Author: Zac (Aztec)
Similar document with diagram is here
This book is a specification for a method of performing efficient recursive proof composition in Plonk/Honk/PlonkISH proof systems.
The core technique involves using cycles of curves to avoid having to perform expensive non-native group arithmetic ala Halo2.
We extend this concept by introducing an Instruction Machine to delegate expensive non-native group operations.
We use aggregation techniques to combine the non-native group operation instructions from multiple proofs into a single set of instructions.
We utilize a curve transposition circuit to efficiently transform non-native group operation instructions into native group operation instructions.
We define an Elliptic Curve VM circuit to prove the correctness of the instruction transcript.
Finally, we define a Non-native field VM circuit to perform non-native field operations required by the curve transposition circuit.
The main goal is to remove the need to bounce between curve cycles at each layer of recursion, and significantly reduce Prover costs.
The above conditions are ideal for ZK rollup architectures. For example, for a privacy-preserving ZK rollup each "transaction" is a user-generated proof-of-correctness of a private transaction.
Goblin Plonk can be used to enable multiple layers of user-side recursion. The resulting proof is passed off to a rollup Prover, who has sufficient computational resources to recursively verify the (relatively large) Goblin Plonk proof.
For the Plonk/Honk (multilinear Plonk ala Hyperplonk. Paper coming soon™) verification algorithm, we can convert every non-native scalar multiplication into 5 non-native field multipliations and 1 native (variable-base) scalar multiplication.
Conservative estimate is that our ECC VM can perform a native scalar mul in 64 width-4-UltraPlonk-equivalent constraints.
Conservative estimate for the NNF VM is one non-native mul per 10 width-4-UltraPlonk-equivalent constraints.
For a Honk proof that requires (conservatively) 64 scalar muls to verify, this equates to 7,296 constraints.
Hopefully we can do much better than this. The equivalent cost to brute-force 64 scalar muls with UltraPlonk constraints is close to 300,000 - 400,000.
This document assumes the curve cycle in question is the half-pairing BN254/grumpkin curve cycle. It's a little easier to explain the protocol using explicit curves/parameters. It is trivial to adapt the techniques in this doc to any curve cycle e.g. pasta/vella curves.
We use additive notation for elliptic curve group operations e.g.
An elliptic curve
If the cofactor of
A SNARK circuit defined over curve
For our planned implementation of Honk, the BN254 and Grumpkin curves form this curve cycle.
See this halo2 article for more information.
Verification of a BN254 proof inside a BN254 circuit requires non-native group operations.
One solution is to define a Grumpkin circuit that performs BN254 scalar multiplications.
The BN254 circuit can now verify the correctness of this Grumpkin proof instead of directly performing non-native group operations.
However this approach is not perfect. One must now verify 2 proofs instead of 1 (assuming one is evaluating core protocol logic over 1 curve and uses the cycle curve purely for recursive verification). Each proof requires a nontrivial amount of hashing, particularly if the proof system's IPA uses a sumcheck protocol .
In addition, the field operations required to verify the Grumpkin proof are non-native operations in the BN254 circuit.
It is a non-trivial task to delegate these field operations to a future Grumpkin circuit in the recursion stack. At some point we must link curve A circuit witnesses to public inputs of a SNARK over the cycle curve. This will always require (many) non-native field operations.
Consider the original problem; we need to verify a BN254 proof in a BN254 circuit.
Instead of performing non-native group operations (or verifying the correctness of a Grumpkin proof), there is a third solution.
We use a modified lookup table protocol (e.g. plookup) to read from a lookup table.
The lookup table contains the inputs/outputs of the precise non-native group operations we require.
We define the "precomputed" lookup table commitments to be
The commitments
We will use a curve transposition protocol to convert these commitments into commitments over the Grumpkin curve.
The resulting circuit that proves the transcript results (and evaluates the required group arithmetic) will subsequently be defined over the Grumpkin curve and only require native (variable-base) group arithmetic.
To maximise Prover efficiency, we wish to have to execute the curve transposition protocol once for a set of recursive proofs.
Additionally we only want to compute a proof of correctness of the transcript once.
i.e. recursion should not require recursively verification of transcript proofs
To acheive this, our recursion step must efficiently aggregate two transcript commitments.
To better frame the problem, consider the recursive verification scenario. We have a proof
Assuming we know inductively that the transcript at step
The exact manner of how to do this depends on the representation of the transcript polynomial. To give an example we assume a univariate commitment over a coefficient basis (i.e. what happens in Honk and HyperPlonok).
Assuming the first
Additionally it must be proven that the degree of
An example aggregation scheme when using a multilinear Proving system is described in the aggregation chapter.
Once a set of recursive proofs have been computed, we will be left with aggregated transcript commitments
These commitments will represent instructions to perform BN254 elliptic curve operations.
We wish to provide transcript commitments over the Grumpkin curve and prove the equivalence of the commitments over the two curves.
We can achieve this using a relatively small amount of non-native field arithmetic.
First we take the set of Grumpkin polynomial commitments
We evaluate the Grumpkin polynomials at a random challenge
There will be a trivial map between the witness encoded in the original transcript commitments
We can use a BN254 SNARK circuit to derive Grumpkin polynomial coefficients from the BN254 transcript commitments. We then directly evaluate the claimed Grumpkin polynomials in the Grumpkin field, within a BN254 SNARK circuit. This requires non-native field arithmetic.
N.B. the range check to require the witnesses to be smaller than the group order can be acquired "for free" as the non-native field arithmetic component will apply appropriate range constraints on the inputs.
We require two bespoke circuits that perform non-native field operations and elliptic curve group operations respectively.
The former will be constructed/proved over the BN254 curve. The latter over the Grumpkin curve.
For efficiency reasons we want to architect these circuits as virtual machines.
Instead of defining simple conditions that must be true (e.g. "
For example "compute
This approach reduces the amount of information required in the instruction transcript. This is valuable because each transcript polynomial degree requires a non-native field multiplication to evaluate.
For Goblin recursion, the only instructions required by this "Instruction Machine" are BN254 group operations (including scalar mul ops). However we can extend the concept and add additional useful instructions into the IM that will improve Prover efficiency (e.g. SHA256, non-native field arithmetic not related to BN254 group operations). Each instruction type can then be evaluated by a single purpose-built bespoke circuit at the end of the recursion stack.