What Arbitrum is looking for ([Grants AMA](https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1gqxvyQpbBBJB?s=20)): - KPI & Milestones - Why Arbitrum? - 6-mo Roadmap with 1 milestone per 2 mo - initial funding + funding at milestones - Grant size - ballpark $10-75k but no min or cap.. "you should know what you need" ## Draft Response Please detail (in separate paragrap hs) each MILESTONE that your team tracks to define success for your project as it relates to your Grant Request (ie: if your grant request pertains to development over the next six months, include milestones over that period. You can share your longer-term project plan in supporting links or documents upload) Include the following for each milestone: (a) the milestone itself, (b) your current progress towards this milestone, (c) expected date of achievement, (d) which KPIs you track related to this milestone, and (e) how you measure your milestone/KPI progress We expect roughly one milestone for every 2 to 3 months of the project's timeline. --------- | Milestone | Category|Objectives|Progress| |-|-|-|-| |0|dApp| Kali | [website](https://app.kali.gg/) | ||| Playground smart contracts (trip-to-earn) | [repo](https://github.com/arm0ry/playground) | ||| Playground dApp | [website](https://arm0ry.g0v.tw/playground/) | |1 (2 mo)|dApp| scan qr codes to load a page for signing tx to signal trail progress | 0% | ||| add and test permit sign patterns to smart contracts | 50% | |||update Playground UIUX | 0% | ||Trails| install QR codes at 2 beginner trail| 0% | ||| create trips using the beginner trails| 0% | ||| develop and analyze data from trips | 0% | ||Outreach| reach out to X relevant local orgs for collaboration| 0% | |--|-- |**Milestone 1 Progress %** | **0%** | |2 (4 mo)|dApp|support no-wallet tx for general public (aka users that don't intend to create their own wallets yet) | 0%| ||| | 0% | ||| | 0% | ||Trails| | 0% | ||| | 0% | ||Outreach| | 0% | |--|-- |**Milestone 2 Progress %** | **0%** | **Provide a short summary of your project, with bullet points of key aspects you want to highlight.** We want to crowdsource hiking data using a DAO-managed trip-to-earn MVP on hiking activites to surface trail stats and even heatmaps on-chain. We want to use QR code (and explore other tech that reduces UX friction like NFC) to collect hiking data. Most hiking data is permissioned, yet hiking data is relatively painless to capture , it's also helpful and useful for local recreations like checking trail traffic, environmental preservation like trail maintenance/cleanup, and many other purposes. We hope to use QR codes as checkpoints to submit transactions on-chain (public: scan and server submits tx, dapp user: scan and EIP2612 sign), complete trips, and collectively and digitally light up hiking trails. We also hope to raise environmental awareness around the trails by making trip NFTs (think hypercerts over badges) available for collection. The NFTs are fully onchain, SVGs, and updates as new QR code scans comes in. A portion of the NFT proceeds will go to organizations that help maintain and preserve the trails. Key aspects: - On-chain trip-to-earn dApp - Crowdsource hiking heatmaps - Crowdfund environmental awareness via NFT **Provide background on each team member in an executive, founder, or financial control role (including links to relevant social accounts) along with their relevant experience.** audsssy (https://twitter.com/audsssy) has been in this the crypto space since 2017 working for a decentralized exchange. In early 2020, he started experimenting with DAOs (LexDAO, MetaFactory, etc.) and picked up solidity to program reality with smart contracts. Since then, audsssy became a core member of Kali (https://twitter.com/kali__gg), building a DAO framework with legal entities, and a participant in the g0v community (https://g0v.tw/intl/en/) in Taiwan. **What are some of the obstacles or challenges that could arise in the development of your project, and how do you plan to mitigate them?** It remains a question whether QR codes will provide enough accuracy to validate trail completions. We aim to introduce checkpoints, time limits and other parameters to eliminate potential false hiking progress or completions. In addition, QR code is susceptible to sybil attack, which may become problematic in delivering accurate and measurable impact results. An alternative is to use NFC chips for its security, programmability and durability in outdoor conditions, but integration and development do come at a higher cost. **What problem is your project working to solve?** In addition open sourcing hiking data, Arm0ry also hopes to continue experimenting with other applications running on this DAO-managed trip-to-earn pattern. Specifically through the trip NFTs, we hope to experiment with impact funding, to further explore digitizing off-chain signals for cultural and public benefits. Impact funding is still a nascent industry but with huge potential in both Web2 and Web3 space, we hope to surface an innovative and technical approach to impact funding that comes with measurable results. We chose to start with hiking because it's got relatively low barrier of entry, a decently controlled environment, and most importantly, it is a positive and beneficial activity for everyone to do. The underlying smart contracts that powers the trip-to-earn mechanism may be applied to other recreational activities, physical or virtual, and we'd very much love to continue experimenting with similar positive, enabling, self-care type activities. We firmly believe we can uncover patterns that make onchaining offchain activities fun and worthwhile! **How will your project add sustainable value to the Arbitrum ecosystem?** **How is your project currently doing? Discuss metrics such as total value locked, daily active users, transaction volume, unique addresses, and/or any other key performance indicator your team is tracking.** We track number of trip starts and completions. Currently we host **Provide links to any relevant sources of data relating to your project, where available (ie: Dune dashboard, web traffic monitoring page, etc)** **Provide a high-level budget breakdown for your project that supports how you arrived at the requested funding value and where this amount will be spent.** 4 months 2 milestones $50 / hr Smart contract development - 20 hr / week Full stack dApp development - 20 hr / week Outreach/Communications/Local relations - 15 hr / week Designer - 10 hr / week Trail engineer - 10 hr / week Total hours per week: 75 hr Travel and other expenses: $5,000 **Total funding requested: $65,000** **Grant payments provided through the Foundation Grant Program are tied to the completion of milestones. Given your budget and milestones described above, please outline your ideal allocation of funding across your presented milestones and approval date allocation.**