This page is unmaintained and the information is now quite out of date.
The best current resource I can recommend is my Upgrading Ethereum book.
Canonical link:
Here are what I consider to be quality sources of information for those wanting to build a strong understanding of Ethereum 2.0. Technical depth increases as you work down the page.
Things have evolved rapidly over the last year, and information may have become out of date. I've noted freshness dates for most things: the older they are the more cautious one ought to be. For the freshest week-by-week updates, see What's new in Eth2.
This list is not aiming to be comprehensive: kind of the opposite; I'm aiming to cut down on the noise. If you have a resource you feel should be added, send me a note at
and I'll consider it. But no promises.
Note that the Ethereum 2.0 Devs Handbook and FAQs has had a major refresh after lying fallow for a while. It covers much the same ground, so take a look at that as well.
A good single article overview is this super-accessible but not dumbed down article from bitrates (August 2019). A little more up-to-date and in-depth is ETH2 for Dummies from Chromatic Capital (January 2020).
EthHub has a nicely structured overview of Ethereum 2.0 (July 2019)
From Carl Beekhuizen on the Ethereum Foundation blog:
Next up, some of my own articles 😂 These are not very technical and give an overview of history and progress for the more general audience.
A helpful glossary of Eth2 terms from Alexandru Tudorache (August 2019)
Colin Schwartz of Chainsafe is working on a "complete guide" to Ethereum 2.0:
Equally, Status is building a "Two Point Oh" series:
My top introductory picks for listening and watching:
If you want a single-article overview from a technical point of view, James Prestwich's What to Expect When ETH’s Expecting (January 2019) hits the high points.
The Sharding FAQ (April 2019) and the Proof of Stake FAQ (August 2019) remain excellent resources on the key innovations of Ethereum 2.0 vs 1.0. They are great places to learn the key concepts and terminology.
The specification repo is the canonical source of information. But the specs themselves are dense, and really belong under the Intense heading. My annotated specifications may be more accessible.
The following articles help to get under the skin of the spec to understand what's really going on:
Phase 0 proof of stake
Phase 1 sharding
Phase 2 execution environments
Audio things:
Video things:
Visual thinkers will appreciate Protolambda's diagrams (July 2019)
The following are deep dives into specific aspects of the Eth2 protocols. For an attempt at a comprehensive deep-dive, take a look at my Eth2 Annotated Specification (work in progress, February 2020).
[Missing: LMD GHOST, stateless clients, RANDAO, swap or not shuffle]
If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, then the entrance can be found at the Ethereum Sharding Research Compendium (April 2019). Explore all that and you will know as much about Ethereum 2.0 as anyone on the planet.