# abundance mindset (or violence) the Kingdom of Heaven is led by force and the violent are seizing it (Mat 11:12) I think that in 3-74, at the height of despair and fear and grieving I stumbled into the Kingdom, stumbled around for a while and then stumbled back out, none the wiser as to how I got there .. Now I don’t see or understand anything. (Exegesis) Both Dick and a couple of other authors point towards a general personality failure and psychosis being at times instrumental in unlocking shamanic experience. In our case, there was never a problem, and we didn't approach the Kingdom with our hand stretched out, as a beggar, but rather from the position of force, and out of a scientific curiosity about the borders and experiences we'd reach through a combination of hypnosis and magickal beliefs (as opposed to the scientific reductionism we've been familiar with). Our hacker-like persistence in this can be in turn compared with monastic tradition, of achieving spiritual experiences through “goal-directed striving” rather than passively or by accident. But we are likely going much further with this in terms of N-of-1 on-demand reproducibility. The more Dick would mellow out, assuming himself an amazed *target* of benevolent divinity, the farther he would go from *unknown*, the *safer* he would feel in the familiar cradle of Christian Providence - the less he'd had access to his Kingdom. And this is interesting because it tells us something about the *will*. Seems like spiritual revelation is sometimes a form of endogenous changework. A lot of traditional resources are pulled from the collective unconscious as a kind of a failsafe. Once the person is through with the transformations and on their route towards being reintegrated into society, ((purple: they return to normal life as if nothing ever happened.)) It is a bit like Westworlds s02e10, where Bernard Lowe conjures the spirit of Robert Ford, only to figure out later that this particular Ford was a timely product of Bernard's own imagination. That is, among the various forms of will there is the medical kind, which comes about when the person is challenged, and goes back to sleep otherwise. We could say that this will is [prevention focused](https://youtu.be/TwasxNk1824?t=2815), and is inversely motivated when the sense of emotional safety or well-being is achieved. For Dick the access to the paranormal experiences was a boon, and he wonders where did it all go. Turning from revelation to speculation. This is evident from his manner of speech, which goes from that of authority to one of awe. (We are only surprised by that which is no longer a part of our identity/narrative.) He has “*no idea as to how I stumbled out, and seeking always to find my way back ever since*”, but attributing his experiences to some external will could have been for him a Cold Control block against reproducing them by the will of his own, or else approaching them as a skill to be learned and exercised. Long experience on a job always increases people’s confidence in their judgments, but in the absence of rapid feedback, confidence is no guarantee of either accuracy or consensus. (Kahneman) In that same [Westworlds s02e10](https://youtu.be/mkuIsrJLikk) episode AI hints that application of will in a human system can be, in general, broken. As the imagined Ford would say [later](https://youtu.be/YLmXCtJfTCU), referring in part to Left-brain interpreter, a human consciousness is often a “passenger”. The will is applied by the unconscious drivers, which are not accessible to the surface consciousness precisely because the rational and socially acceptable narrative does not match the underlying machinery. It is like the Maggie Simpson car seat, where the steering wheel and the gas pedal are not attached. Indeed, application of verbal will might be so strange to a “normal” person that we would have a special term for it: “self-hypnosis”. Here the application of will can be immediately measured (through the variety of hypnotic effects), which per Kahneman is a good predictor of expertize. Abundance mindset (AM) might be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it creates a Predictive Processing pull between the narrative and reality. On the other hand, if we would convince ourselves that everything is well, then there is no reason left for a change. This spectrum between the “effort error” and “positive illusion” is among the common hypnotic toolset. Conversely, self-hypnosis effects allow us to test for and find a proper cocktail of emotions for the AM to be effective. p.s. It is a different matter when the AM is not being treated as a silver bullet in isolation, but ((bible: rather as one of the many tools in a complex of cognitive skills)) as a station on the line of cathexis. We can imagine a metro map of states available to a given person. At the very minimum there should be two stations with sympathetic and parasympathetic activation (“stress” and “activation” per Garkavi). We'd argue that a human system would be less error-prone and more effective when stations collaborate, and when AM is one of such stations, rather than a solitary credo and outlook. There might be less tuning necessary when AM is thus a part of a larger self-regulating whole. Let us review some of AM benefits. For starters, it has a good ROI aka “scale of impact”. Which can be less than obvious if all we think of is whether a “positive illusion” is a truth. AM's ROI begins with positive emotions. They are a *currency* which can foster collaboration and productivity in a network (whether it is an external social network, an internal network of brain agents, or a mystical network of spirits). Appreciation for the things and experiences we have is almost free, but pays in the increased reciprocal attention, understanding, orientation and engagement. It is related closely to faithfulness and meaning (resolving a noogenic neurosis). AM is thus a root of a tree of derivatives, which include physiological and immune recuperation. A person might seek AM when they are challenged by the pain of PANIC/GRIEF and FEAR networks. It can, therefore, help to reprogram some of the seven Affective Networks into being a more helpful or integrated resource. AM can catapult a person into Secure Attachment Style, changing the landscape of social Games and Scripts (in Transactional Analysis terms). Hard times create good men, good men create easy times, easy times create weak men, and then weak men create hard times. Why not make AM the only station then? Some obvious analogies would be with hyperinflation. Exponential addiction to endogenous feel-good. Lack of continuous optimization, certain naivety and blindness, as fertile ground for corruption (2023-01-08). Cancerogenic anabolism. De-integration of “negative” Affective Networks and formation of a “shadow”. One wonders about the case where AM is combined with something stressful, due to the sense of urgency or fear. Garkavi's research allows for one physiological subsystem to be in a “stress” and another in “activation”, though they tend to synchronize into a single “non-specific” reaction. It's useful to consider how the subsystems are isolated throughout the body (cf. The Spark in the Machine by Daniel Keown). With some propensity or exercise it should be possible to mix sympathetic and parasympathetic accentuations. Strelkin, for example, likes to induce “below the neck” relaxation. p.s. Take [Mat 21:19-22](https://biblehub.com/context/matthew/21-19.htm) for example. On one hand, by trusting (πιστεύοντες) the person we're asking (προσευχῇ) something of, we invite them to reciprocate on that trust. AM thus makes a ground for “win-win” relationship, “*in order to collectively pool skills and talents .. so that obstacles standing in the way of the basic goal can either be removed or overcome.*” On the other hand, if AM is the only station a person has, it would be harder for them to recognize a loosing game, or a problem. It's likely that people successful in using AM would have a filtering system in place, to selectively apply that state (or else to avoid situations where it is not working as it should). Per Positive Test Strategy, TA Ego States, Schemas, or various other terms describing memory fragmentation, it follows that people would tend to misrepresent the AM: they would see everything else tintend by the lens of the station they are presently focusing on. Conversely, when people would advocate AM as a silver bullet (such as when *abundance* at Mat 21:22 is taken in isolation from *scarcity* at Mat 21:19), we should think rather of the metro map of states and situations they've learned to navigate in. p.s. There is an intersection between the scarcity and abundance mindsets which Joseph Riggio might have mentioned somewhere: that we should only allow for the kinds of relationships we want to have. Mat 21:19-22 might be about that kind of revolution. It tells, in the same passage, of expecting reality to match and answer our prayers, and of burning it down when it does not. (Reminds us of Trance Gemini in Andromeda trimming away the timelines.)