# Current hermes.toml file for IBC purposes ## Between the most recent testnet and a devnet The most recent testnet is running on chain-id `qc-testnet-5.1.025a61165acd05e` The most recent devnet is on `namada-5e6c06e.6402c8cc0d8cca7` ```toml! [global] log_level = 'debug' [mode] [mode.clients] enabled = true refresh = true misbehaviour = true [mode.connections] enabled = false [mode.channels] enabled = false [mode.packets] enabled = true clear_interval = 10 # relay packets frequently clear_on_start = true tx_confirmation = true [telemetry] enabled = false host = '' port = 3001 [[chains]] id = 'namada-5e6c06e.6402c8cc0d8cca7' # set your chain ID - This is a running devnet rpc_addr = '' # set the IP and the port of the chain grpc_addr = '' # not used for now websocket_addr = 'ws://' # set the IP and the port of the chain rpc_timeout = '10s' account_prefix = 'cosmos' # not used key_name = 'relayer' # The key is an account name you made store_prefix = 'ibc' max_gas = 3000000 # the below params are not used for now max_msg_num = 30 max_tx_size = 2097152 gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'stake' } clock_drift = '5s' trusting_period = '14days' trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' } [[chains]] id = 'qc-testnet-5.1.025a61165acd05e' #This is the latest testnet rpc_addr = '' #Make sure to change this to a node's IP running the testnet grpc_addr = '' websocket_addr = 'ws://' rpc_timeout = '10s' account_prefix = 'cosmos' key_name = 'testkey' store_prefix = 'ibc' max_gas = 3000000 max_msg_num = 30 max_tx_size = 2097152 gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'stake' } clock_drift = '5s' trusting_period = '14days' trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' } ``` ## Between two local testnets ```toml! [global] log_level = 'debug' [mode] [mode.clients] enabled = true refresh = true misbehaviour = true [mode.connections] enabled = false [mode.channels] enabled = false [mode.packets] enabled = true clear_interval = 10 # relay packets frequently clear_on_start = true tx_confirmation = true [telemetry] enabled = false host = '' port = 3001 [[chains]] id = 'namada-4603b80.995fc3537059b71' # set your chain ID - This is a running devnet rpc_addr = '' # set the IP and the port of the chain grpc_addr = '' # not used for now websocket_addr = 'ws://' # set the IP and the port of the chain rpc_timeout = '10s' account_prefix = 'cosmos' # not used key_name = 'relayer' # The key is an account name you made store_prefix = 'ibc' max_gas = 3000000 # the below params are not used for now max_msg_num = 30 max_tx_size = 2097152 gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'stake' } clock_drift = '5s' trusting_period = '14days' trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' } [[chains]] id = 'qc-testnet-5.1.025a61165acd05e' #This is the latest testnet rpc_addr = '' #Make sure to change this to a node's IP running the testnet grpc_addr = '' websocket_addr = 'ws://' rpc_timeout = '10s' account_prefix = 'cosmos' key_name = 'testkey' store_prefix = 'ibc' max_gas = 3000000 max_msg_num = 30 max_tx_size = 2097152 gas_price = { price = 0.001, denom = 'stake' } clock_drift = '5s' trusting_period = '14days' trust_threshold = { numerator = '1', denominator = '3' } ```