# Hack For Freedom Submission ## Name of Project **MediaDAO** - cross-chain DAO engine for multi-layer community driven media spaces. ## Project Description Community driven media space would be a powerful resource for any product enterprise. But it's hard to build one without decentralization, transparency and simple UX at the same time. In frames of the hackathon I combined the advantages of Aragon & Waves Protocols, Aragon Connect, Waves Signer, Ride smart contracts, TheGraph & Google Auth into one DAO model. The implemented innovative DAO model represents the following features: - Aragon & Connect DAO mechanics power - all content and views stored on-chain - instant rewards to content authors for every viewer - user authorization through Waves Signer or Google SignIn widget (no extensions needed) - free smart contracts calls for users This DAO model can be used as a "white paper" by any product team to build a strong community. At the same time this product has a thrilling ambitions: potentially, medias of the full country could be ran on top of the MediaDAO fighting for freedom of speech. I was **hacking for freedom** and hope you'll enjoy the result! ## Project Team Vladimir Zhuravlev - all-in-one twitter.com/vlzhr ## A prototype (code) YouTube demo: https://youtu.be/Ex4XAbJqPMo you will enjoy it 👆 4 minutes video length Github repo: github.com/vlzhr/MediaDAO Smart Contract: [WavesExplorer.com link](https://wavesexplorer.com/testnet/address/3N1LKvrAUKZA6ZkaZs7zRHLUmRUz3wXKA5h/script) ## Beta-product page + lead capture url To play around: - media space: - dashboard for content creators: - core team's governance board: https://rinkeby.aragon.org/#/media This will help to navigate: ![](https://server.vlzhr.top/hosted/4103372struc1.png) ## Pitch-deck Here it is 👉 https://server.vlzhr.top/hosted/7875278PresDAO.pdf Key slides from the deck: **slide XIV** ![](https://server.vlzhr.top/hosted/629843223-19-32.png) **slide XXVI** ![](https://server.vlzhr.top/hosted/693016823-19-51.png) **slide XVI** ![](https://server.vlzhr.top/hosted/403957823-19-21.png)