It is a blog-like screen with rich formatted text explanations, embedded images, audios, videos, quizzes, and sounded words.
You can use standard markdown: headers, bold, italic, blockquote, list, image.
In addition to markdown, you can add videos and audios from local files, network links, and youtube.
You can add into text sounded words (they will play on click on them) and quizzes, with auto-check user answers for correctness.
# Unit 1 [richText]
## Some header in article
Here is a paragraph with **bold** and *emphasized* text.
Some unordered list:
* item 1
* item 2
And ordered list:
1. item 1
1. item 2
1. item 3

To add video or audio use: [media | link/to/material]
Link can be to:
local file (in /content folder)
file in internet (
youtube video experimental, use it carifully
Sounded text
If you want to make some words/phrases in the text sounding by click on them, use the syntax [[text | path/to/file]]:
This is [[sounded phrase | audios/word_3]] in text.
When a user clicks on sounded phrase will be played file audios/word_3 from folder /content.
You can omit the second parameter and write [[sounded word]], then will be played file: chapterId/subchapterId/audios/sounded_word from folder /content. If you want to use this short syntax, you should name files by their text, replacing all spaces and punctuation with _(underscore symbol), and make them lower case.
An example:
To make [[Hi! how are you?]] playable by click on it, you should put file hi_how_are_you_.mp3 to folder chapterId/subchapterId/audios
To add a quiz, provide a user with variants (choices), and mark the correct ones.
Multiple choice:
- [v] variant 1
- [ ] variant 2
- [v] variant 3
Single choice:
- ( ) variant 1
- (x) variant 2
- ( ) variant 3
To mark the correct variant, use any non-space symbol.