like the freedom at Bitmark, the freedom to give opinions, the freedom to make the right decisions, and the freedom to figure out the answers instead of waiting for others to give you the answer. **Hien Phan** * I can always learn something news at Bitmark (personal development) * Build something great together. It’s really happy to see how fast people try to collect the works when exhibition start. (Be recognized) * I can share my thoughts and contribute to the product (ownership) **Hieu Pham** When i works at Bitmark, the most important thing for me is I always think that Bitmark is my own company, i work at Bitmark means i work for myself, i spend company money means i spend my money, there is no different between them. At my previous companies, i just work for money that means I help company to earn 3$ and i deserve to get 1$. That why there is no reason for me to work overtime or at night that I think have to recover myself and I think it's fair to me. At Bitmark, i work for myself so i always try my best to get it better over time. **Hien Ho** For me, the most important thing to get acquainted with the work at Bitmark is working together and discuss with other team members. It starts with reading the document relate to work/project by myself then open a discussion about what we learn and what concerning with others. That could help to learning the work as well as making communication with team members. **Cuong Le** I have a high tolerance for mistakes that are the results of enthusiasm & careful work, but I get mad at mistakes caused by irresponsibility. **Brandon Yeh** I would like to see myself as a learner and reviewer. A thing I think it's good to show our culture is we could accept challenge from bottom and we'll try to figure out the best solution instead of following the decision without thinking. **Duyen Bui** Communication is the most important that help me move faster at Bitmark. If I meet issue but gave up after research, I’ll think about who should I ask for support. That’s often supervisor, I don’t try to ask everyone. **Michael Nguyen** I aim to over communicate with the assumption that others are often hesitant to ask. **Kien Nguyen** * I take more time to test many cases when I'm doing the task. Maybe the task will overestimate but I want to do the better thing before release the story. * If I have any problems, I usually research it on Stack Over Flow. If it's too difficult to resolve, I will ask Thuyen, Duyen and someone to help me. They always help me. * When I have some questions about the UI, I just call the to discuss and get the feedback soon. **Jason Liu** The feeling of failures really sucks, but when that happens, I try to encourage myself that it’s only a process to get to success. And I would ask for help, learn, and try again to break through the bottleneck. **Anh Nguyen** The most important thing that guides me when working at Bitmark is responsibilities. I know what to do at a certain time to contribute to the company's progress (and also the same to people that I had chances to talk). That comes from many factors that we are doing. * Stock option. * Transparency, we share as much as we can. * Distributed. That might sound weird, but to me being atomic, not in a single local team is an advantage. I know some members in Vietnam were influenced by senior ones and did not raise their idea/opinions during the meeting. Being distributed leaves them a chance to think/talk in their way, and I saw some good ideas since then. ~~