*Editor of this document: Michael Nguyen* # Bitmark Performance Review Process ## Overview The performance review process is conducted once per quarter for employees who have been with the company for less than 12 months. After 12 months, this may be conducted every two quarters (six months) based on manager preference. * The performance review a process in which both parties reflect on how the employee is doing, what should be accomplished moving forward, and how to do so together. * Financial compensation decisions are not tied to the performance review, in an effort to create an environment of trust and safety for the discussion. If what you say determines your compensation, your incentive is to look as good as possible, not on personal growth. * Reviews are kept private but may be shared with other managers with notification to the employee. ## Process 1. Manager sends reflection questions for the employee one week before the review discussion. * What were the things you did well? * What were the things you did not do well? * What are the things Bitmark does well? * What are the things that Bitmark does not do well and can improve upon? * What areas can you improve on? * What are your expectations of me? * How am I doing to meet your expectations? 1. Employee fills in answers into a shared document and reports to his/her manager when complete. 1. Manager forms notes prepared since the previous review to the employee’s notes, pasting his/her notes into the document once step 2 is complete. Both steps should be completed at least one day in advance of the review date. 1. Employee and Manager read each other’s notes before the review date to prepare for the discussion. This should happen the night before the meeting, or earlier, to give time for both parties to process the information. 1. Discussion is 45 mins to 1.5 hrs. Notes from the discussion, including follow-up items, are made within the document as comments. ## For Employees Employees should be able to answer the following after each review: * How does my manager feel about my work? Why (based on what evidence)? * How can I improve? What are specific next steps to doing so? * Where will this improvement lead in terms of career development? * Why is my work important for the company? * What are the metrics/goals that I will be responsible for in the next review?