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Weather refers to the atmospheric conditions in a specific place at a given time, including temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation, and pressure. It affects our daily lives, influencing activities, clothing, and safety. Weather patterns also play a crucial role in agriculture, transportation, energy, and health.

Key Elements of Weather

Temperature: How hot or cold the atmosphere is.

Humidity: The moisture level in the air.

Precipitation: Rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

Wind: Movement of air caused by pressure differences.

Pressure: The weight of the air, influencing weather patterns.

Why Weather Matters

Agriculture: Farmers rely on weather for planting and harvesting.

Transportation: Weather affects travel conditions, with rain, snow, or fog causing disruptions.

Energy: Weather influences energy consumption, especially heating and cooling needs.

Health: Extreme weather can lead to health risks, like heatstroke or frostbite.

Weather Forecasting

Meteorologists use tools like satellites, radar, and computer models to predict weather patterns and warn of severe conditions, helping people prepare.

Common Weather Conditions

Sunny: Clear skies.

Cloudy: Overcast with lots of clouds.

Rainy: Precipitation in the form of rain.

Snowy: Precipitation in the form of snow.

Windy: Strong winds.

Stormy: Severe weather with rain, wind, and lightning.

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