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PoS Implementers’ Call #74 - 2021-10-21

[Quick contemporaneous notes by Ben Edgington; fka "Eth2 Implementers' Call"]


Danny has created an issue in the eth2.0-pm repo to deprecate it and move over the main Ethereum PM repo for these calls.


If you run a node, you must upgrade now! indicates that 62% of nodes have upgraded. See this doc for a breakdown.

[Leo] has compared the results from NodeWatch and their own crawler. Main differences seem to be down to networking/peering, leading to seeing different peers.

Note that there is an EthStaker watch party for Altair.

Client updates

Working to get Merge interop branch merged into main/master/stable. Discussion in LH issue #2715 around payload construction.

Michael Sproul continuing to work on fingerprinting and diversity analysis of clients.

Release 1.5.2 - ready for Altair. Improvements on the REST API, increased default limits; improved throughput. Peer selection improvements.

Can now sync with the Merge testnet (Pithos). Continuing to work on this. Checkpoint sync and Web3Signer support in progress. Improvements in code health, tech debt. Working on standardisation of validator key management.

Option to use different ports for TCP and UDP. Updated to JDK 17 support. Upgraded to latest Blst version, which broke our Windows release, so we rolled back in 21.10.1 (now fixed).

Not yet released: support for API 2.1. Support for liveness endpoint for doppelganger protection. Working on better release management around Windows support. Ready to support publishing system metrics to a remote service. Moving Merge code over to the master branch.

Fixed a sync committee bug on the Pithos testnet.

Interopped with everyone at Merge event. Latest release is ready for Altair. Now compatible with forkmon. Improving memory and CPU performance. Better discv5 - faster discovery. Demoed light client at Liscon.

Completed experiment around multiple runtimes, and Altair is generally working OK. But mixed findings - will write them up. Now focusing on Merge interop.

[Danny] Comment: backporting optimisations to previous versions might be challenging. [Saulius] Also, the transition process is difficult - it requires a lot of context from the previous runtime.

Merge discussion

Pithos continues to run, and teams are working on issues and stability. Transaction count on the network is low. Contact Proto or Pari for some testnet ETH to test transactions.

Chipping away at the Engine API. Aim to release a stable target for the Merge specs at end of October. Most of the core is stable. Should be near mainnet-ready in November.

Naming: there are a few events involved with the Merge as a whole. The beacon chain upgrade just ahead of the Merge event could probably benefit from its own name. Ought to be the name of the next star system. Eth1 and Eth2 upgrade namings should be independent (yeah, yeah: execution and consensus layers). Take discussion offline; maybe do a vote.

Research Updates

Withdrawals - need to consider future API changes that withdrawals might affect, so as to keep the API stable. Analogy with (the converse of) deposits on rollups: movement from/to the base chain to/from another chain. How is gas accounted for if withdrawals are made to a contract? Look out for future updates.

Spec discussion and AOB


Chat highlights

From danny to Everyone: 03:02 PM
From Arnetheduck to Everyone: 03:05 PM
nimbus does not include version in libp2p connection header
From danny to Everyone: 03:08 PM
From danny to Everyone: 03:09 PM
From danny to Everyone: 03:17 PM