# Diversity & Inclusion Event Badging Form Thank you for showing interest in D&I Badging for your event! The Event Badging section of CHAOSS Badging is about measuring inclusivity of different technical events through human reviews. The goal of the Diversity & Inclusion Badging Program is to encourage projects and events to obtain D&I badges for reasons of pride, leadership, self-reflection, and self-improvement on issues critical to building the Internet as a social good. ### Motivation to Apply The primary motivation to apply for a CHAOSS D&I Badge is the badge itself! The awarded event can show the open source community that they foster healthy D&I practices with a CHAOSS badge. <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/D%26I-Badging-passing?style=flat-square&labelColor=583586&logo=" height=48 /><br> Applying for a badge supports the open source community as a whole by showing the open source community that your event is willing to improve. This ultimately affects D&I practices in your event and even outside of your project space. ### Before You Start #### For additional information, please visit the official [CHAOSS D&I Badging Repository](https://github.com/badging/diversity-and-inclusion/) In order to submit an application for a project, review the following documents: - [Applicant role](https://github.com/badging/diversity-and-inclusion/blob/master/roles/applicant.md) - This document describes the GitHub permissions and the responsibilities of a CHAOSS Badging Applicant. - [Event submission requirements](https://github.com/badging/event-diversity-and-inclusion/blob/master/submission/requirements.md) - Minimum requirements for a Event to be eligible for participation in CHAOSS Badging process. - [Event submission guidelines](https://github.com/badging/event-diversity-and-inclusion/blob/master/submission/guidelines.md) - Guidelines and steps on how a Event can gain a badge under the CHAOSS Badging program. Make sure to fill out all the fields! ### Please Note Once you click "submit", you must use your GitHub account to finalize the issue on their Website by clicking "Create New Issue".