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Epoch Proving Integration Guide

The Sequencer and Prover coordination mechanism will be put to test during the upcoming Sequencer & Prover Testnet, a permissioned Aztec rollup deployment where multiple sequencers coordinate with provers to build blocks, outsource proof production and advance the Aztec chain. S&P Testnet launch date is the first week of November.

Goals of sharing this:

  1. We expect provers to be ready to prove full epochs in time for S&P testnet.
  2. We would like to test proving at 1TPS for a short period of time during S&P Testnet

Table of Contents

  1. Block Production Overview
  2. Proving Coordination Workflow
    i. P2P Client
    ii. Prover Node
    iii. Pricing Quotes
  3. Proving Workflow
  4. Appendix I: Rollup Circuits Overview

Block Production Overview

Both sequencing and proving in the Aztec Network are intended to be fully decentralized. We expect sequencers to submit blocks to L1 every ~36 seconds, and provers to prove batches of 32 blocks to finalize the L2 chain.

Sequencers will be chosen via a random election, while provers will be selected by sequencers via an out-of-protocol coordination mechanism. The plan is to steadily scale throughput to 1TPS (i.e. 36tx blocks posted every 36s), and we expect provers to be able to prove at 1TPS throughput by mid November.

The proposers in the first

C=13 slots in epoch N+1 will accept quotes to prove epoch N from provers. The winning prover will have until the end of epoch N+1 to produce and submit the proof to L1. In the case where a quote is accepted in slot 1 of epoch N+1, the prover will have 18.6mins to compute the proof and land it on L1. In the case where a quote is accepted in slot 13, the prover will only have 11.4 mins.

At 1 TPS, each epoch is 1,152 txs. Based on timeliness requirements and depending on proof computational complexity, we should expect the number of prover agents to be up to 1,000 at 1TPS.

For more information on the block production mechanism, please see Aztec’s RFC on block production.

Proving Coordination Workflow

Proposers run RFQs to obtain quotes from provers. Quotes are binding promises from provers to prove an entire epoch. The exact channel over which provers send quotes to proposers is NOT enshrined by the protocol.

However, Aztec Nodes will support two optional mechanisms that provers can use to submit quotes to proposers.

To send a quote via the p2p, do not set the environment variable PROVER_COORDINATION_NODE_URL and make sure that P2P_ENABLED is set to True.

Note: For S&P Testnet, please make sure that you are gossiping quotes via the p2p. Set P2P_ENABLED to true and do not use PROVER_COORDINATION_NODE_URL.

struct EpochProofQuote { Signature signature; address prover; uint256 epochToProve; uint256 validUntilSlot; uint256 bondAmount; address rollupAddress; uint32 basisPointFee; }

To accomplish this coordination through the Aztec node software, we extend both the P2PClient and ProverNode.

P2P Client

The P2PClient will be extended by:

class P2PClient {

  public async addEpochProofQuote(quote: EpochProofQuote): Promise<void> {
      // add quote to quote memory pool
    // propagate quote via p2p

This is called by the Prover Node inside ProverNode.sendEpochProofQuote() after it detects an epoch has ended.

Prover Node

As for the Prover Node, we add QuoteProvider and BondManager interfaces. Also an EpochMonitor which sits on the main start loop of the Prover Node. It fetches the most recent completed epochs and checks whether the proposer accepted an EpochProofQuote.

If no quote has been accepted yet, the EpochMonitor will call on BondManager and QuoteProvider to provide a valid quote. If the claim detected belongs to the prover, the monitor will kick off a handleClaim() to create proving jobs.

interface BondManager {
  ensureBond(amount: number): Promise<void>;
interface QuoteProvider {
  getQuote(epoch: number): Promise<EpochProofQuote | undefined>;

When the prover node first starts up, it will call BondManager.ensureBond to ensure it has the minimum deposit amount PROVER_MINIMUM_ESCROW_AMOUNT deposited in the escrow contract. If it does not, it will top up to the target deposit amount PROVER_TARGET_ESCROW_AMOUNT.


The EpochMonitor will then get the last completed, unproven epoch and will call on the QuoteProvider to generate a quote if the epoch has not been claimed by any provers yet. The QuoteProvider will be provided with all the blocks in the unproven epoch so it could perform any custom logic to determine the quote parameters i.e. bondAmount, basisPointFee.

Alternatively, the quote provider can issue an HTTP POST to a configurable QUOTE_PROVIDER_URL to get the quote. The request body is JSON-encoded and contains the following fields:

  • epochNumber: The epoch number to prove
  • fromBlock: The first block number of the epoch to prove
  • toBlock: The last block number (inclusive) of the epoch to prove
  • txCount: The total number of txs in the epoch
  • totalFees: The accumulated total fees across all txs in the epoch

The response is also expected in JSON and to contain basisPointFee and bondAmount fields. Optionally, the request can include a validUntilSlot parameter which specifies for how many slots the quote remains valid. For example, an EpochProofQuote with parameters epochToProve=100 and validUntilSlot=5 means that any of the first 5 proposers in epoch 101 can "claim" this quote.

If no QUOTE_PROVIDER_URL is passed along to the Prover Node, then a SimpleQuoteProvider is used which always returns the same basisPointFee and bondAmount as set in the QUOTE_PROVIDER_BASIS_POINT_FEE and QUOTE_PROVIDER_BOND_AMOUNT environment variables.


If the remote QuoteProvider does not return a bondAmount or a basisPointFee, the Prover Node will not generate nor submit a quote to the proposer.

Separately, the Prover Node needs a watcher on L1 to detect if its quote has been selected.

To this end, the L1Publisher will be extended with a new method:

interface L1Publisher {
  getProofClaim(): Promise<EpochProofClaim>;

The Prover Node will call this method at least once per L2 slot to check for unclaimed epochs or for whether its quotes have been accepted. You can update the polling interval using the environment variable PROVER_NODE_POLLING_INTERVAL_MS.


The Orchestrator is a component of the Prover node. It encodes the rules that govern how the tree of proofs is constructed and attempts to achieve maximum parallelism.

The Orchestrator enqueues jobs to the Prover Broker and periodically checks if any proofs have completed

Prover Broker

The Prover Broker sits in between the Prover Node and the many Prover Agents that will be producing proofs to complete an epoch.

The broker's main responsibility is to take proving jobs from the Prover node and give them to agents in a robust way. As such it has the following properties:

  • idempotency (won't enqueue the same proof twice)
  • "at least once" delivery (if an agent goes away its job is re-enqueued)
  • resilient against crashes

In the Aztec software, a Prover Broker is any service that implements the ProvingJobProducer and ProvingJobConsumer interfaces. Out of the box we ship with a simple service that maintains a couple of queues in memory. The proving jobs are also backed up to disk such that the broker is able to recover after a crash. More advanced queueing mechanism can be implemented as needed (Redis, Kafka), the interfaces we use are purposefully kept simple.

The built-in Prover Broker does not make any outgoing calls and it is accessible over JSON-RPC to both the Prover Node (specifically the Orchestrator) and to Prover Agents.

Running a Prover Node

The Aztec client can be run as a Prover Node. In this mode, the client will automatically monitor L1 for unclaimed epochs and propose bids (i.e. EpochProofQuote) for proving them. The prover node watches the L1 to see when a bid they submitted has been accepted by a sequencer, the prover node will then kick off an epoch proving job which performs the following tasks:

  • Downloads the transaction hashes in the epoch and all L1 to L2 messages from L1.
  • Downloads the transaction objects with their ClientIVC proofs from a remote node or from P2P.
  • Executes transactions in the epoch in order, generating proving jobs for each of them.
  • Generates the inputs for each circuit and kicks off individual proving jobs to prover agents, recursively proving until it gets to the root rollup proof.
  • Submits the root rollup proof to L1 to advance the proven chain.
Prover Agent
Prover Agent
Prover Node
Proving Job
Tx Provider
L1 Publisher
L2 Block Source
World State DB
Tx Processor
Proving Orchestrator
Proof Broker


The Aztec client needed to run a prover node is shipped as a docker image aztecprotocol/aztec. The image exposes the Aztec CLI as its ENTRYPOINT, which includes a start command for starting different components. You can download it directly or use the sandbox scripts which will automatically pull the image and add the aztec shell script to your path.

Once the aztec command is available, you can run a prover node via:

aztec start --prover-node --archiver

To run a prover agent, either run aztec start --prover, or add the --prover flag to the command above to start an in-process prover.


The Aztec client is configured via environment variables, the following ones being relevant for the prover node:

  • ETHEREUM_HOST: URL to an Ethereum node.
  • L1_CHAIN_ID: Chain ID for the L1 Ethereum chain.
  • DATA_DIRECTORY: Local folder where archive and world state data is stored.
  • AZTEC_PORT: Port where the JSON-RPC APIs will be served.
  • PROVER_PUBLISHER_PRIVATE_KEY: Private key used for publishing proofs to L1. Ensure it corresponds to an address with ETH to pay for gas.
  • PROVER_AGENT_ENABLED: Whether to run a prover agent process on the same host running the Prover Node. We recommend setting to false and running prover agents on seperate hosts.
  • P2P_ENABLED Set to True so that your node can discover peers, receive tx data and gossip quotes to sequencers.
  • PROVER_COORDINATION_NODE_URL Send quotes via http. Only used if P2P_ENABLED is false.
  • BOOT_NODE_URL The URL of the boot node for peer discovery.
  • AZTEC_NODE_URL is used by the Prover Node to fetch the L1 contract addresses if they were not manually set via env vars.


For S&P Testnet, we will be providing an Ethereum host, a Boot Node URL and a specific Aztec Image. Please refer to the

The prover agent, on the other hand, relies on the following environment variables:

  • PROVER_BROKER_HOST: URL to the Prover Node that acts as a proving job source.
  • PROVER_AGENT_CONCURRENCY: Maximum concurrency for this given prover agent. Defaults to 1.

Both the prover node and agent also rely on the following:

  • PROVER_REAL_PROOFS: Whether to generate actual proofs, as opposed to only simulating the circuit and outputting fake proofs. Set to true for the scope of the S&P Testnet.
  • LOG_LEVEL: One of debug, verbose, info, warn, or error.
  • LOG_JSON: Set to true to output logs in JSON format (unreleased).
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_ENDPOINT: Optional URL for pushing telemetry data to a remote OpenTelemetry data collector.

Appendix: Rollup Circuits Overview

Aztec's circuits are structured such that a single root rollup proof is produced that attests to the correct execution of a sequence of transactions throughout an epoch. An epoch is defined as 32 consecutive slots.

Proofs in Aztec are initially split into two kinds: client and server proofs.

Client proofs are generated by users in their own devices when they send a transaction, and use the ClientIVC proving system. These proofs are zero-knowledge, and prove the correct execution of smart contract functions on the client, attesting to the validity of the transaction side effects (emitted note hashes, nullifiers, encrypted logs, etc).

Server proofs are generated by provers. These are Honk proofs, and can be roughly split into 3 domains:

  • Transaction proving: This proves correct execution of a transaction's public functions, via the AVM and public kernel circuit. It then verifies and converts the ClientIVC proof into a Honk proof using a tube circuit that can be aggregated into the rollup tree.
  • Rollup proving: The final set of side effects of each transaction is fed into the base rollup circuit which forms the leaf level of a binary tree of aggregated proofs, which get iteratively merged and ultimately result in a single root rollup proof that is verified on L1.
  • Parity circuits: This tree-like set of circuits is used exclusively for cross-chain messaging, and its output is then fed into the block root rollup circuit.

Note that generating each proof requires two steps:

  • The circuit is first simulated given a set of inputs to produce the witness, using the ACVM or AVM simulator.
  • The partial witness is then provided, along with the circuit bytecode and optionally a proof aggregation object, to the barretenberg binary to generate the actual proof.

Parity proving

The parity circuits attest to cross-chain messaging. All L1 to L2 messages in a given block are batched and processed by individual base parity circuits, whose output is then aggregated into a root parity circuit. This process is repeated for every block in the epoch.

Msgs 00-03
Msgs 04-07
Msgs 08-11
Msgs 12-15
Base Parity
Base Parity
Base Parity
Base Parity
Root Parity

Transaction proving

Each transaction submitted by a user has an associated ClientIVC proof. The first step in proving is to transform this proof into a Honk proof that can be recursively fed into other circuits. This is handled by the initial tube circuit.

Then, a transaction may have multiple public function calls (or none) that are executed by the sequencer. Each of these public executions need to be proven using the AVM circuit. The outputs of the AVM and Tube circuits are then fed into the Public Base Rollup.

Public Base Rollup

If the transaction has no public function calls, then the output of the tube circuit is fed directly into the next stage of proving.

Private Base Rollup

Rollup proving

The output of each transaction is passed onto a base rollup circuit. These circuits then get aggregated into a binary tree via merge circuits, until a block root rollup circuit that attests to the validity of an entire block.

Private Base Rollup
Public Base Rollup
Public Base Rollup
Public Base Rollup
Merge Rollup
Merge Rollup
Block Root Rollup

Block root rollups are then again merged into a binary tree using block merge rollup circuits, until they are merged into a root rollup circuit that proves the validity of the entire epoch.

Block Root 1
Block Merge Rollup
Block Root 2
Block Root 3
Block Merge Rollup
Block Root 4
Root Rollup

Putting it all together

This is the entire set of circuits that need to be recursively proven in order to complete the proof for a given epoch.

Block 1
Tx with no public fns
Tx with public fns
Block Root 1
Private Base Rollup
Merge Rollup
Merge Rollup
Public Base Rollup
Public Base Rollup
Tube Circuit
Client IVC
Public Base Rollup
Tube Circuit
Client IVC
Msgs 00-03
Msgs 04-07
Msgs 08-11
Msgs 12-15
Base Parity
Base Parity
Base Parity
Base Parity
Root Parity
Block Root 2
Block Root 3
Block Root 4
Block Merge 1
Block Merge 2
Root Rollup

Hardware Requirements

The number of gates figure is fluctuating as we push more code but is based on observations. The memory requirements are estimates on the other hand.

Proving times depend on thread availability. Efficient multi-threading is implemented for up to 16 cores. There are additional improvements from using 32 cores instead of 16 but speed-ups are marginal beyond that.

Circuit # of Gates Memory Requirements
Tube Circuit 4 million 12 GiB
Private Base Rollup 2.3 million 9
Public Base Rollup 3.7 million 12 GiB
Merge Rollup 1.8 million 9
Block Root 4.4 million 12 GiB
Root Rollup 10 million 30 GiB