# Bulk Export Parameter Processing Flow ```mermaid flowchart TB all[All resources available for Bulk Export] group["Exclude resources for patients not in group\n(if group export)"] authz["Exclude unauthorized resources\n(based on scopes and user)"] type["Exclude resources with types not listed in `_type` parameter\n(if provided/supported)"] since["Exclude resources updated before `_since` timestamp\n(if provided/supported)"] typefilter_criteria[Resource types that have _typeFilter criteria] typefilter_filter[Exclude resources that don't meet the criteria\nin at least one of the criteria sets] typefilter_no_criteria[Resource types that don't have _typeFilter criteria] typefilter_no_filter[Retain all resources for these resource types] iad[Add associated resources\nspecified in IncludeAssociatedData parameter] return[Resources included in export] all --> group --> authz --> type --> since --> typefilter_criteria --> typefilter_filter --> iad since --> typefilter_no_criteria --> typefilter_no_filter --> iad iad --> return ```