# VIB Hackathon June 2024 on spatial omics *Last updated: 31th of May 2024* :rocket: **Three-day hackathon for spatial omics tools and methods** :rocket: For the hackathon results, see the [code repo](https://github.com/saeyslab/VIB_Hackathon_June_2024) and preprint: > During a three-day hackathon, work was performed on various topics within the field of spatial omics data analysis. The topics were organized in five workgroups and included benchmarking, pipelines, spatial transcriptomics, spatial proteomics, spatial multi-omics and cell-cell communication. Most tools and methods were considered in the context of the Python ecosystem for spatial (SpatialData) and single-cell (scverse) data analysis. > Rombaut, Benjamin, Lotte Pollaris, Chananchida Sang-aram, Michiel V. Cruysse, Robrecht Cannoodt, Frank Vernaillen, Arne Defauw, et al. 2024. “VIB Hackathon on Spatial Omics Tools and Methods.” BioHackrXiv. June 25. [doi:10.37044/osf.io/uf7d3](https://doi.org/10.37044/osf.io/uf7d3). :alarm_clock: Monday 10th until Wednesday 12th June 2024 :round_pushpin: Seminar room L5, [VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology](https://cmb.sites.vib.be/en) Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 75, Ghent, Belgium Enter the [CMB entrance](https://cmb.sites.vib.be/en/contact) and go to the fifth floor via the stairs or elevator. :tada: We're happy to have participants of over 30 institutes in 12 countries :tada: The application deadline has passed and the [form](https://forms.gle/C1FZoFwg2JLxHKVs7) is closed, but all hackathon materials will be announced and made available here. Info on the [previous hackathon in September 2023](https://x.com/saeyslab/status/1704792795418931481?s=20). Organised by the [Saeys Lab](https://saeyslab.sites.vib.be/en) at [VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research](https://vib.be/en/research-and-impact/research-centers/center-inflammation-research#/). Sponsored by the [VIB Spatial Catalyst](https://vib.be/en/spatial), [VIB.AI](https://vib.ai/en) and [Data Intuitive](https://www.data-intuitive.com/). For questions, send a message via the Zulip stream or email to Benjamin.Rombaut@UGent.be. It is highly recommended but not mandatory to attend the **VIB Spatial Omics conference** also in Ghent afterwards on 13-14 June. For info and registration: https://www.vibconferences.be/events/spatial-omics. :calendar: Important dates: - ~~*8th March 2024* Hackathon application form closes~~ - ~~*15th March 2024* Hackathon selection announcement~~ - ~~*21th March 2024* Conference travel grant deadline~~ - ~~*18th April 2024* Conference abstract deadline~~ - ~~*2nd May 2024* Conference early bird deadline~~ - ~~*10st May 2024* Waitlist announcement at the latest~~ - ~~*30th May 2024* Conference final registration deadline~~ - ***10th June 2024* Start of Hackathon** :link: Quick links to: - Main communication channel: [image.sc Zulip stream](https://imagesc.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/421189-Zzz.3A-.5B2024-06.5D-VIB-Hackathon-Ghent.3A-spatial-omics) - Repository for shared code: [saeyslab/VIB_Hackathon_June_2024](https://github.com/saeyslab/VIB_Hackathon_June_2024) - Hackathon slidedeck: [Slide deck](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UCgpO5GtsGs4e7jMMgy-DCtLMThnfH_m?usp=drive_link) - Tracker of all hackathon code issues: [GitHub Issues Kanban board](https://github.com/orgs/saeyslab/projects/5) ## :rocket: Objectives **Hackathon for spatial omics tools and methods** - Find synergies and foster collaborations in an open setting - Share open-source code and slides - Document and improve interoperability between new and existing tools and frameworks ## :construction_worker: 5 Workgroups **1. Benchmarking and high-performance computing** - Spatial challenges for [OpenProblems](https://openproblems.bio/) - Nextflow, [Dask Diagnostics](https://docs.dask.org/en/stable/debugging-performance.html), [Hydra](https://hydra.cc/), Slurm jobs **2. Frameworks and interoperability** - Zarr, OME-NGFF, [SpatialData](https://spatialdata.scverse.org/) - Reading/writing using S3 remote storage and MinIO - squidpy, MCMICRO, napari **3. Spatial single-cell technologies** - transcriptomics: 10x Visium HD, Vizgen MERSCOPE, 10x Xenium, Resolve MC - proteomics: Miltenyi MACSima, Akoya Phenocycler **4. Spatial multi-omics** - Multimodal data integration methods **5. Downstream analysis** - niche detection methods - cell-cell communication methods :wrench: ***Suggest additional working groups and topics using the application form*** :wrench: Given the popularity of the programming language in the field, most of the work will be in Python. There is however also interest for interoperability with R (e.g. [SpatialData in R](https://github.com/HelenaLC/SpatialData), [Giotto Suite](https://giottosuite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)) and JavaScript (e.g. [vitessce](http://vitessce.io/)). Bring your own laptop and headphones. Additional computational resources are available for all hackathon participants (Tier1 HPC access by [VSC](https://docs.vscentrum.be/gent/tier1_hortense.html), S3 object storage by [VIB Data Core](https://datacore.sites.vib.be/en)). ## :hourglass: Hackathon program ### Mon 10th June 13:00-13:30 Registration 13:30-14:00 Welcome and introduction 14:00-15:00 Setup, get to know your workgroup and task divisions 15:00-15:30 Quick rundown of work items per group 15:30-16:30 Hacking 16:30-16:45 Update progress slides 16:45-17:00 Status updates from participants *18:30 Dinner and drinks* Belgian dishes @ [Multa Tuli](https://multatuli.gent/) [Huidevetterskaai 40, 9000 Gent](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Eetkaffee+Multatuli/@51.061058,3.72782,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x1888a3ab41d7f933?sa=X&ved=1t:2428&ictx=111) ### Tue 11th June 9:00-11:15 Hacking 11:15-11:30 Update slides with progress 11:30-12:00 Report on progress and issues 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-16:00 Hacking 16:00-16:15 Group picture and break 16:15-18:00 Hacking *18:00 Dinner and drinks* Pizza and Belgian beers/beverages on-site ### Wed 12th June 9:00-11:15 Hacking 11:15-11:30 Update slides with progress 11:30-12:00 Report on progress and issues 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-16:00 Hacking 16:00-17:00 Finish up final notes, issues and future work ### Thu 13th - Fri 14th June VIB Conference on Spatial Omics in Ghent https://www.vibconferences.be/events/spatial-omics ## :train: Travel details - Participation is free, but registration is mandatory and seats are limited. - Thanks to our co-organisers and sponsors, we can provide free coffee and beverages throughout the hackathon. A nice lunch will be provided for you on Tuesday and Wednesday, with vegetarian and vegan options. The first night we will organise a dinner in the city center. The second night we will provide (meat and vegan) pizzas on-site, - The conference location De Bijloke is also near station Gent-Sint-Pieters (15min walking distance) - [Public transport with De Lijn](https://www.delijn.be/en/content/ontdek-de-app/) is available between Gent-Sint-Pieters railway station and Tech Lane Park (15 min with bus 50 or 70 from terminal 6 or 7 or with tram T3 stop Klaartestraat and 7 min walk). - Paying on the bus by card or with the app for one ticket is 2,5 euros. It's 1,7 euro if you get 10 tickets. - You can alternatively rent a Donkey Republic bike for 3 days or a week. - If you want to travel by car, there is [parking available](http://www.techlane.be/parking-facilities/) at the hackathon venue. Parking is free and the barrier opens automatically if you send us your license plate number by the 25th of May. The venue is accessible by car, but note that cars have limited access to the [city center](https://stad.gent/en/mobility-ghent). - For activities and accommodation in Ghent, check out [visit.gent.be](https://visit.gent.be/en) and [vibconferences.be/host-city-ghent](https://www.vibconferences.be/host-city-ghent). Feel free to contact us with specific travel questions.