# avatar interop 9-13-22 ## agenda - proposal for metaverse forum - review of avatar interop project we are all working on ### opening chat - review of avatar interop group ethos - what we're about - what we do - provide feedback to other open metaverse groups - a lot of momentum with metaloot - vrms with ML on vroid hub - what is M3? - some new peeps in chat, jin explaining m3 - "radically open" in how we work - create content and documentation - review of a lot of the stuff we've been working on - discussing dev logs of all the things - review of resources on devlog and github - goal to turn into knowledge base / digital garden - goal to build open source meta verse lab - billions going into silos - we need something more transparent and permissionless ### tomorrow presentation - web consortium - jin sharing draft of presentation - esentially a proposed charter for an avatar wearables working group - honed in on fashion and wearables - goals: - digital fashion - layering systems - co op between multiple initiatives - old blog post from 2007 by dude who made ultima online - https://www.raphkoster.com/2007/10/10/interoperability/ - non humanoid avatars - base customization - rig skeletal system - loot wearables ### jin note dropping in chat: - Pragmatic and Action-Based - The Forum will focus on pragmatic, action-based projects such as implementation prototyping, hackathons, plugfests, and open-source tooling to accelerate the testing and adoption of standards, while also developing consistent terminology and deployment guidelines. - The Forum will not create standards itself but will coordinate requirements and resources to foster the creation and evolution of standards within standards organizations working in relevant domains. - [Avatar Builders HackMD](https://hackmd.io/@XR/avatarbuilders) - https://standards.ieee.org/ieee/3141/10825/ - https://www.web3d.org/working-groups/humanoid-animation-hanim - https://hackmd.io/@XR/mocap-interop - https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/on-demand/session/gtcspring22-s41482/ - https://vrm.dev/en/vrm/vrm_applications - https://github.com/vrm-c/vrm-specification/tree/master/specification/VRMC_vrm-1.0-beta