--- tags: [Anoma] title: tools for the socioeconomic renaissance type: slide slideOptions: transition: fade #showNotes: true # keyboard shortcuts: # - Esc: slide overview # - S: presenter view (only works with Slide mode link from Share menu) --- <style> <!-- limit height of graphviz diagrams --> .graphviz bg { height: 300px } </style> # tools for the socioeconomic renaissance (apriori, ETH Prague 2024) *thank you to christopher goes, d, can gurel and many others who work on anoma for inspiration* --- ## overview - socioeconomics and cybernetics - crypto problems - tools --- ## tools - eth berlin: slippers, head/neck scarf, carry-bag - digital nomad tools - hammer, saw, paint roller, nail gun - tools for building a house - solidity, foundry, ethers.js, open zeppelin - tools for building ethereum dapps --- ## major key - tools give you the means to change the system - a butterfly in india flaps its wings... --- *"in an ideological system, agents can have heterogeneous goals, beliefs and behaviours and interact with each other through communication, persuasion, socialization and mobilization. these interactions can create feedback loops that reinforce or modify their behaviour and the level of used resources."* -- kazakov, petrova & kazakova (art and culture and ideological systems, 2024) --- ## socioeconomic systems - in socioeconomic systems, feedback loops are observed such that economic policies and social behaviors *interact and influence each other.* --- ## feedback loops - A feedback loop is a cause-and-effect system in which the outputs of a system feed back in as inputs and start new cycles. - virtuous flywheel - reflexivity --- ## we are not talking about (3,3) ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJBiIz-VC.png) --- ## cybernetic systems - cybernetic systems are concerned with measurement and control of complex feedback processes - control inputs - can be chosen - outputs - can be measured - targets - can be chosen - unknown function of system evolution - strategy to adjust control inputs to hit targeted outputs --- ## study cybernetics - cybernetics can help us understand socioeconomic problems - model and simulate system dynamics - understand information flows - design adaptive controls: monitor performance, target delta - understand complexity & non-linear relationships - build resiliant systems, robust to shocks: antifragile? --- ## conjecture - if a renaissance is demarcated by observations (cybernetics!) of notable shifts in art, politics, culture, literature and science then its possible we are in one; - agi - life extension - space exploration - synthetic biology - agnosticism - We need tools to survive... but first --- ## crypto problems - solving socioeconomic problems in the real world is cool but we should solve our own problems first... - capital formation - communication complexity - credible promises for organizations --- ## capital formation - builders faced with dilemma - path 1: apply for grants/ position for pgf + rpgf rounds - path 2: raise from investors with the promise of a token --- ## path 1: - input - make efforts to apply for grant seek out pgf/rpgf/qf - outputs - maybe get funded maybe not - target - the funding you want - unknown function of system evolution - competition amongst applicants, alignment, availability of funds, market conditions... - strategy - apply and position until you get what you want or rage quit (break the cycle) --- ## path (1) dependent outcome - path 1: is often not sustainable for projects that want to scale for mass adoption - too much delta from outputs and target --- ## path 2: - input - make efforts to raise from investors - outputs - maybe get funded maybe not - target - the funding you want - unknown function of system evolution - competition amongst startups, narrative wars, availability of funds, market conditions... - strategy - build what VCs want or pretend to until you get funded, promise a token --- ## path (2) dependent outcome - path 2: may warp the incentives to build something useful - users still don't get what they want! - builders flush with cash overnight - buy yachts and retire early --- ## communication complexity - preference overload & privacy trade-offs - signal, telegram, whatsApp, discord, slack, and twitter - oh my! --- ## communication loop - input - use multiple apps to communciate - outputs - dopamine drained, fatigue, emotional - target - efficient communication with colleagues - unknown function of system evolution - likes/RTs, random messages, dialectic, gossip, solicitations... - strategy - check all of the necessary apps frequently to stay up to date, get more addicted, leak more data. --- ## path dependent outcome - more of the same - twitter remains the schelling point (sorry farcaster, mastodon, bluesky) 😞 - dopamine addiction and burnout --- ## credible promises for organizations - internally - accountability without hierarchy doesn't seem possible - externally - difficult to demonstrate credibility / competence --- ## organizational challenges - input - flat organizational hierarchy - outputs - incomplete work, delayed timelines, toxic culture - target - ship and iterate, worker/customer satisfaction - unknown function of system evolution - talent gaps, work on the wrong stuff, employee churn, resource misallocation... - strategy - re-org every few months until something works, larp to external parties --- ## path dependent outcomes - overpromise and underdeliver until you ship or the cycle breaks --- ## problems - These problems are not just isolated feedback loops - problems interact with other problems converging into larger feedback loops which are more difficult to change. --- ## the fujiwhara effect ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hk6qRE-NA.png) --- ## problems : tools - note: we are using protocol tools to design applications which solve our social problems - capital formation : public signal - communication complexity : multichat - credible promises for organizations : promise graph --- ## public signal - intent-centric kickstarter - dominant assurance contracts (refund bonuses) - funding campaigns 40% -> 66% (Alex Taborok) - demand side aggregation - hardware procurement - funding of many kinds - funds spectrum of private to public goods - fun gamification --- ### minimal loveable public signal *(h/t mike ruzic - minimum loveable)* - requirements - entrepreneurs who desire to build a project - users who want to back projects - dominant assurance contract mechanisms - intents (credible commitments) - identity verification - application interface - anoma nodes *for details see this [blogpost](https://anoma.net/blog/publicsignal)* --- ### public signal intent types - identity based; you will donate 1 ETH to any project Vitalik donates at least 10 ETH to - information based; you will donate 1 ETH to any project doing superconductivity research - incentive based; you will donate 10 ETH to any project offering a refund bonus. - threshold based; you will donate 10,000 NAM to any project that raises > 50% of their campaign goal in t < 1 week --- ## [mock] public signal interface ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HyFbXIZ4C.png) --- ## multichat - distributed slack-like network *without* a central server operator. - separates protocols from operators: - customize interfaces for particular types of communication - user trust graphs to identify and maintain connectivity, discoverability *for details see this [blogpost](https://anoma.net/blog/envisioning-multichat-exploring-chat-application-architectures-and-anoma-potential)* --- ## minimal lovable multichat - core feature set should include: - a messaging protocol - user management system - complex permissioning - message expiry - user presence and status - a notification system - end 2 end encryption --- ## multichat is for new types of organizations - who: designed to handle heterogeneous organization graphs - similar to discord or slack who have shared channels managed on centralized servers - how: share data, communicate over p2p network with orgs you share information with --- #### comparison table with chat apps <a href="https://ibb.co/0VYjn4q"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/CsV5wCB/Untitled-62.png" alt="Untitled-62" border="0"></a> --- ## promise graph - a language and structured accounting logic for making and managing promises in and across distributed organizations. - enables collaboration / cooperation b/w different parties w/o needing for them to be aware of, or restricted by the limits & structures of their organizations - flexible topology of promises based on need --- ## minimum lovable promise graph - conceptual structure - accountability - customer-performer negotiation - tasks: properties & states (planned -> complete) - operational structure - completing, confirming, planning, renegotiating, starting, viewing --- ### task state flow <a href="https://ibb.co/pKwLwBB"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/rp0w0RR/Untitled-61.png" alt="Untitled-61" border="0"></a> --- ## dogfooding at heliax - currently use with github - task actions - creating, planning, starting, completing, confirming, rejecting, cancelling, renegotiating - task representation - tasks are represented by github issues in a 1:1 correspondence - soon with anoma 😎 *for details read this [description of the system](https://promisegrapheliax.click/)* --- ### takeaways - cybernetics can help us reason about socioeconomic systems - improve our understanding feedback loops and designing resilient systems - fun to solve the worlds problems let's solve crypto problems first... - capital formation, communication complexity, credible promises for organizations - new tools to create new feedback loops --- ## which way cryptoman? <a href="https://ibb.co/2vP3q4Q"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/N9p2xBP/Untitled-68.png" alt="Untitled-68" border="0"></a> --- ## complaints, feedback, questions - twitter: @apriori0x - anoma.net/blog - art.anoma.net - research.anoma.net