![Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 10.36.29](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rk6Uba2aa.png) ## Navigating the "Create a Task" page :::info :warning: You must connect your wallet to Goerli to create tasks and lists. ::: **Title** Task of task **When does this task expire?** Select a future date as deadline to interact with this task. **Detail** Detail is where you share more information about this task. We currently support (1) unformatted text and (2) URL embedding where we use iFrame to help render the URL directly within the task page. This page exists at https://hackmd.io/@audsssy/H1bZW6h66 and is displayed here using iFrame. We can add Hackmd integration so that you may use markdown to add bullet points, block quotes, etc. in the Detail field. **If this is something that you’d like to see added, please share a response to this task.** **Fee** The maintainer of the contract that stores this task decides and receives the fees. The maintainer may be a DAO or an externally-owned account (EOA). **Submit** Clicking "Submit" will post this task to the Goerli blockchain. Goerli is currently in its End of Life phase and will be deprecated soon, we will move to **Sepolia** for future tests.