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PoS Implementers’ Call #69 - 2021-07-29

[Quick contemporaneous notes by Ben Edgington; fka "Eth2 Implementers' Call"]

Livestream: Not live streamed, but recording will be posted later.

Altair Devnet 2

[The third devnet.] Went ok; but not "A+". Some minor issues. Will discuss reasons offline and plan another devnet if agreed.

Client updates

v1.5.0 coming. Altair work coming on well. Testing upgrades to networking stack; fixing a bug. Release candidate in next week or two. Release after that will have weak subjectivity sync, remote signing support, CPU usage improvements

Attended EthCC. Updates to validator client and REST API, also Altair work. Working on weak subjectivity sync as well.

v1.4.2 is out. Has doppelganger detection. Contains updates for London hardfork. Mostly focused on Altair optimisations. Refactoring RPC endpoints. Spot fixes on Eth2 API and Slasher.

Two Lodestar validators are running on Mainnet

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Participating well. Light client is functional, recently demoed. Support for Eth1 fallback, and working on memory consumption.

V21.7.0 is out. Mostly bug fixes: the main one being a file handle leak. Coming soon, a bunch of work on discovery to be more standards compliant. Working on performance improvements for historical state storage and queries.

Small fixes and optimisations. Main one is attestation packing. Continuing to experiment with multiple runtimes for fork handling.


Release and Testing

Beta 2 release improves testing and sync committee duties.


Should we run another devnet, devnet 3 before forking Pyrmont? [AdrianS] We might as well go straight to forking Pyrmont (since we intend to kill it soon in any case). [PaulH] This is ok, but we'd need to make sure users download and install releases. This will take a couple of weeks at least. [Terence] Prysm would like 2-4 weeks ideally to allow Altair changes to be merged into master.

Rough consensus for forking Pyrmont in 3 weeks.

Keep devnet 2 running to debug any ongoing minor issues. The fork itself seems to be going ok, so probably don't need a devnet 3. Decide once analysis of devnet 2 is in.

Research Updates


Merge updates

EIP-3675 has been merged (The Merge has been merged!). Please comment and discuss.

Beacon chain merge spec has been rebased onto Altair. Mikhail has a PR to add London changes. There is an open PR for the p2p interface.

Open discussion

Should put up a table somewhere with client versions users need for Altair. Maybe EthStaker can help. [Lakshman offered to contact EthStaker.] Also, EF blog post. The more channels, the better.

[Mikhail] When do clients intend to release weak subjectivity sync. Lighthouse, before Altair; Prysm ~1 month after Altair; Lodestar has it already; Nimbus, Grandine within a month.

[At this point my computer became unresponsive and I could only listen but not take notes on the lengthy discussion around checkpoint sync and backfilling old blocks sorry!]

[Leo] Beacon chain node explorer dashboard. Also, the standard metrics first cut has been made, so client teams please work on making the necessary changes.

[Terence] We should talk about increasing the size of Prater sometime, as the beacon chain mainnet is almost the same size now.

From Leo (BSC) to Everyone: 04:02 PM