# Contributor Summit 2023.10 - planning doc ###### tags: `contributor summit` ## https://forum.ansible.com/t/ansible-contributor-summit-durham-2023/28 ### Please check (and bookmark) the above forum link for updates! This hackmd note will not be used any longer. ---- ~~The **Ansible Contributor Summit** is a full day working session especially for community contributors to interact with one another, as well as with Ansible development teams (Core, AWX, Galaxy etc.). We will discuss important issues affecting the Ansible contributor community to help shape the future of Ansible, with a focus on improving collaboration with our contributors.~~ ~~We will have a mini conference in the morning with presentations, and join the rest of DjangoCon in the afternoon for sprinting and hacking.~~ ~~### Part of [DjangoCon US 2023](https://2023.djangocon.us/)~~ ~~* **Date**: Thursday, October 19, 2023~~ ~~* **Location**: [Durham convention center](https://2023.djangocon.us/venue/), NC 27701, USA~~ ~~* **Room**: Meeting room 1-2 (sessions), Meeting room 3-4 (lunch)~~ ~~* **Registration**: please select the ticket for `Ansible Contributor Summit + Sprint (Thursday Oct 19)` [when you register for DjangoCon](https://ti.to/defna/djangocon-us-2023)~~ ~~### To join online:~~ ~~* **Registration**: Please [register](https://ti.to/defna/djangocon-us-2023) and select the ticket for `Ansible Contributor Summit + Sprint Online (Thursday Oct 19)`.~~ ~~* **Online chat**: https://matrix.to/#/#summit:ansible.com ~~ ~~* More information (such as live streams) will be provided closer to the event.~~ ~~## Potential Topics~~ ~~**Please include lots of detail so folks have context in advance. Should have links to existing proposals, GH Issues, etc.**~~ ~~***Please propose topics by September 29, 2023 (Friday)***~~ ~~Refer to previous contrib summits [here](https://hackmd.io/@ansible-community/cs202210-planning) and [here](https://hackmd.io/@ansible-community/cs202302-planning) for examples.~~ ### Suggest/propose topics in the [Ansible Forum topic](https://forum.ansible.com/t/ansible-contributor-summit-durham-2023/28).