Vprod 8-29-22
- jin wants to use this time to setup a knowledge base
- metarick: virtualhumans.org โ looks like talent agency for virtual actors
- jin: loose schedule for today
create knowledge base
- kept up to date on virtual production
- a lot of resources focused on unreal
- unreal cool but we have a lot of cool indie open metaverse stuff too
- jin has a lot of exp making awesome lists
- wants 1 stop shop for everything related to virtual production
- also wants us to study and git gud
- do more than just compile lists
- actually work on it
- once a week share what we do
other topics
- dev realtime pipeline for faster workflow
- from unreal engine vprod hub
- edward keen to do something on AI or NPCs.
- shooting in vrc but having weba elements as well
- weba has script called animation baker
- converts fbx animation files into something 3js can digest
- = can use same mixamo animations and replay them in webaverse
- can animate cut scenes in browsers โ create them with AI programs such as flask AI or shader motion, export that, get sort of interoperable file formats we can bring into other game engines including the web
- would love to do some sort of trailer cut scene or video game intro showcasing this
- tomorrow jin wants to go thru system he setup with integrating dework and github together
- attach bounties for helping and improving documentation
- webaverse mmo โ forked a bunch of repos all related to avatars. weapons, wearables, pets, etc.
- jin surprised to see my bow submission even tho we did it together a few days ago
- added issues
- we are looking for 1 more person to join multi sig for weba mmo (currently just jin and arashi)
- a lot of roles to play in vprod
- pipeline dev
- environment
- character design
- storyboard sequencing
- imagine this as an open source project
- group project: gallery of pieces used to build virtual hollywood
jin wants to open it up for ppl to talk about their projects
- jin and alterdevil talking at length about making videos
- arashi wants to know if we should address what to do with mcon metaverse gathering starting in 6 days
- jin says hackmd some ideas together then go into writers room to hammer it down
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