此為關於倫敦政經學院聲明之翻譯,初版由陳方隅所翻譯,歡迎鄉民共筆協作,使翻譯可以更完整。貢獻後,可於下面新增自己的姓名。翻譯成果將以 CC0 授權釋出,提供各界利用。
2019 年 10 月 8 日
LSE has received a number of queries regarding the academic status of our alumna, Dr Tsai Ing-wen, President of Taiwan.
We can be clear the records of LSE and of the University of London - the degree awarding body at the time - confirm that Dr Tsai was correctly awarded a PhD in Law in 1984.
根據 LSE 以及當時的學位頒發單位倫敦大學的紀錄,我們清楚地確認,蔡英文博士確實於 1984 年獲頒博士學位無誤。
All degrees from that period were awarded via the University of London and the thesis would have been sent first to their Senate House Library.
當時本學院所有學位均透過倫敦大學授與,學位論文均須繳交到 Senate House Library 圖書館存查。
The Senate House Library records confirm that a copy was received and sent by them to the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies (IALS). There is a listing of Dr Tsai’s thesis ‘Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions’ in the IALS index document “Legal Research in the United Kingdom 1905-1984”, which was published in 1985.
根據 Senate House Library 圖書館的紀錄,當時的確收到蔡英文博士的論文,該館並將此論文轉送至 Institute for Advanced Legal Studies(IALS) 法律研究所。在該研究所於 1985 年出版的館藏索引《Legal Research in the United Kingdom 1905-1984》中,蔡英文博士的論文《Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions》的確收錄在內。
Dr Tsai recently provided the LSE Library with a facsimile of a personal copy of the thesis, Unfair trade practices and safeguard actions which is available to view in the Library Reading Room. We understand Dr Tsai has also provided a digital version of her personal copy to the National Central Library of Taiwan.
蔡英文博士最近提供 LSE 圖書館一份個人收藏的博士論文副本,現可在 LSE 圖書館的閱覽室借閱。我們也得知,蔡英文博士亦提供台灣國家圖書館一份其個人保存版本的數位版副本。