--- title: 《美國國會「美中經濟與安全審查委員會」2018年度報告》第三章中國和台灣「主要發現」翻譯計畫 image: https://i.imgur.com/QaZcJP5.jpg --- # 《美國國會「美中經濟與安全審查委員會」2018年度報告》第三章中國和台灣「主要發現」翻譯計畫 美國國會於2018年11月14日釋出[年度報告](https://www.uscc.gov/Annual_Reports/2018-annual-report),其中第三部分有關中國與台灣。為了讓更多人看到年度報告,在此發起第三章「中國與台灣」Key finding的翻譯計畫。 下方許多翻譯是google翻譯的成果,歡迎大家協作修改成信達雅的翻譯。翻譯者若願意具名,請自行在下方「貢獻者」區域加上您的大名。 翻譯成果未來將會以CC0的方式釋出,方便各界利用。 ## 協作方式 請點選右上角筆狀符號即可進入編輯介面。 ![](https://i.imgur.com/6We1eNa.png) ## 貢獻者: 雨蒼 Hsin-Hsin Liu (審潤) 曾小工(部分審訂) Fang-Yu Chen (部分審訂) ------ ![](https://i.imgur.com/QaZcJP5.jpg) ## 名詞統一區: ----- ## 翻譯全文 # 2018 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 年度報告 ## SECTION 3: CHINA AND TAIWAN 第三部分:中國和台灣 ### Key Findings 主要發現 • Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen continues to pursue a crossStrait policy of maintaining the status quo in the face of actions by Beijing that have increased pressure on Taiwan and instability in the Strait. Over the past year, Beijing increased actions to pressure and isolate Taiwan, while advancing unilateral efforts to deepen cross-Strait economic and social integration, including actions that Taiwan viewed as threatening to its sovereignty. To these ends, Beijing enticed three of Taiwan’s diplomatic partners to terminate official relations with Taiwan, pressured U.S. and other foreign companies to identify Taiwan as part of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on their websites, and treated Taiwan as PRC-governed territory by unilaterally activating new flight routes near the island. • 面對北京持續擴大施壓以及兩岸情勢不穩定,台灣總統蔡英文繼續奉行「維持現狀」的兩岸政策。在過去的一年裡,北京加大了打壓及孤立台灣的力道,同時單方面地強化加深兩岸經濟和社會的統合,包括許多台灣視為威脅其主權的行動。為此,北京方面誘使三個台灣邦交國與台灣斷交,迫使美商和外商在網站中將台灣標註為中華人民共和國(PRC)的一部分;同時單方面啟用鄰近台灣領空的新航線,將台灣視為中華人民共和國管轄的領土。 • China is also intensifying its political warfare activities in Taiwan. Beijing has employed a variety of tactics seeking to undermine Taiwan’s democracy, and the Tsai Administration, in particular including supporting opposition political parties and spreading disinformation using social media and other online tools. •中國也加強了在台政戰活動。北京採取各種手段,試圖破壞台灣的民主政治,並打擊蔡政府。這些手段包含:支持在野政黨以及利用社群網站和其他網路工具散佈不實資訊。 • The threat to Taiwan from China’s military posture and modernization continues to grow, and Beijing has increased coercive military activities to intimidate Taipei. In response, Taiwan has taken initial, but significant, steps to enhance its defensive capabilities by adopting a new defense strategy, increasing its emphasis on asymmetric capabilities, and increasing procurement from its domestic defense industries and the United States. It also continues its decade-long transition to an all-volunteer force. •中國軍事的戰備與現代化對台灣的威脅持續上升,北京方面更頻繁以高壓軍事活動來威嚇台北。為了因應威脅,台灣已經採取了初步但十分重要的措施以增強防禦能力,包括制定新的國防戰略、加強著重不對稱作戰能力,並擴大向本土國防工業和美國進行軍事採購。而台灣推動全募兵制轉型已有十年,未來亦將持續進行。 • As part of a strategy of “resolute defense, multi-layered deterrence” introduced by the Tsai Administration, Taiwan’s new Overall Defense Concept aims to exploit Chinese military vulnerabilities and capitalize on Taiwan’s defensive strengths by focusing on three areas: (1) preservation of warfighting capability, (2) pursuing decisive victory in the littoral area, and (3) annihilating the enemy on the beach. However, the success of the new strategy faces a major challenge from the scale and speed of China’s People’s Liberation Army’s continued growth. •作為蔡政府「防衛固守,重層嚇阻」戰略的一環,新的整體防衛構想(Overall Defense Concept, ODC)旨在利用中國的軍事弱點,發揮台灣的國防優勢。其聚焦於三大面向:(1)戰力防護(2)濱海決勝(3)灘岸殲敵。然而,新戰略要奏效,必須克服一個重大的挑戰——中國人民解放軍持續成長的速度和規模。 • Taiwan remains reliant on China as its largest trading partner and destination for foreign investment, making it vulnerable to economic coercion and political pressure from Beijing. President Tsai has prioritized several domestic initiatives—including the “5+2” Innovative Industries program and Forward-looking In-frastructure Program—to strengthen key engines of Taiwan’s economy and spur innovation and job creation. Meanwhile, Taiwan continues to pursue the New Southbound Policy to diversify its economic ties in South and Southeast Asia and reduce its reliance on the Chinese economy. •台灣仍然依賴中國作為最大貿易夥伴和對外投資目的地,使其容易遭受來自北京的經濟脅迫和政治壓力。蔡總統優先推動幾項國內政策 - 其中包括「5+2」產業創新計畫,和「前瞻基礎建設計畫」,強化台灣經濟發展的驅動力,鼓勵創新和創造就業。與此同時,台灣繼續推行「新南向政策」,期能在南亞和東南亞多方拓展經濟合作關係,並減少對中國經濟的依賴。 • U.S.-Taiwan relations are strong, with the unanimous passage and presidential signing of the Taiwan Travel Act, a public visit to Taiwan by a senior official from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, and the dedication of the American Institute in Taiwan’s new office complex in Taipei. Although Taiwan continues to prioritize economic relations with the United States, discussions over longstanding issues in the relationship (such as beef and pork market access restrictions) remain stalled. •美台關係強健,「台灣旅行法」在美國國會獲得一致通過並經總統簽署、美國國務院東亞和太平洋事務局高級官員公開訪台,美國在台協會在台北新館亦於日前啟用。雖然台灣一直把與美國的經濟關係放在優先位置,但在某些長期未解的議題(如美國牛肉和豬肉進口限制)上,協商進度仍然停滯不前。 ### Recommendations 建議 The Commission recommends: 委員會建議: • Congress direct the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to resume meetings under the U.S.-Taiwan Trade and Investment Framework Agreement in 2019 and to identify enhanced negotiating procedures to resolve outstanding issues. •美國國會指示美國貿易代表辦公室(通常簡稱USTR),根據美台貿易和投資框架協議於2019年恢復會談,尋求更理想的談判程序,以解決懸而未決的議題。 • Congress direct the Administration to produce an interagency report on a whole-of-government strategy for supporting Taiwan’s engagement with the international community, including consideration of, but not limited to, the following actions: •美國國會指示美國政府研議一份跨部會報告,評估支持台灣參與國際社會的整體官方策略,包括考慮採取(但不限於)以下行動: ○ Explore opportunities for providing proactive development and security assistance to Taiwan’s diplomatic partners in an effort to encourage them to maintain ties with Taipei. ○尋求機會主動向台灣邦交國提供發展和安全援助,以鼓勵他們維持與台北的邦交關係。 ○ Identify adjustments the United States could take in its relations with Taiwan in response to Beijing altering the crossStrait status quo and taking coercive action to pressure Taipei. ○找出美台關係中可加以調整之處,以回應北京改變兩岸現狀與對台北強硬施壓的行為。 ○ Discuss cross-Strait relations and U.S. policy regarding Taiwan in meetings with U.S. allied and partner governments and support an expansion of commercial, cultural, and other exchanges between Taiwan and those countries. ○在與美國盟國和合作友邦的會晤中討論兩岸關係和美國對台政策,並支持擴大台灣與上述國家之間的商業、文化和其他交流。 ○ Establish a high-level bilateral U.S.-Taiwan development dialogue to encourage Taiwan’s role in promoting sustainable global development. ○建立美台高層級雙邊發展對談,鼓勵台灣參與促進全球永續發展。 ○ Identify key international organizations that would benefit from Taiwan’s expertise and participation, and focus high-level U.S. advocacy efforts to secure Taiwan’s membership or participation in these organizations. ○尋求可受惠於台灣專業及其參與的重要國際組織,集中美國高層影響力,確保這些組織中台灣的參與或會員資格。 • Congress consider amending antiboycott laws under the Export Administration Act or pass new legislation to prohibit U.S. companies from complying with China’s efforts to apply pressure on Taiwan. Such legislation could include measures authorizing reciprocal sanctions on Chinese entities in the event of Chinese government retaliation against U.S. companies. •國會考慮修改「出口管理法」下的反抵制法、或通過新法條,以禁止美國公司因中國對台灣施壓而妥協讓步。此類立法可以包括如下具體措施:若中國政府因此對美國公司進行報復,將授權美方對中方實體進行對等制裁。 • Congress direct the U.S. Department of Defense to support the implementation of Taiwan’s new Overall Defense Concept and take actions that support Taiwan’s ability to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability by including Taiwan military personnel as participants or observers in U.S. and U.S.-led multilateral military exercises; conducting regular high-level exchanges of military planning and other advisory personnel pursuant to the Taiwan Travel Act; and considering the potential for assisting Taiwan with the creative acquisition of critical defense articles, including through coproduction of defense technology between U.S. and Taiwan companies. •國會指示美國國防部支持台灣落實新「整體防衛構想」,並採取行動支持台灣維持充分自衛能力:在美國軍事演習及以美國為首的多邊軍事演習中,將台灣軍事人員列為參與成員或觀察員;根據「台灣旅行法」,定期進行軍事規劃和其他顧問人員的高層交流;考慮協助台灣以創造性方式取得重要國防物資的可能性,包括美國和台灣公司間在國防科技方面合作生產。 • Congress consider raising the threshold of congressional notification on sales of defense articles and services to Taiwan to those set for major U.S. allies, and terminating any requirement to provide notification of maintenance and sustainment of Taiwan’s existing capabilities. •美國國會考慮將對台軍售國防物資與服務的國會通報門檻,提高到與美國主要盟國相同等級,也考慮取消維護和支援台灣現有武備需通報國會的規定。 • Congress express support for the Tsai Administration’s approach to maintaining the status quo in the Taiwan Strait. •美國國會表示支持蔡政府維持台灣海峽現狀的路線。 ----- :::warning 若翻譯完畢,想繼續挑戰全文者,請[點此](https://hackmd.io/s/S1NThQnT7)。 :::