# **Meme Mountain Season 6 Methodology** ## **Introduction** The **Meme Mountain Season 6 Contest** is designed to evaluate and rank memecoins within the TON ecosystem based on a comprehensive set of metrics that measure engagement, retention, and overall activity. This methodology document outlines the criteria, metrics, and calculations used to determine the standings of participating memecoins. ## **Eligibility Criteria** To participate in Meme Mountain Season 6, memecoins must meet the following criteria at the start of the season: 1. **Registration on CoinGecko**: - The token must be listed on CoinGecko as a **TON Meme** coin. If you applied for listing, use the form on https://ton.org/en/memelandia to accelerate the process. 2. **Market Capitalization**: - The token must have a market capitalization greater than **$250,000 USD** for Minor League and greater than **$1,000,000 USD** for Major League. 3. **Average Trading Volume**: - The token must have an average daily trading volume exceeding **$5,000 USD** over the past 7 days. 4. **Number of Holders**: - The token must have more than **1,000 unique holders**. 5. **The token must be fairly launched** ## **Key Metrics** The overall performance score for each memecoin is calculated using the **Token Engagement Index (TEI)**, which combines on-chain and off-chain metrics. ### **Token Engagement Index (TEI)** **Formula**: $$ \text{TEI} = \left( 0.4 \times \text{BRR}_{\text{norm}} + 0.3 \times \text{RR}_{\text{norm}} + 0.3 \times \text{Social Score}_{\text{norm}} \right) \times \left(1 + \text{TA}_{\text{norm}}\right) $$ - **BRR<sub>norm</sub>**: Normalized Buyer Retention Rate. - **RR<sub>norm</sub>**: Normalized Retention Rate (Diamond Hands). - **Social Score<sub>norm</sub>**: Normalized Social Engagement Score. - **TA<sub>norm</sub>**: Normalized Total Activity. ## **Components of TEI** ### **1. Buyer Retention Rate (BRR)** **Definition**: - **BRR** measures the proportion of buyers who make repeat purchases of the token during the season. **Calculation**: 1. **Identify Buyers**: - Count the total number of unique buyers who purchased the token during the season. 2. **Identify Repeat Buyers**: - Count the number of these buyers who made additional purchases on different days within the season. 3. **Compute BRR**: $$ \text{BRR} = \frac{\text{Number of Repeat Buyers}}{\text{Total Number of Buyers}} $$ **Normalization**: - **BRR<sub>norm</sub>** is normalized between 0 and 1 using min-max normalization: $$ \text{BRR}_{\text{norm}} = \frac{\text{BRR} - \text{BRR}_{\text{min}}}{\text{BRR}_{\text{max}} - \text{BRR}_{\text{min}}} $$ ### **2. Retention Rate (RR) - Diamond Hands** **Definition**: - **RR** reflects the proportion of token holders who have held their tokens continuously without selling or transferring, measured over predefined holding periods (Diamond Hands Tiers). **Diamond Hands Tiers**: | **Tier** | **Holding Duration** | |----------|----------------------| | Tier 1 | 7 - 15 days | | Tier 2 | 16 - 30 days | | Tier 3 | 31 - 50 days | | Tier 4 | 51 - 90 days | | Tier 5 | 91 - 125 days | | Tier 6 | 126+ days | **Calculation**: 1. **Categorize Holders**: - Assign holders to tiers based on how long they have continuously held at least **$50 USD** worth of tokens without selling or transferring. 2. **Compute RR**: - Calculate the weighted sum of holders in each tier, assigning higher weights to longer holding periods. $$ \text{RR} = \sum_{i=1}^{6} \left( \frac{\text{Number of Holders in Tier } i}{\text{Total Holders}} \times \text{Weight}_i \right) $$ - **Weights**: Assign weights proportionally to the tier levels (e.g., Tier 1 = 1, Tier 2 = 2, ..., Tier 6 = 6). **Normalization**: - **RR<sub>norm</sub>** is normalized between 0 and 1 using min-max normalization: $$ \text{RR}_{\text{norm}} = \frac{\text{RR} - \text{RR}_{\text{min}}}{\text{RR}_{\text{max}} - \text{RR}_{\text{min}}} $$ ### **3. Social Engagement Score** **Definition**: - Measures the off-chain community engagement of the memecoin project, focusing on Twitter activity. **Calculation**: We use the **Weighted Activity Index (WAI)** to calculate the Social Engagement Score. ##### **Weighted Activity Index (WAI)** **Purpose**: - Provides a simple and effective way to evaluate social activity while balancing potential bot manipulation using **smart followers** and **smart mentions**. **Metrics Used**: - **F**: Total number of followers. - **M**: Number of mentions (@mentions) over the season. - **P**: Number of original posts (tweets) over the season. - **E**: Average number of engagements per post (likes, retweets, comments). - **SF**: Number of smart followers. - **SM**: Number of smart mentions over the season. **Calculation Steps**: 1. **Compute Base Social Index (BSI)**: $$ \text{BSI} = (F \times 0.25) + (M \times 0.25) + (P \times 0.25) + (E \times 0.25) $$ 2. **Compute Audience Quality Coefficient (AQC)**: $$ \text{AQC} = 1 + \left( \frac{\text{SF}}{F} \times 0.5 \right) + \left( \frac{\text{SM}}{M} \times 0.5 \right) $$ - If **F** or **M** is zero, the corresponding fraction is set to zero. 3. **Compute WAI**: $$ \text{WAI} = \text{BSI} \times \text{AQC} $$ 4. **Normalization**: - Determine the maximum WAI among all participating tokens (**WAI<sub>max</sub>**). - Normalize WAI: $$ \text{Social Score}_{\text{norm}} = \frac{\text{WAI}}{\text{WAI}_{\text{max}}} $$ **Interpretation**: - The WAI accounts for overall activity and audience quality. - Projects are rewarded for attracting real and high-quality followers, while potential bot manipulation is mitigated. --- #### **4. Total Activity (TA)** **Definition**: - **TA** represents the trading activity relative to the circulating market capitalization of the token. **Calculation**: 1. **Compute TA**: $$ \text{TA} = \frac{\text{Total Trading Volume during the Season}}{\text{Circulating Market Capitalization}} $$ - **Trading Volume**: Sum of all trading volumes across exchanges where the token is listed. - **Circulating Market Capitalization**: Average over the season. **Normalization**: - **TA<sub>norm</sub>** is normalized between 0 and 1: $$ \text{TA}_{\text{norm}} = \frac{\text{TA}}{\text{TA}_{\text{max}}} $$ - **TA<sub>max</sub>**: The maximum TA value among all participating tokens. ## **Final TEI Calculation** - **TEI** combines the normalized metrics with assigned weights: $$ \text{TEI} = \left( 0.4 \times \text{BRR}_{\text{norm}} + 0.3 \times \text{RR}_{\text{norm}} + 0.3 \times \text{Social Score}_{\text{norm}} \right) \times \left(1 + \text{TA}_{\text{norm}}\right) $$ - **Interpretation**: - The TEI score reflects the overall engagement and activity of the token, considering both on-chain and off-chain factors. - **Higher TEI** indicates stronger performance. ## **Data Collection and Verification** ### **On-Chain Data** - **Sources**: - TON blockchain explorers and analytics platforms. - **Data Points**: - Transactions, holders, trading volumes, liquidity pools. - **Anti-Cheat Measures**: - **Sybil Attack Detection**: - Exclude suspicious addresses linked to sybil activities. - Ignore wallets holding less than **$50 USD** worth of tokens to ensure genuine participation. - **Data Validation**: - Cross-reference data from multiple sources. ### **Off-Chain Data** - **Sources**: - Twitter and Moni Discover API. - **Data Points**: - Follower counts, post engagements, follower growth, smart followers, and smart mentions. - **Anti-Cheat Measures**: - **Bot Detection**: - Use tools to detect and exclude fake followers and engagements. - **Quality Checks**: - Analyze the authenticity of followers and interactions using Moni Discover's smart metrics. ## **Example Calculation** ### **Assumptions** - **Participating Tokens**: Token A, Token B, Token C. ### **Step-by-Step Calculation** #### **1. Calculate BRR for Each Token** - **Token A**: - Total Buyers: 1,000 - Repeat Buyers: 400 - BRR: $$ \frac{400}{1,000} = 0.4 $$ - **Token B**: - Total Buyers: 800 - Repeat Buyers: 480 - BRR: $$ \frac{480}{800} = 0.6 $$ - **Token C**: - Total Buyers: 1,200 - Repeat Buyers: 360 - BRR: $$ \frac{360}{1,200} = 0.3 $$ - **BRR<sub>min</sub>**: 0.3, **BRR<sub>max</sub>**: 0.6 - **Normalize BRR**: - **Token A**: $$ \text{BRR}_{\text{norm}} = \frac{0.4 - 0.3}{0.6 - 0.3} = \frac{0.1}{0.3} \approx 0.333 $$ - **Token B**: $$ \text{BRR}_{\text{norm}} = \frac{0.6 - 0.3}{0.6 - 0.3} = 1 $$ - **Token C**: $$ \text{BRR}_{\text{norm}} = \frac{0.3 - 0.3}{0.6 - 0.3} = 0 $$ #### **2. Calculate RR (Diamond Hands) for Each Token** - **Assign Weights to Tiers**: | Tier | Weight | |------|--------| | 1 | 1 | | 2 | 2 | | 3 | 3 | | 4 | 4 | | 5 | 5 | | 6 | 6 | - **Token A**: - Calculate RR using weighted sum based on holders in each tier. - **Normalization**: - RR normalized across tokens similarly to BRR. #### **3. Calculate Social Score for Each Token Using WAI** - **Token A Metrics**: - F = 1,000 - M = 200 - P = 50 - E = 100 - SF = 10 - SM = 5 1. **Compute BSI**: $$ \text{BSI}_A = (1,000 \times 0.25) + (200 \times 0.25) + (50 \times 0.25) + (100 \times 0.25) = 337.5 $$ 2. **Compute AQC**: $$ \text{AQC}_A = 1 + \left( \frac{10}{1,000} \times 0.5 \right) + \left( \frac{5}{200} \times 0.5 \right) = 1 + 0.005 + 0.0125 = 1.0175 $$ 3. **Compute WAI**: $$ \text{WAI}_A = 337.5 \times 1.0175 = 343.41 $$ 4. **Normalize Social Score**: - If **WAI<sub>max</sub>** among all tokens is 400: $$ \text{Social Score}_{\text{norm}, A} = \frac{343.41}{400} = 0.8585 $$ #### **4. Calculate TA and TA<sub>norm</sub>** - **Token A**: - Trading Volume: $500,000 - Circulating Market Cap: $250,000 - TA: $$ \frac{500,000}{250,000} = 2 $$ - **TA<sub>max</sub>** among all tokens. - **Normalize TA**: $$ \text{TA}_{\text{norm}, A} = \frac{2}{\text{TA}_{\text{max}}} $$ #### **5. Compute TEI for Each Token** - **Example for Token A**: $$ \text{TEI}_A = \left(0.4 \times 0.333 + 0.3 \times \text{RR}_{\text{norm}, A} + 0.3 \times 0.8585\right) \times \left(1 + \text{TA}_{\text{norm}, A}\right) $$ --- ## **Final Rankings** - Tokens are ranked based on their **TEI** scores. - The memecoin with the highest TEI is considered the most engaged and active within the season. --- # **Meme Mountain Reward Distribution Plan** ### **Total Reward Pool** Milestone-based: - **$200 million** total trading volume: **$150k** - **$400 million** total trading volume: **$250k** - **$600 million** total trading volume: **$400k** - **$800 million** total trading volume: **$500k** ## **Total Reward Pool Split** | **Trading Volume** | **Total Rewards** | **League** | **1st Place** | **2nd Place** | **3rd Place** | **LP 1st** | **LP 2nd** | |--------------------|-------------------|------------|---------------|---------------|---------------|------------|------------| | **$200 million** | $150,000 | **Major** | $45,000 | $30,000 | $15,000 | - | - | | | | **Minor** | $15,000 | $7,500 | - | $22,500 | $15,000 | | **$400 million** | $250,000 | **Major** | $75,000 | $50,000 | $25,000 | - | - | | | | **Minor** | $25,000 | $12,500 | - | $37,500 | $25,000 | | **$600 million** | $400,000 | **Major** | $120,000 | $80,000 | $40,000 | - | - | | | | **Minor** | $40,000 | $20,000 | - | $60,000 | $40,000 | | **$800 million** | $500,000 | **Major** | $150,000 | $100,000 | $50,000 | - | - | | | | **Minor** | $50,000 | $25,000 | - | $75,000 | $50,000 | ## **Community Rewards** ### 1. **Holder Rewards (35% of Community Pool)** - Distribution proportional to holding time and volume. - Utilizes "Diamond Hands Tiers" system. - Minimum holding threshold: **$50 USD** worth of tokens. ### 2. **Active Trader Rewards (50% of Community Pool)** - Distribution based on trading volume. - Ranking system (e.g., top 1%, top 5%, top 10% traders). ### 3. **Social Activity Rewards (15% of Community Pool)** - For creating quality content (memes, threads, articles). - For active participation in discussions and project promotion.