
To store and share code and content we use Github.com. The idea is to make development transparent and add to it social networking experience:

  • contiusly publish what we do
  • deliver new releases
  • document everything
  • collect and organize feedback
    • bug reports
    • feature requests
    • likes, dislikes

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for more info about Github: Complete Guide to Open Source

App code and content are separated into two independent projects (repositories):

You could notice this links in Install section. After installation they both are on your computer, but still conected to our repositories.

Update the app

If you run from project folder command:

git remote -v

you'll see a link to the remote repository associated with your one.

That means, that you can easilly update your app, by running command:

git pull 

All code from our Github repository will be loaded on your computer.

Notice: if you changed code, this operatation will require from you some additional actions, like resolve conflicts etc

Update content

The situation with content is completely different, because it connected to a demo (example) and you wont update your content from it. Than it is better to remove the connection:

cd content
git remote rm origin 

You might want to create your own content repository to collaborate on with other people. After you do it on Github and get link to your repo, execute:

git remote add origin link-to-your-repo.git

After you do some changes in your local files (/content), for upload them to github, run:

git push 

If someone else did changes and updloaded them to github, for download them, run:

git pull

Be carefull from where you execute commands, because there is two repositories, for the app and for content. Notice the path before blinking cursor: is it folder for the app folder or content?