# Avatar Interop 9-20-22 ## Jin screenshare - hackmd to gather all the various hackmd's - books within books - wants to do it in a 3d space - create anarchy arcade style thinking space - webaverse MMO Guide show and tell + why its important when it comes to avatar interop - need at least 3 platforms for good interop lab - webaverse solves a lot of hard problems in open source way - a lot of readme's for different parts are lacking - docs need a lot of work - [Webaverse MMO Guide](https://hackmd.io/@XR/webaverse-mmo/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40XR%2Fwebaverse-mmo-guide%23%2F) - everything linked to github; bi-directional between github and dework - gamify our work is the vibe we're going for here - metagame is a huge inpiration - how we work to create a new society - this philosophy trickles down into MF and now M3 - openvoxels discussion - vrm support coming - book of voxels -- jin wrote out thoughts on hackmd for it - reviewing history of cryptovoxels and its development - overview of voxels and interop with it bringing it to vrc and other places - learning how juice box works - set one up for openvoxels -- centralize all interop voxels related things in one feed - vrm as a service - everyone wants to make avatars for their projects - avatar economy very interesting - vrm as service to take 2d things and turn them into vrm - if anyone is interested in making money working on avatars, let jin know - m3 badges - get badges for various things - jin setup a repo - upcoming events - side events; plan ahead to align with other orgs doing interesting things - raindance is one upcoming event we can do stuff with - 6529's "NFTs and the Metaverse" ... between oct 3 and dec 19th - interesting to talk to ppl involved there in other platforms; wants to expand ppl's views rather than keeping things crypto focused - metaloot - testing many base meshes with lots of wearables - rather than ready player me or vroid with very limited options and bases - open floor - [Hyperfy Dework](https://app.dework.xyz/hyperfy-98091) - checking out hyperfy worlds - world of boar - memory's avatar has UV Scroll on it (is cool) - [70roy hackmd](https://hackmd.io/@7OROY/H17BNwEvq#7OROY-World) - free tshirt here - wide phetta - ![](https://i.imgur.com/vOd1lox.png) - apps coming to hyperfy soon - hyper token also coming soon - philbert made atm where you can get your hyper - will make this an app to put in any world - [jin lobby idea for webxr](https://github.com/madjin/webxr-lobby) - great interop test lab potential - vive got vrm pilled - adding basic implementation to viveverse - viveverse heavy focus on vprod