VPROD 9-19-22

loose agenda

  • just things on jin's mind
  • happy to take it in whatever direction
  • wants to know what's up with people and get stuff on dework
  • raindance is oct 27th and it goes for a month
    • 85% happening in vrchat
    • lots of events and parties planned
    • metarick: if we want to throw a party at the Black Sun, they can put that on the agenda
    • MVC M3 party for rain dance
      • more like chat meet and greet party not a dance party like usual vrchat party scene
  • jin wants us to have habit of continually checking out vprod bible
  • need to re run kevin mack footage world (jin's cursor fucked up footage)
  • jin wants to record animations in VR using motion shader then it into unity then assign those animations to NPCs
  • jin showing neos motion capture tool
  • metagen https://github.com/MetaGenAI/MetaGenNeos
    • allows to record motion voice vision hearing, etc
    • being used to train AI's
    • exports directly as BVH files

dework roadmap


gitgoin grants

  • few days left to get funding
  • 3.8mil for matching donations
  • jin cool with putting all raised funding to go into multi sig to pay other people
  • frame this in a way of creating shorts
    • in those shorts we open source the tools and assets
    • trailers, music videos, etc.
    • try thing with cinematography and tech behind it
      • treat it as a case study
      • can be used as basis for future feature length

altered evil video review
