--- tags: newineth2 description: Promoting your Ethereum 2.0 service at eth2.news image: https://benjaminion.xyz/f/favicon-96x96.png --- # Advertising in What's New in Eth2 By far the best way to get a mention in [What's New in Eth2](https://eth2.news) is to publish something that I think is interesting. That means technical, informative, and innovative. Or at the very least, entertaining. Increasingly, I am being asked to include mentions of various staking services, which is not so interesting to write about. So here's the deal. I will include your message about your commercial Eth2-related service in the next available edition on the following terms: - A payment of 1.25 ETH for max 80 characters, 2.5 ETH for max 180 characters, made in advance to [this address](https://etherscan.io/address/0x047f57b4fe5f5f8f536f48d7ee464893b4411e92). Character limits include spaces, and are "as displayed". I'll give a 20% discount to services that use [Teku](https://consensys.net/knowledge-base/ethereum-2/teku/). - Such messages will appear in a separate clearly marked sponsored section within the main body. I have right of refusal, and full and final editorial control over content and appearance. Ordering is by Eth1 block timestamp. - This is purely transactional, and places me under no obligation to say nice things about your service that I might not otherwise have said. The newsletter gains between 3,000 and 10,000 impressions per edition, reaching a highly focused Ethereum 2.0 readership, and is published approximately fortnightly/bi-weekly. Contact me by [Twitter DM](https://twitter.com/benjaminion_xyz), or by email at `ben@benjaminion.xyz` to discuss.