[Quick contemporaneous notes by Ben Edgington; fka "Eth2 Implementers' Call"]
Agenda: https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/731
Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io7ALEfxJsE&t=722s
Devnet 7 was shut down this morning. Everything seemed fine, with 359k BLS changes processed, but not running final client versions. Plan to run one more large devnet just after the Sepolia upgrade. Overall a very good test.
Zhejiang testnet continues quite stable. MEV-boost happy-case seems good. All clients supporting it. Next, on MSF-2 (mainnet shadow fork), plan to test some edge cases, but Capella fork time is not yet set for that.
Sepolia testnet upgrade announcement is out, and a couple of updates coming very soon: new Geth version is available, and Lighthouse version is now announced. NB the validator set is closed on Sepolia.
Note that a new spec test case has been added.
[Mario] There is now a builder API mock in Hive that allows Hive to do funky things like returning invalid payloads. With this, things like the circuit breaker can be tested. Lighthouse, Teku and Prysm correctly circuit break after nine missed slots in an epoch. Lodestar and Nimbus did not stop requesting blocks from MEV-boost. This is reproduceable using Hive. [Danny] Note that clients are free to implement different parameters for the circuit breaker, or not implement it at all. [Gajinder] Lodestar implements a CB - will look into the test results. [Zahary] Nimbus does not implement the latest CB proposal.
[Chris Hager] Whole end-to-end MEV-Boost system is running on Zhejiang. Builder specs are merged and updated. There is a bunch of open PRs on the relay; they are running fine on Zhejiang and will be merged and released soon.
Would like to standardise an SSE endpoint so that more clients than Prysm can be used in the pipeline.
Will participate in Goerli and Sepolia upgrades. Everything is believed complete and good to go.
For version 1.3 of the spec, can ignore anything Deneb-related as far as getting a Capella version of the Beacon API spec out is concerned.
[Danny] Is getting a version of the SSE endpoint into the spec required for making a 1.3/Capella release of the Beacon API specs?
Danny to discuss further with Paul Harris.
[Terence] Prysm uses the reported block value and compares it with builder block value - should we add some Hive test cases? [Enrico] Teku also does this, and is looking to add some threshold multipliers in future. [Gajinder] Lodestar supports this. Nimbus and Lighthouse also support similar. Conclusion: would be nice to have test cases around this in Hive.
Includes "Free the Blobs"!! C-KZG bindings updates - may be further changes later, but usable for now.
3242 Networking PR did not make it into this release. Still under discussion, but feeling is that engineering teams favour this PR.
Next week's 4844 call is cancelled, but can discuss on the next one.
[Terence] Beacon API for blob signing - would like to get this merged. Please review and comment.