[Quick contemporaneous notes by Ben Edgington; fka "Eth2 Implementers' Call"]
Agenda: https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/489
Livestream: https://youtu.be/SEVY6-Zr2OM
Public Kiln testnet: configs went up yesterday. ~105k validators currently planned. Contact Pari if you want some validator keys.
PoW genesis has occurred. PoS genesis (beacon chain) has not yet happened - genesis will be tomorrow.
TTD is set to ~100 million, which should take us to mid next week before the Merge event.
Expect a blog post from the EF tomorrowMonday.
[Mikhail] Kiln v2.1 spec: backwards compatible with v2.0. Can upgrade to 2.1 later after testnet is started.
[Marius] Has written a differential fuzzer for the execution layer. Starting to add clients. Already found some difference between Geth and Besu. Adding Nethermind, EthereumJS and Erigon in due course. Contact Marius to get your client added.
Sigma Prime is working on updating Beacon Fuzz for Bellatrix.
[Mikhail] Kiln milestones table could do with some updating. Client teams, please continue to maintain this.
The transaction fuzzer is running intermittently on Kiln. The bad block generator has been updated to the v2 spec, but is not running yet (it's only useful post-merge).
We should add a random validator operations generator to the consensus side (exits, slashing reports, etc).
Will aim to do a "more frozen" consensus spec release at the end of March after seeing how it goes on Kiln.
[Pari] Would be great if infrastructure providers could start testing on Kiln, especially with execution endpoint and security token. We've found some issues recently and there may be more that it would be good to surface.
[Tim B] There is a Dune dashboard looking at mainnet block frequency - this will help in predicting the difficulty bomb timing.
Is updating CLI options to remove the -X
experimental prefix for Merge things. The kiln
network is now supported in the master branch. Release early next week.
Implementing fee-recipient handling.
Fee recipient stuff is in place, but could do with some polishing.
Available from the next release.
[Marius] The coinbase can be specified on the Eth1 side - should we override the consensus client if it does not provide a coinbase? Note that Geth currently won't start the miner if the coinbase is not set. [Danny] If the consensus layer is not providing a useful fee recipient then using information on the execution side to set it is reasonable. Alternative is to not allow a validator client to start without having fee recipient set - at least it ought to be noisy about it. Teku will not start if it has validators but no fee recipient, and also will refuse to propose a block. Refusing to start might be too severe, as a validator can still attest with no fee recipient set. [Marius] We've learned that most people don't look at logs - better to blow up quickly rather than run a bad set-up. But the contrary view was put by [PaulH].
Teams to consider how to handle this for their own clients.
[Proto] EIP 4844 consensus layer changes (blob transactions) has been moved in to consensus specs repo. Please review and comment.
Prysm has an experimental branch with the changes.
[Proto] Would like some review on the sync method for the blobs. Similar to getBlocksByRange
Working on some benchmarks for the KZG commitments ahead of next week's ACD call.
[Further discussion…]
Plan is to implement this when the withdrawals fork takes place (corresponding to the Eth1 Shanghai or whatever name fork).
[Proto] EIP 4844 (as currently specified) does not affect the beacon state format. There is a small change to the beacon block format.
[Saulius] Grandine has done some benchmarks of KZG commitments with different libraries and some parallelism that may be useful. [If ckzg
is my own c-kzg library, then I am happy to see that it looks to be the quickest :rocket:]
Putting together a meta-spec with some more narrative to make the picture more coherent.
What's the plan for hosting specs that span both consensus and execution layers (meta-specs)? [Tim B] There are advantages to using EIPs for this - it's a tried and tested process. Execution specs are moving closer to looking like the consensus spec. EIPs could then contain prose explanation plus links to a PR against each of the consensus and execution specs. [Proto] Request to discuss in next ACD call.
[Micah] Please bear in mind that there is already a shortage of EIP editors. [Tim B] Ideally the new process would be less work overall.
Any updates on algorithm for calculating safe head? [Dankrad] There are some issues with the LMD part of GHOST that are making things harder than previously thought. Continuing to work on this. [Danny] Suggest continuing to stub "head" for "safe" until this is resolved and not exposing this to users via the Eth1 API. Could use "finalized" instead, but best approach is not to allow the execution layer to expose this information until it is sorted out.
There is a call tomorrow to discuss the Eth1 fork naming for the fork previously known as Shanghai (tomorrow 1400 UTC).
Note that daylight saving is starting in the USA, so meetings will move around - they are anchored to UTC!